Ignacio Talavera Cepeda


Sren Kierkegaard at SemEval-2023 Task 4: Label-aware text classification using Natural Language Inference
Ignacio Talavera Cepeda | Amalie Pauli | Ira Assent
Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023)

In this paper, we describe our approach to Task 4 in SemEval 2023. Our pipeline tries to solve the problem of multi-label text classification of human values in English-written arguments. We propose a label-aware system where we reframe the multi-label task into a binary task resembling an NLI task. We propose to include the semantic description of the human values by comparing each description to each argument and ask whether there is entailment or not.


System description for ProfNER - SMMH: Optimized finetuning of a pretrained transformer and word vectors
David Carreto Fidalgo | Daniel Vila-Suero | Francisco Aranda Montes | Ignacio Talavera Cepeda
Proceedings of the Sixth Social Media Mining for Health (#SMM4H) Workshop and Shared Task

This shared task system description depicts two neural network architectures submitted to the ProfNER track, among them the winning system that scored highest in the two sub-tasks 7a and 7b. We present in detail the approach, preprocessing steps and the architectures used to achieve the submitted results, and also provide a GitHub repository to reproduce the scores. The winning system is based on a transformer-based pretrained language model and solves the two sub-tasks simultaneously.