Tu Anh Dinh

Also published as: Tu Anh Dinh


SciEx: Benchmarking Large Language Models on Scientific Exams with Human Expert Grading and Automatic Grading
Tu Anh Dinh | Carlos Mullov | Leonard Bärmann | Zhaolin Li | Danni Liu | Simon Reiß | Jueun Lee | Nathan Lerzer | Jianfeng Gao | Fabian Peller-Konrad | Tobias Röddiger | Alexander Waibel | Tamim Asfour | Michael Beigl | Rainer Stiefelhagen | Carsten Dachsbacher | Klemens Böhm | Jan Niehues
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

With the rapid development of Large Language Models (LLMs), it is crucial to have benchmarks which can evaluate the ability of LLMs on different domains. One common use of LLMs is performing tasks on scientific topics, such as writing algorithms, querying databases or giving mathematical proofs. Inspired by the way university students are evaluated on such tasks, in this paper, we propose SciEx - a benchmark consisting of university computer science exam questions, to evaluate LLMs’ ability on solving scientific tasks. SciEx is (1) multilingual, containing both English and German exams, and (2) multi-modal, containing questions that involve images, and (3) contains various types of freeform questions with different difficulty levels, due to the nature of university exams. We evaluate the performance of various state-of-the-art LLMs on our new benchmark. Since SciEx questions are freeform, it is not straightforward to evaluate LLM performance. Therefore, we provide human expert grading of the LLM outputs on SciEx. We show that the free-form exams in SciEx remain challenging for the current LLMs, where the best LLM only achieves 59.4% exam grade on average. We also provide detailed comparisons between LLM performance and student performance on SciEx. To enable future evaluation of new LLMs, we propose using LLM-as-a-judge to grade the LLM answers on SciEx. Our experiments show that, although they do not perform perfectly on solving the exams, LLMs are decent as graders, achieving 0.948 Pearson correlation with expert grading.

Quality Estimation with k-nearest Neighbors and Automatic Evaluation for Model-specific Quality Estimation
Tu Anh Dinh | Tobias Palzer | Jan Niehues
Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (Volume 1)

Providing quality scores along with Machine Translation (MT) output, so-called reference-free Quality Estimation (QE), is crucial to inform users about the reliability of the translation. We propose a model-specific, unsupervised QE approach, termed kNN-QE, that extracts information from the MT model’s training data using k-nearest neighbors. Measuring the performance of model-specific QE is not straightforward, since they provide quality scores on their own MT output, thus cannot be evaluated using benchmark QE test sets containing human quality scores on premade MT output. Therefore, we propose an automatic evaluation method that uses quality scores from reference-based metrics as gold standard instead of human-generated ones. We are the first to conduct detailed analyses and conclude that this automatic method is sufficient, and the reference-based MetricX-23 is best for the task.

The KIT Speech Translation Systems for IWSLT 2024 Dialectal and Low-resource Track
Zhaolin Li | Enes Yavuz Ugan | Danni Liu | Carlos Mullov | Tu Anh Dinh | Sai Koneru | Alexander Waibel | Jan Niehues
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2024)

This paper presents KIT’s submissions to the IWSLT 2024 dialectal and low-resource track. In this work, we build systems for translating into English from speech in Maltese, Bemba, and two Arabic dialects Tunisian and North Levantine. Under the unconstrained condition, we leverage the pre-trained multilingual models by fine-tuning them for the target language pairs to address data scarcity problems in this track. We build cascaded and end-to-end speech translation systems for different language pairs and show the cascaded system brings slightly better overall performance. Besides, we find utilizing additional data resources boosts speech recognition performance but slightly harms machine translation performance in cascaded systems. Lastly, we show that Minimum Bayes Risk is effective in improving speech translation performance by combining the cascaded and end-to-end systems, bringing a consistent improvement of around 1 BLUE point.


KIT’s Multilingual Speech Translation System for IWSLT 2023
Danni Liu | Thai Binh Nguyen | Sai Koneru | Enes Yavuz Ugan | Ngoc-Quan Pham | Tuan Nam Nguyen | Tu Anh Dinh | Carlos Mullov | Alexander Waibel | Jan Niehues
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2023)

Many existing speech translation benchmarks focus on native-English speech in high-quality recording conditions, which often do not match the conditions in real-life use-cases. In this paper, we describe our speech translation system for the multilingual track of IWSLT 2023, which focuses on the translation of scientific conference talks. The test condition features accented input speech and terminology-dense contents. The tasks requires translation into 10 languages of varying amounts of resources. In absence of training data from the target domain, we use a retrieval-based approach (kNN-MT) for effective adaptation (+0.8 BLEU for speech translation). We also use adapters to easily integrate incremental training data from data augmentation, and show that it matches the performance of re-training. We observe that cascaded systems are more easily adaptable towards specific target domains, due to their separate modules. Our cascaded speech system outperforms its end-to-end counterpart on scientific talk translation, although their performance remains similar on TED talks.

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End-to-End Evaluation for Low-Latency Simultaneous Speech Translation
Christian Huber | Tu Anh Dinh | Carlos Mullov | Ngoc-Quan Pham | Thai Binh Nguyen | Fabian Retkowski | Stefan Constantin | Enes Ugan | Danni Liu | Zhaolin Li | Sai Koneru | Jan Niehues | Alexander Waibel
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations

The challenge of low-latency speech translation has recently draw significant interest in the research community as shown by several publications and shared tasks. Therefore, it is essential to evaluate these different approaches in realistic scenarios. However, currently only specific aspects of the systems are evaluated and often it is not possible to compare different approaches. In this work, we propose the first framework to perform and evaluate the various aspects of low-latency speech translation under realistic conditions. The evaluation is carried out in an end-to-end fashion. This includes the segmentation of the audio as well as the run-time of the different components. Secondly, we compare different approaches to low-latency speech translation using this framework. We evaluate models with the option to revise the output as well as methods with fixed output. Furthermore, we directly compare state-of-the-art cascaded as well as end-to-end systems. Finally, the framework allows to automatically evaluate the translation quality as well as latency and also provides a web interface to show the low-latency model outputs to the user.

Perturbation-based QE: An Explainable, Unsupervised Word-level Quality Estimation Method for Blackbox Machine Translation
Tu Anh Dinh | Jan Niehues
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XIX, Vol. 1: Research Track

Quality Estimation (QE) is the task of predicting the quality of Machine Translation (MT) system output, without using any gold-standard translation references. State-of-the-art QE models are supervised: they require human-labeled quality of some MT system output on some datasets for training, making them domain-dependent and MT-system-dependent. There has been research on unsupervised QE, which requires glass-box access to the MT systems, or parallel MT data to generate synthetic errors for training QE models. In this paper, we present Perturbation-based QE - a word-level Quality Estimation approach that works simply by analyzing MT system output on perturbed input source sentences. Our approach is unsupervised, explainable, and can evaluate any type of blackbox MT systems, including the currently prominent large language models (LLMs) with opaque internal processes. For language directions with no labeled QE data, our approach has similar or better performance than the zero-shot supervised approach on the WMT21 shared task. Our approach is better at detecting gender bias and word-sense-disambiguation errors in translation than supervised QE, indicating its robustness to out-of-domain usage. The performance gap is larger when detecting errors on a nontraditional translation-prompting LLM, indicating that our approach is more generalizable to different MT systems. We give examples demonstrating our approach’s explainability power, where it shows which input source words have influence on a certain MT output word.