Design and development of an adaptive web application for OLIVATERM

Mercedes Roldán Vendrell

An Excellency Research Project called “Terminology of olive oil and trade: China and other international markets” (P07-HUM-03041) was initiated under my management in 2008, financed by the Andalusian regional government, the Junta de Andalucía. The project, known as “OLIVATERM”, had two main objectives: on the one hand, to develop the first systematic multilingual terminological dictionary in the scientific and socio-economic area of the olive grove and olive oils in order to facilitate communication in the topic; on the other, to contribute to the expansion of the Andalusia’s domestic and international trade and the dissemination of its culture. The main outcome of the research was the Diccionario de términos del aceite de oliva (DTAO – Dictionary of olive oil terms) (Roldán Vendrell, Arco Libros: 2013). This dictionary is currently the main reference source for answering queries and responding to any doubts that might arise in the use of this terminology in the three reference languages (Spanish, English and Chinese). It has received unanimous acknowledgement from numerous specialists in the sphere of Terminology, including most especially Maria Teresa Cabré (UPF), Miguel Casas Gómez (UCA- Ibérica 27 (2014): 217-234), François Maniez (Université de Lyon), Maria Isabel Santamaría Pérez and Chelo Vargas Sierra (UA), Pamela Faber (UGR), Joaquín García Palacios (USAL), and Marie-Claude L’Homme (Université de Montréal). The DTAO is well-known in the academic area of Terminology, but has not reached many of the institutions and organizations (domestic and international), translators, journalists, communicators and olive oil sector professionals that could benefit from it in their professions, especially salespeople, who need (fortunately, with an ever greater frequency) information on terminology in the book’s target languages for their commercial transactions. That is why we are currently working on a multichannel technological solution that enables a greater and more efficient transfer to the business sector: the design and development of an adaptive website (responsive web design) that provides access to the information in any usage context. We believe that access must be afforded to this valuable reference information on a hand-held device that enables it to be looked up both on- and offline and so pre-empt situations in which it is impossible to connect to the internet. The web application’s database will therefore also feed a series of mobile applications that will be available for the main platforms (iOS, Android). This tool will represent real progress in the dynamic transfer of specialized knowledge in the field of olive growing and olive oil production. Apart from delivering universal and free access to this information, the web application will welcome user suggestions for including new terms, new information and new reference languages, making it a collaborative tool that is also fed by its own users. With this tool we hope to respond to society’s needs for multilingual communication in the area of olive oil and to help give a boost to economic activity in the olive sector. In this work, in parallel to the presentation of the adaptive website, we will present a lexical repertoire integrated by new terms and expressions coined in this field (in the three working languages) in the last years. These neologisms reflect the most relevant innovations occurred in the olive oil sector over the last decade and, therefore, they must be compiled, sorted, systematized, and made accessible to the users in the web application we intend to develop.
Anthology ID:
Proceedings of the 2020 Globalex Workshop on Linked Lexicography
Marseille, France
Ilan Kernerman, Simon Krek, John P. McCrae, Jorge Gracia, Sina Ahmadi, Besim Kabashi
European Language Resources Association
Cite (ACL):
Mercedes Roldán Vendrell. 2020. Design and development of an adaptive web application for OLIVATERM. In Proceedings of the 2020 Globalex Workshop on Linked Lexicography, page 61, Marseille, France. European Language Resources Association.
Cite (Informal):
Design and development of an adaptive web application for OLIVATERM (Roldán Vendrell, GLOBALEX 2020)
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