Doan Nam Long Vu


DP-NMT: Scalable Differentially Private Machine Translation
Timour Igamberdiev | Doan Nam Long Vu | Felix Kuennecke | Zhuo Yu | Jannik Holmer | Ivan Habernal
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations

Neural machine translation (NMT) is a widely popular text generation task, yet there is a considerable research gap in the development of privacy-preserving NMT models, despite significant data privacy concerns for NMT systems. Differentially private stochastic gradient descent (DP-SGD) is a popular method for training machine learning models with concrete privacy guarantees; however, the implementation specifics of training a model with DP-SGD are not always clarified in existing models, with differing software libraries used and code bases not always being public, leading to reproducibility issues. To tackle this, we introduce DP-NMT, an open-source framework for carrying out research on privacy-preserving NMT with DP-SGD, bringing together numerous models, datasets, and evaluation metrics in one systematic software package. Our goal is to provide a platform for researchers to advance the development of privacy-preserving NMT systems, keeping the specific details of the DP-SGD algorithm transparent and intuitive to implement. We run a set of experiments on datasets from both general and privacy-related domains to demonstrate our framework in use. We make our framework publicly available and welcome feedback from the community.


Layer or Representation Space: What Makes BERT-based Evaluation Metrics Robust?
Doan Nam Long Vu | Nafise Sadat Moosavi | Steffen Eger
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

The evaluation of recent embedding-based evaluation metrics for text generation is primarily based on measuring their correlation with human evaluations on standard benchmarks. However, these benchmarks are mostly from similar domains to those used for pretraining word embeddings. This raises concerns about the (lack of) generalization of embedding-based metrics to new and noisy domains that contain a different vocabulary than the pretraining data. In this paper, we examine the robustness of BERTScore, one of the most popular embedding-based metrics for text generation. We show that (a) an embedding-based metric that has the highest correlation with human evaluations on a standard benchmark can have the lowest correlation if the amount of input noise or unknown tokens increases, (b) taking embeddings from the first layer of pretrained models improves the robustness of all metrics, and (c) the highest robustness is achieved when using character-level embeddings, instead of token-based embeddings, from the first layer of the pretrained model.