Amar Prakash Azad


A Study of Multilingual versus Meta-Learning for Language Model Pre-Training for Adaptation to Unseen Low Resource Languages
Jyotsana Khatri | Rudra Murthy | Amar Prakash Azad | Pushpak Bhattacharyya
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XIX, Vol. 1: Research Track

In this paper, we compare two approaches to train a multilingual language model: (i) simple multilingual learning using data-mixing, and (ii) meta-learning. We examine the performance of these models by extending them to unseen language pairs and further finetune them for the task of unsupervised NMT. We perform several experiments with varying amounts of data and give a comparative analysis of the approaches. We observe that both approaches give a comparable performance, and meta-learning gives slightly better results in a few cases of low amounts of data. For Oriya-Punjabi language pair, meta-learning performs better than multilingual learning when using 2M, and 3M sentences.


Let the CAT out of the bag: Contrastive Attributed explanations for Text
Saneem Chemmengath | Amar Prakash Azad | Ronny Luss | Amit Dhurandhar
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Contrastive explanations for understanding the behavior of black box models has gained a lot of attention recently as they provide potential for recourse. In this paper, we propose a method Contrastive Attributed explanations for Text (CAT) which provides contrastive explanations for natural language text data with a novel twist as we build and exploit attribute classifiers leading to more semantically meaningful explanations. To ensure that our contrastive generated text has the fewest possible edits with respect to the original text, while also being fluent and close to a human generated contrastive, we resort to a minimal perturbation approach regularized using a BERT language model and attribute classifiers trained on available attributes. We show through qualitative examples and a user study that our method not only conveys more insight because of these attributes, but also leads to better quality (contrastive) text. Quantitatively, we show that our method outperforms other state-of-the-art methods across four data sets on four benchmark metrics.