Nupoor Gandhi


Challenges in End-to-End Policy Extraction from Climate Action Plans
Nupoor Gandhi | Tom Corringham | Emma Strubell
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Natural Language Processing Meets Climate Change (ClimateNLP 2024)

Gray policy literature such as climate action plans (CAPs) provide an information-rich resource with potential to inform analysis and decision-making. However, these corpora are currently underutilized due to the substantial manual effort and expertise required to sift through long and detailed documents. Automatically structuring relevant information using information extraction (IE) would be useful for assisting policy scientists in synthesizing vast gray policy corpora to identify relevant entities, concepts and themes. LLMs have demonstrated strong performance on IE tasks in the few-shot setting, but it is unclear whether these gains transfer to gray policy literature which differs significantly to traditional benchmark datasets in several aspects, such as format of information content, length of documents, and inconsistency of document structure. We perform a case study on end-to-end IE with California CAPs, inspecting the performance of state-of-the-art tools for: (1) extracting content from CAPs into structured markup segments; (2) few-shot IE with LLMs; and (3) the utility of extracted entities for downstream analyses. We identify challenges at several points of the end-to-end IE pipeline for CAPs, and we provide recommendations for open problems centered around representing rich non-textual elements, document structure, flexible annotation schemes, and global information. Tackling these challenges would make it possible to realize the potential of LLMs for IE with gray policy literature.

Evaluating Differentially Private Synthetic Data Generation in High-Stakes Domains
Krithika Ramesh | Nupoor Gandhi | Pulkit Madaan | Lisa Bauer | Charith Peris | Anjalie Field
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2024

The difficulty of anonymizing text data hinders the development and deployment of NLP in high-stakes domains that involve private data, such as healthcare and social services. Poorly anonymized sensitive data cannot be easily shared with annotators or external researchers, nor can it be used to train public models. In this work, we explore the feasibility of using synthetic data generated from differentially private language models in place of real data to facilitate the development of NLP in these domains without compromising privacy. In contrast to prior work, we generate synthetic data for real high-stakes domains, and we propose and conduct use-inspired evaluations to assess data quality. Our results show that prior simplistic evaluations have failed to highlight utility, privacy, and fairness issues in the synthetic data. Overall, our work underscores the need for further improvements to synthetic data generation for it to be a viable way to enable privacy-preserving data sharing.


Annotating Mentions Alone Enables Efficient Domain Adaptation for Coreference Resolution
Nupoor Gandhi | Anjalie Field | Emma Strubell
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Although recent neural models for coreference resolution have led to substantial improvements on benchmark datasets, it remains a challenge to successfully transfer these models to new target domains containing many out-of-vocabulary spans and requiring differing annotation schemes. Typical approaches involve continued training on annotated target-domain data, but obtaining annotations is costly and time-consuming. In this work, we show that adapting mention detection is the key component to successful domain adaptation of coreference models, rather than antecedent linking. We also show annotating mentions alone is nearly twice as fast as annotating full coreference chains. Based on these insights, we propose a method for efficiently adapting coreference models, which includes a high-precision mention detection objective and requires only mention annotations in the target domain. Extensive evaluation across three English coreference datasets: CoNLL-2012 (news/conversation), i2b2/VA (medical notes), and child welfare notes, reveals that our approach facilitates annotation-efficient transfer and results in a 7-14% improvement in average F1 without increasing annotator time.


Improving Span Representation for Domain-adapted Coreference Resolution
Nupoor Gandhi | Anjalie Field | Yulia Tsvetkov
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Computational Models of Reference, Anaphora and Coreference

Recent work has shown fine-tuning neural coreference models can produce strong performance when adapting to different domains. However, at the same time, this can require a large amount of annotated target examples. In this work, we focus on supervised domain adaptation for clinical notes, proposing the use of concept knowledge to more efficiently adapt coreference models to a new domain. We develop methods to improve the span representations via (1) a retrofitting loss to incentivize span representations to satisfy a knowledge-based distance function and (2) a scaffolding loss to guide the recovery of knowledge from the span representation. By integrating these losses, our model is able to improve our baseline precision and F-1 score. In particular, we show that incorporating knowledge with end-to-end coreference models results in better performance on the most challenging, domain-specific spans.