Translating and the Computer (2015)


bib (full) Proceedings of Translating and the Computer 37

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QT21: A new era for translators and the computer
Alan Melby

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The reception of intralingual and interlingual automatic subtitling: An exploratory study within the HBB4ALL project
Anna Matamala | Andreu Oliver | Aitor Álvarez | Andoni Azpeitia

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The EXPERT project: Advancing the state of the art in hybrid translation technologies
Constantin Orasan | Alessandro Cattelan | Gloria Corpas Pastor | Josef van Genabith | Manuel Herranz | Juan José Arevalillo | Qun Liu | Khalil Sima’an | Lucia Specia

From occasional quality control to collaborative quality assurance
Klaus Fleischmann

Kamusi pre-D-source-side disambiguation and a sense aligned multilingual lexicon
Martin Benjamin | Amar Mukunda | Jeff Allen

FALCON: Building the localization web
Andrzej Zydroń

Evaluation of English to Spanish MT output of Tourism 2.0 consumer-generated reviews with post-editing purposes
Miguel Á. Candel-Mora

Use of CAI tools in interpreters’ training: A pilot study
Bianca Prandi

Skype Translator: Breaking down language and hearing barriers. A behind the scenes look at near real-time speech translation
William Lewis

The catcher in the CAT. Playfulness and self-determination in the use of CAT tools by professional translators
Anna Estellés | Esther Monzó

The ALST project: Technologies for audiovisual translation
Anna Matamala

The use of machine translation and post-editing among language service providers in Spain
Olga Torres | Ramon Piqué Huerta | Marisa Presas Corbella | Pilar Sánchez-Gijón | Adrià Martín Mor | Pilar Cid-Leal | Anna Aguilar-Amat | Celia Rico-Pérez | Amparo Alcina-Claudet | Miguel Ángel Candel-Mora

Let the EAGLES fly into new standards: Adapting our CAT tool evaluation methodology to the ISO 25000 series
Marianne Starlander

Neocortical computing: Next generation machine translation
Andrzej Zydroń

Recommendations for translation environments to improve translators’ workflows
Jan Van den Bergh | Eva Geurts | Donald Degraen | Mieke Haesen | Iulianna van der Lek-Ciudin | Karin Coninx

Going global? Let’s measure your product for world-readiness!
Kshitij Gupta | Lily Wen

The TAUS Quality Dashboard
Paola Valli