Hammad Ayyubi


Learning from Children: Improving Image-Caption Pretraining via Curriculum
Hammad Ayyubi | Rahul Lokesh | Alireza Zareian | Bo Wu | Shih-Fu Chang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Image-caption pretraining has been quite successfully used for downstream vision tasks like zero-shot image classification and object detection. However, image-caption pretraining is still a hard problem – it requires multiple concepts (nouns) from captions to be aligned to several objects in images. To tackle this problem, we go to the roots – the best learner, children. We take inspiration from cognitive science studies dealing with children’s language learning to propose a curriculum learning framework. The learning begins with easy-to-align image caption pairs containing one concept per caption. The difficulty is progressively increased with each new phase by adding one more concept per caption. Correspondingly, the knowledge acquired in each learning phase is utilized in subsequent phases to effectively constrain the learning problem to aligning one new concept-object pair in each phase. We show that this learning strategy improves over vanilla image-caption training in various settings – pretraining from scratch, using a pretrained image or/and pretrained text encoder, low data regime etc.

IdealGPT: Iteratively Decomposing Vision and Language Reasoning via Large Language Models
Haoxuan You | Rui Sun | Zhecan Wang | Long Chen | Gengyu Wang | Hammad Ayyubi | Kai-Wei Chang | Shih-Fu Chang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

The field of vision-and-language (VL) understanding has made unprecedented progress with end-to-end large pre-trained VL models (VLMs). However, they still fall short in zero-shot reasoning tasks that require multi-step inferencing. To achieve this goal, previous works resort to a divide-and-conquer pipeline. In this paper, we argue that previous efforts have several inherent shortcomings: 1) They rely on domain-specific sub-question decomposing models. 2) They force models to predict the final answer even if the sub-questions or sub-answers provide insufficient information. We address these limitations via IdealGPT, a framework that iteratively decomposes VL reasoning using large language models (LLMs). Specifically, IdealGPT utilizes an LLM to generate sub-questions, a VLM to provide corresponding sub-answers, and another LLM to reason to achieve the final answer. These three modules perform the divide-and-conquer procedure iteratively until the model is confident about the final answer to the main question. We evaluate IdealGPT on multiple challenging VL reasoning tasks under a zero-shot setting. In particular, our IdealGPT outperforms the best existing GPT-4-like models by an absolute 10% on VCR and 15% on SNLI-VE. Code is available at https://github.com/Hxyou/IdealGPT.


Weakly-Supervised Temporal Article Grounding
Long Chen | Yulei Niu | Brian Chen | Xudong Lin | Guangxing Han | Christopher Thomas | Hammad Ayyubi | Heng Ji | Shih-Fu Chang
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Given a long untrimmed video and natural language queries, video grounding (VG) aims to temporally localize the semantically-aligned video segments. Almost all existing VG work holds two simple but unrealistic assumptions: 1) All query sentences can be grounded in the corresponding video. 2) All query sentences for the same video are always at the same semantic scale. Unfortunately, both assumptions make today’s VG models fail to work in practice. For example, in real-world multimodal assets (eg, news articles), most of the sentences in the article can not be grounded in their affiliated videos, and they typically have rich hierarchical relations (ie, at different semantic scales). To this end, we propose a new challenging grounding task: Weakly-Supervised temporal Article Grounding (WSAG). Specifically, given an article and a relevant video, WSAG aims to localize all “groundable” sentences to the video, and these sentences are possibly at different semantic scales. Accordingly, we collect the first WSAG dataset to facilitate this task: YouwikiHow, which borrows the inherent multi-scale descriptions in wikiHow articles and plentiful YouTube videos. In addition, we propose a simple but effective method DualMIL for WSAG, which consists of a two-level MIL loss and a single-/cross- sentence constraint loss. These training objectives are carefully designed for these relaxed assumptions. Extensive ablations have verified the effectiveness of DualMIL.