Abdullah Saeed


Document Level NMT of Low-Resource Languages with Backtranslation
Sami Ul Haq | Sadaf Abdul Rauf | Arsalan Shaukat | Abdullah Saeed
Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Machine Translation

This paper describes our system submission to WMT20 shared task on similar language translation. We examined the use of documentlevel neural machine translation (NMT) systems for low-resource, similar language pair Marathi−Hindi. Our system is an extension of state-of-the-art Transformer architecture with hierarchical attention networks to incorporate contextual information. Since, NMT requires large amount of parallel data which is not available for this task, our approach is focused on utilizing monolingual data with back translation to train our models. Our experiments reveal that document-level NMT can be a reasonable alternative to sentence-level NMT for improving translation quality of low resourced languages even when used with synthetic data.