Arpit Sharma


Linguistically Motivated Features for Classifying Shorter Text into Fiction and Non-Fiction Genre
Arman Kazmi | Sidharth Ranjan | Arpit Sharma | Rajakrishnan Rajkumar
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

This work deploys linguistically motivated features to classify paragraph-level text into fiction and non-fiction genre using a logistic regression model and infers lexical and syntactic properties that distinguish the two genres. Previous works have focused on classifying document-level text into fiction and non-fiction genres, while in this work, we deal with shorter texts which are closer to real-world applications like sentiment analysis of tweets. Going beyond simple POS tag ratios proposed in Qureshi et al.(2019) for document-level classification, we extracted multiple linguistically motivated features belonging to four categories: Lexical features, POS ratio features, Syntactic features and Raw features. For the task of short-text classification, a model containing 28 best-features (selected via Recursive feature elimination with cross-validation; RFECV) confers an accuracy jump of 15.56 % over a baseline model consisting of 2 POS-ratio features found effective in previous work (cited above). The efficacy of the above model containing a linguistically motivated feature set also transfers over to another dataset viz, Baby BNC corpus. We also compared the classification accuracy of the logistic regression model with two deep-learning models. A 1D CNN model gives an increase of 2% accuracy over the logistic Regression classifier on both corpora. And the BERT-base-uncased model gives the best classification accuracy of 97% on Brown corpus and 98% on Baby BNC corpus. Although both the deep learning models give better results in terms of classification accuracy, the problem of interpreting these models remains unsolved. In contrast, regression model coefficients revealed that fiction texts tend to have more character-level diversity and have lower lexical density (quantified using content-function word ratios) compared to non-fiction texts. Moreover, subtle differences in word order exist between the two genres, i.e., in fiction texts Verbs precede Adverbs (inter-alia).


Improving Intent Classification in an E-commerce Voice Assistant by Using Inter-Utterance Context
Arpit Sharma
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on e-Commerce and NLP

In this work, we improve the intent classification in an English based e-commerce voice assistant by using inter-utterance context. For increased user adaptation and hence being more profitable, an e-commerce voice assistant is desired to understand the context of a conversation and not have the users repeat it in every utterance. For example, let a user’s first utterance be ‘find apples’. Then, the user may say ‘i want organic only’ to filter out the results generated by an assistant with respect to the first query. So, it is important for the assistant to take into account the context from the user’s first utterance to understand her intention in the second one. In this paper, we present our approach for contextual intent classification in Walmart’s e-commerce voice assistant. It uses the intent of the previous user utterance to predict the intent of her current utterance. With the help of experiments performed on real user queries we show that our approach improves the intent classification in the assistant.


Combining Knowledge Hunting and Neural Language Models to Solve the Winograd Schema Challenge
Ashok Prakash | Arpit Sharma | Arindam Mitra | Chitta Baral
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Winograd Schema Challenge (WSC) is a pronoun resolution task which seems to require reasoning with commonsense knowledge. The needed knowledge is not present in the given text. Automatic extraction of the needed knowledge is a bottleneck in solving the challenge. The existing state-of-the-art approach uses the knowledge embedded in their pre-trained language model. However, the language models only embed part of the knowledge, the ones related to frequently co-existing concepts. This limits the performance of such models on the WSC problems. In this work, we build-up on the language model based methods and augment them with a commonsense knowledge hunting (using automatic extraction from text) module and an explicit reasoning module. Our end-to-end system built in such a manner improves on the accuracy of two of the available language model based approaches by 5.53% and 7.7% respectively. Overall our system achieves the state-of-the-art accuracy of 71.06% on the WSC dataset, an improvement of 7.36% over the previous best.


Identifying Various Kinds of Event Mentions in K-Parser Output
Arpit Sharma | Nguyen Vo | Somak Aditya | Chitta Baral
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on EVENTS: Definition, Detection, Coreference, and Representation