Yongbin Li


Out-of-Domain Intent Detection Considering Multi-Turn Dialogue Contexts
Hao Lang | Yinhe Zheng | Binyuan Hui | Fei Huang | Yongbin Li
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Out-of-Domain (OOD) intent detection is vital for practical dialogue systems, and it usually requires considering multi-turn dialogue contexts. However, most previous OOD intent detection approaches are limited to single dialogue turns. In this paper, we introduce a context-aware OOD intent detection (Caro) framework to model multi-turn contexts in OOD intent detection tasks. Specifically, we follow the information bottleneck principle to extract robust representations from multi-turn dialogue contexts. Two different views are constructed for each input sample and the superfluous information not related to intent detection is removed using a multi-view information bottleneck loss. Moreover, we also explore utilizing unlabeled data in Caro. A two-stage training process is introduced to mine OOD samples from these unlabeled data, and these OOD samples are used to train the resulting model with a bootstrapping approach. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that Caro establishes state-of-the-art performances on multi-turn OOD detection tasks by improving the F1-OOD score of over 29% compared to the previous best method.

Scaling Data Diversity for Fine-Tuning Language Models in Human Alignment
Feifan Song | Bowen Yu | Hao Lang | Haiyang Yu | Fei Huang | Houfeng Wang | Yongbin Li
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Alignment with human preference prevents large language models (LLMs) from generating misleading or toxic content while requiring high-cost human feedback. Assuming resources of human annotation are limited, there are two different ways of allocating considered: more diverse PROMPTS or more diverse RESPONSES to be labeled. Nonetheless, a straightforward comparison between their impact is absent. In this work, we first control the diversity of both sides according to the number of samples for fine-tuning, which can directly reflect their influence. We find that instead of numerous prompts, more responses but fewer prompts better trigger LLMs for human alignment. Additionally, the concept of diversity for prompts can be more complex than responses that are typically quantified by single digits. Consequently, a new formulation of prompt diversity is proposed, further implying a linear correlation with the final performance of LLMs after fine-tuning. We also leverage it on data augmentation and conduct experiments to show its effect on different algorithms.

Self-Explanation Prompting Improves Dialogue Understanding in Large Language Models
Haoyu Gao | Ting-En Lin | Hangyu Li | Min Yang | Yuchuan Wu | Wentao Ma | Fei Huang | Yongbin Li
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Task-oriented dialogue (TOD) systems facilitate users in executing various activities via multi-turn dialogues, but Large Language Models (LLMs) often struggle to comprehend these intricate contexts. In this study, we propose a novel “Self-Explanation” prompting strategy to enhance the comprehension abilities of LLMs in multi-turn dialogues. This task-agnostic approach requires the model to analyze each dialogue utterance before task execution, thereby improving performance across various dialogue-centric tasks. Experimental results from six benchmark datasets confirm that our method consistently outperforms other zero-shot prompts and matches or exceeds the efficacy of few-shot prompts, demonstrating its potential as a powerful tool in enhancing LLMs’ comprehension in complex dialogue tasks.

Tree-Instruct: A Preliminary Study of the Intrinsic Relationship between Complexity and Alignment
Yingxiu Zhao | Bowen Yu | Binyuan Hui | Haiyang Yu | Minghao Li | Fei Huang | Nevin L. Zhang | Yongbin Li
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Training large language models (LLMs) with open-domain instruction data has yielded remarkable success in aligning to end tasks and human preferences. Extensive research has highlighted the importance of the quality and diversity of instruction data. However, the impact of data complexity, as a crucial metric, remains relatively unexplored from three aspects: (1)where the sustainability of performance improvements with increasing complexity is uncertain; (2)whether the improvement brought by complexity merely comes from introducing more training tokens; and (3)where the potential benefits of incorporating instructions from easy to difficult are not yet fully understood. In this paper, we propose Tree-Instruct to systematically enhance the instruction complexity in a controllable manner. By adding a specified number of nodes to instructions’ semantic trees, this approach not only yields new instruction data from the modified tree but also allows us to control the difficulty level of modified instructions. Our preliminary experiments reveal the following insights: (1)Increasing complexity consistently leads to sustained performance improvements of LLMs. (2)Under the same token budget, a few complex instructions outperform diverse yet simple instructions. (3)Curriculum instruction tuning might not yield the anticipated results; focusing on increasing complexity appears to be the key.

UniPCM: Universal Pre-trained Conversation Model with Task-aware Automatic Prompt
Yucheng Cai | Wentao Ma | Yuchuan Wu | Shuzheng Si | Yuan Shao | Zhijian Ou | Yongbin Li
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Recent researches have shown that multi-task instruction tuning after pre-training greatly improves the model’s robustness and transfer ability, which is crucial for building a high-quality dialog system. However, most previous works on multi-task instruction tuning rely heavily on human-defined input format or prompt, which is not optimal in quality and quantity.In this work, we propose to use Task-aware Automatic Prompt generation (TAP) to automatically generate high-quality prompts. Using the high-quality prompts generated, we scale the corpus of the pre-trained conversation model to 122 datasets from 15 dialog-related tasks, resulting in Universal Pre-trained Conversation Model (UniPCM), a powerful foundation model for various conversational tasks and different dialog systems. Extensive experiments have shown that UniPCM is robust to input prompts and capable of various dialog-related tasks. Moreover, UniPCM has strong transfer ability and excels at low resource scenarios, achieving SOTA results on 9 different datasets ranging from task-oriented dialog to open-domain conversation. Furthermore, we are amazed to find that TAP can generate prompts on par with those collected with crowdsourcing.

Fine-Tuning Language Models with Reward Learning on Policy
Hao Lang | Fei Huang | Yongbin Li
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) has emerged as an effective approach to aligning large language models (LLMs) to human preferences.RLHF contains three steps, i.e., human preference collecting, reward learning, and policy optimization, which are usually performed serially.Despite its popularity, however, (fixed) reward models may suffer from inaccurate off-distribution, since policy optimization continuously shifts LLMs’ data distribution.Repeatedly collecting new preference data from the latest LLMs may alleviate this issue, which unfortunately makes the resulting system more complicated and difficult to optimize.In this paper, we propose reward learning on policy (RLP), an unsupervised framework that refines a reward model using policy samples to keep it on-distribution.Specifically, an unsupervised multi-view learning method is introduced to learn robust representations of policy samples.Meanwhile, a synthetic preference generation approach is developed to simulate high-quality preference data with policy outputs.Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets show that RLP consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art.Our code is available at https://github.com/AlibabaResearch/DAMO-ConvAI/tree/main/rlp.

Enhancing the General Agent Capabilities of Low-Paramter LLMs through Tuning and Multi-Branch Reasoning
Qinhao Zhou | Zihan Zhang | Xiang Xiang | Ke Wang | Yuchuan Wu | Yongbin Li
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2024

Open-source pre-trained Large Language Models (LLMs) exhibit strong language understanding and generation capabilities, making them highly successful in a variety of tasks. However, when used as agents for dealing with complex problems in the real world, their performance is far inferior to large commercial models such as ChatGPT and GPT-4. As intelligent agents, LLMs need to have the capabilities of task planning, long-term memory, and the ability to leverage external tools to achieve satisfactory performance. Various methods have been proposed to enhance the agent capabilities of LLMs. On the one hand, methods involve constructing agent-specific data and fine-tuning the models. On the other hand, some methods focus on designing prompts that effectively activate the reasoning abilities of the LLMs. We explore both strategies on the 7B and 13B models. We propose a comprehensive method for constructing agent-specific data using GPT-4. Through supervised fine-tuning with constructed data, we find that for these models with a relatively small number of parameters, supervised fine-tuning can significantly reduce hallucination outputs and formatting errors in agent tasks. Furthermore, techniques such as multi-path reasoning and task decomposition can effectively decrease problem complexity and enhance the performance of LLMs as agents. We evaluate our method on five agent tasks of AgentBench and achieve satisfactory results.

Unifying Structured Data as Graph for Data-to-Text Pre-Training
Shujie Li | Liang Li | Ruiying Geng | Min Yang | Binhua Li | Guanghu Yuan | Wanwei He | Shao Yuan | Can Ma | Fei Huang | Yongbin Li
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 12

Data-to-text (D2T) generation aims to transform structured data into natural language text. Data-to-text pre-training has proved to be powerful in enhancing D2T generation and yields impressive performance. However, previous pre-training methods either oversimplified structured data into a sequence without considering input structures or designed training objectives tailored for a specific data structure (e.g., table or knowledge graph). In this paper, we unify different types of structured data (i.e., table, key-value data, knowledge graph) into the graph format and cast different D2T generation tasks as graph-to-text generation. To effectively exploit the structural information of the input graph, we propose a structure-enhanced pre-training method for D2T generation by designing a structure-enhanced Transformer. Concretely, we devise a position matrix for the Transformer, encoding relative positional information of connected nodes in the input graph. In addition, we propose a new attention matrix to incorporate graph structures into the original Transformer by taking the available explicit connectivity structure into account. Extensive experiments on six benchmark datasets show the effectiveness of our model. Our source codes are available at https://github.com/AlibabaResearch/DAMO-ConvAI/tree/main/unid2t.


Plan-then-Seam: Towards Efficient Table-to-Text Generation
Liang Li | Ruiying Geng | Chengyang Fang | Bing Li | Can Ma | Binhua Li | Yongbin Li
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2023

Table-to-text generation aims at automatically generating text to help people conveniently obtain salient information in tables. Recent works explicitly decompose the generation process into content planning and surface generation stages, employing two autoregressive networks for them respectively. However, they are computationally expensive due to the non-parallelizable nature of autoregressive decoding and the redundant parameters of two networks. In this paper, we propose the first totally non-autoregressive table-to-text model (Plan-then-Seam, PTS) that produces its outputs in parallel with one single network.PTS firstly writes and calibrates one plan of the content to be generated with a novel rethinking pointer predictor, and then takes the plan as the context for seaming to decode the description. These two steps share parameters and perform iteratively to capture token inter-dependency while keeping parallel decoding. Experiments on two public benchmarks show that PTS achieves 3.0 5.6 times speedup for inference time, reducing 50% parameters, while maintaining as least comparable performance against strong two-stage table-to-text competitors.

Multimodal Recommendation Dialog with Subjective Preference: A New Challenge and Benchmark
Yuxing Long | Binyuan Hui | Caixia Yuan | Fei Huang | Yongbin Li | Xiaojie Wang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Existing multimodal task-oriented dialog data fails to demonstrate the diverse expressions of user subjective preferences and recommendation acts in the real-life shopping scenario. This paper introduces a new dataset SURE (Multimodal Recommendation Dialog with Subjective Preference), which contains 12K shopping dialogs in complex store scenes. The data is built in two phases with human annotations to ensure quality and diversity. SURE is well-annotated with subjective preferences and recommendation acts proposed by sales experts. A comprehensive analysis is given to reveal the distinguishing features of SURE. Three benchmark tasks are then proposed on the data to evaluate the capability of multimodal recommendation agents. Basing on the SURE, we propose a baseline model, powered by a state-of-the-art multimodal model, for these tasks.

Universal Information Extraction with Meta-Pretrained Self-Retrieval
Xin Cong | Bowen Yu | Mengcheng Fang | Tingwen Liu | Haiyang Yu | Zhongkai Hu | Fei Huang | Yongbin Li | Bin Wang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Universal Information Extraction (Universal IE) aims to solve different extraction tasks in a uniform text-to-structure generation manner. Such a generation procedure tends to struggle when there exist complex information structures to be extracted. Retrieving knowledge from external knowledge bases may help models to overcome this problem but it is impossible to construct a knowledge base suitable for various IE tasks. Inspired by the fact that large amount of knowledge are stored in the pretrained language models (PLM) and can be retrieved explicitly, in this paper, we propose MetaRetriever to retrieve task-specific knowledge from PLMs to enhance universal IE. As different IE tasks need different knowledge, we further propose a Meta-Pretraining Algorithm which allows MetaRetriever to quicktly achieve maximum task-specific retrieval performance when fine-tuning on downstream IE tasks. Experimental results show that MetaRetriever achieves the new state-of-the-art on 4 IE tasks, 12 datasets under fully-supervised, low-resource and few-shot scenarios.

Unified Language Representation for Question Answering over Text, Tables, and Images
Bowen Yu | Cheng Fu | Haiyang Yu | Fei Huang | Yongbin Li
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

When trying to answer complex questions, people often rely on multiple sources of information, such as visual, textual, and tabular data. Previous approaches to this problem have focused on designing input features or model structure in the multi-modal space, which is inflexible for cross-modal reasoning or data-efficient training. In this paper, we call for an alternative paradigm, which transforms the images and tables into unified language representations, so that we can simplify the task into a simpler textual QA problem that can be solved using three steps: retrieval, ranking, and generation, all within a language space. This idea takes advantage of the power of pre-trained language models and is implemented in a framework called Solar. Our experimental results show that Solar outperforms all existing methods by 10.6-32.3 pts on two datasets, MultimodalQA and MMCoQA, across ten different metrics. Additionally, Solar achieves the best performance on the WebQA leaderboard.

Domain Incremental Lifelong Learning in an Open World
Yi Dai | Hao Lang | Yinhe Zheng | Bowen Yu | Fei Huang | Yongbin Li
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Lifelong learning (LL) is an important ability for NLP models to learn new tasks continuously. Architecture-based approaches are reported to be effective implementations for LL models. However, it is non-trivial to extend previous approaches to domain incremental LL scenarios since they either require access to task identities in the testing phase or cannot handle samples from unseen tasks. In this paper, we propose Diana: a dynamic architecture-based lifelong learning model that tries to learn a sequence of tasks with a prompt-enhanced language model. Four types of hierarchically organized prompts are used in Diana to capture knowledge from different granularities. Specifically, we dedicate task-level prompts to capture task-specific knowledge to retain high LL performances and maintain instance-level prompts to learn knowledge shared across input samples to improve the model’s generalization performance. Moreover, we dedicate separate prompts to explicitly model unseen tasks and introduce a set of prompt key vectors to facilitate knowledge sharing between tasks. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Diana outperforms state-of-the-art LL models, especially in handling unseen tasks.

Improving Question Generation with Multi-level Content Planning
Zehua Xia | Qi Gou | Bowen Yu | Haiyang Yu | Fei Huang | Yongbin Li | Nguyen Cam-Tu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

This paper addresses the problem of generating questions from a given context and an answer, specifically focusing on questions that require multi-hop reasoning across an extended context. Previous studies have suggested that key phrase selection is essential for question generation (QG), yet it is still challenging to connect such disjointed phrases into meaningful questions, particularly for long context. To mitigate this issue, we propose MultiFactor, a novel QG framework based on multi-level content planning. Specifically, MultiFactor includes two components: FA-Model, which simultaneously selects key phrases and generates full answers, and Q-Model which takes the generated full answer as an additional input to generate questions. Here, full answer generation is introduced to connect the short answer with the selected key phrases, thus forming an answer-aware summary to facilitate QG. Both FA-Model and Q-Model are formalized as simple-yet-effective Phrase-Enhanced Transformers, our joint model for phrase selection and text generation. Experimental results show that our method outperforms strong baselines on two popular QG datasets. Our code is available at https://github.com/zeaver/MultiFactor.

Exploring Large Language Models for Multi-Modal Out-of-Distribution Detection
Yi Dai | Hao Lang | Kaisheng Zeng | Fei Huang | Yongbin Li
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection is essential for reliable and trustworthy machine learning. Recent multi-modal OOD detection leverages textual information from in-distribution (ID) class names for visual OOD detection, yet it currently neglects the rich contextual information of ID classes. Large language models (LLMs) encode a wealth of world knowledge and can be prompted to generate descriptive features for each class. Indiscriminately using such knowledge causes catastrophic damage to OOD detection due to LLMs’ hallucinations, as is observed by our analysis. In this paper, we propose to apply world knowledge to enhance OOD detection performance through selective generation from LLMs. Specifically, we introduce a consistency-based uncertainty calibration method to estimate the confidence score of each generation. We further extract visual objects from each image to fully capitalize on the aforementioned world knowledge. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art.

Conversational Recommender System and Large Language Model Are Made for Each Other in E-commerce Pre-sales Dialogue
Yuanxing Liu | Weinan Zhang | Yifan Chen | Yuchi Zhang | Haopeng Bai | Fan Feng | Hengbin Cui | Yongbin Li | Wanxiang Che
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

E-commerce pre-sales dialogue aims to understand and elicit user needs and preferences for the items they are seeking so as to provide appropriate recommendations. Conversational recommender systems (CRSs) learn user representation and provide accurate recommendations based on dialogue context, but rely on external knowledge. Large language models (LLMs) generate responses that mimic pre-sales dialogues after fine-tuning, but lack domain-specific knowledge for accurate recommendations. Intuitively, the strengths of LLM and CRS in E-commerce pre-sales dialogues are complementary, yet no previous work has explored this. This paper investigates the effectiveness of combining LLM and CRS in E-commerce pre-sales dialogues, proposing two collaboration methods: CRS assisting LLM and LLM assisting CRS. We conduct extensive experiments on a real-world dataset of E-commerce pre-sales dialogues. We analyze the impact of two collaborative approaches with two CRSs and two LLMs on four tasks of E-commerce pre-sales dialogue. We find that collaborations between CRS and LLM can be very effective in some cases.

Diversify Question Generation with Retrieval-Augmented Style Transfer
Qi Gou | Zehua Xia | Bowen Yu | Haiyang Yu | Fei Huang | Yongbin Li | Nguyen Cam-Tu
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Given a textual passage and an answer, humans are able to ask questions with various expressions, but this ability is still challenging for most question generation (QG) systems. Existing solutions mainly focus on the internal knowledge within the given passage or the semantic word space for diverse content planning. These methods, however, have not considered the potential of external knowledge for expression diversity. To bridge this gap, we propose RAST, a framework for Retrieval-Augmented Style Transfer, where the objective is to utilize the style of diverse templates for question generation. For training RAST, we develop a novel Reinforcement Learning (RL) based approach that maximizes a weighted combination of diversity reward and consistency reward. Here, the consistency reward is computed by a Question-Answering (QA) model, whereas the diversity reward measures how much the final output mimics the retrieved template. Experimental results show that our method outperforms previous diversity-driven baselines on diversity while being comparable in terms of consistency scores. Our code is available at https://github.com/gouqi666/RAST.

API-Bank: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Tool-Augmented LLMs
Minghao Li | Yingxiu Zhao | Bowen Yu | Feifan Song | Hangyu Li | Haiyang Yu | Zhoujun Li | Fei Huang | Yongbin Li
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Recent research has demonstrated that Large Language Models (LLMs) can enhance their capabilities by utilizing external tools. However, three pivotal questions remain unanswered: (1) How effective are current LLMs in utilizing tools? (2) How can we enhance LLMs’ ability to utilize tools? (3) What obstacles need to be overcome to leverage tools? To address these questions, we introduce API-Bank, a groundbreaking benchmark, specifically designed for tool-augmented LLMs. For the first question, we develop a runnable evaluation system consisting of 73 API tools. We annotate 314 tool-use dialogues with 753 API calls to assess the existing LLMs’ capabilities in planning, retrieving, and calling APIs. For the second question, we construct a comprehensive training set containing 1,888 tool-use dialogues from 2,138 APIs spanning 1,000 distinct domains. Using this dataset, we train Lynx, a tool-augmented LLM initialized from Alpaca. Experimental results demonstrate that GPT-3.5 exhibits improved tool utilization compared to GPT-3, while GPT-4 excels in planning. However, there is still significant potential for further improvement. Moreover, Lynx surpasses Alpaca’s tool utilization performance by more than 26 pts and approaches the effectiveness of GPT-3.5. Through error analysis, we highlight the key challenges for future research in this field to answer the third question.

Causal Document-Grounded Dialogue Pre-training
Yingxiu Zhao | Bowen Yu | Bowen Li | Haiyang Yu | Jinyang Li | Chao Wang | Fei Huang | Yongbin Li | Nevin Zhang
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

The goal of document-grounded dialogue (DocGD) is to generate a response by anchoring the evidence in a supporting document in accordance with the dialogue context. This entails four causally interconnected variables. While task-specific pre-training has significantly enhanced performances on numerous downstream tasks, existing DocGD methods still rely on general pre-trained language models without a specifically tailored pre-training approach that explicitly captures the causal relationships. To address this, we present the first causally-complete dataset construction strategy for developing million-scale DocGD pre-training corpora. Additionally, we propose a causally-perturbed pre-training strategy to better capture causality by introducing perturbations on the variables and optimizing the overall causal effect. Experiments conducted on three benchmark datasets demonstrate that our causal pre-training yields substantial and consistent improvements in fully-supervised, low-resource, few-shot, and zero-shot settings.

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Improving Situated Conversational Agents with Step-by-Step Multi-modal Logic Reasoning
Yuxing Long | Huibin Zhang | Binyuan Hui | Zhenglu Yang | Caixia Yuan | Xiaojie Wang | Fei Huang | Yongbin Li
Proceedings of The Eleventh Dialog System Technology Challenge

To fulfill complex user requirements in a situated conversational scenario, the agent needs to conduct step-by-step multi-modal logic reasoning, which includes locating objects, querying information and searching objects. However, existing methods omit this multi-step procedure and therefore constitutes the risk of shortcuts when making predictions. For example, they may directly copy the information from the dialogue history or simply use the textual description without perform visual reasoning. To address this issue and further boost the system performance, we apply the dual process theory to plug a reasoner into the original transformer based model for step-by-step reasoning. When system 2 completes multi-step reasoning, its output is regarded as final prediction. Our proposed method achieved the 1st rank on the summing scores across all four DSTC-11 SIMMC 2.1 sub-tasks.

Sequence Parallelism: Long Sequence Training from System Perspective
Shenggui Li | Fuzhao Xue | Chaitanya Baranwal | Yongbin Li | Yang You
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Transformer achieves promising results on various tasks. However, self-attention suffers from quadratic memory requirements with respect to the sequence length. Existing work focuses on reducing time and space complexity from an algorithm perspective. In this work, we propose sequence parallelism, a memory-efficient parallelism to solve this issue from system perspective instead. Our approach is compatible with most existing parallelisms (e.g., data, pipeline, and tensor parallelism), which means our sequence parallelism makes 4D parallelism possible. More importantly, we no longer require a single device to hold the whole sequence. Besides, using efficient attention with linear complexity, our sequence parallelism enables us to train transformer with infinite long sequence. Specifically, we split the input sequence into multiple chunks and feed each chunk into its corresponding device (i.e., GPU). To compute the attention output, we integrated ring-style communication with self-attention calculation and proposed Ring Self-Attention (RSA). Experiments show that sequence parallelism performs well when scaling with batch size and sequence length. Compared with tensor parallelism, our approach achieved 13.7× and 3.0× maximum batch size and sequence length respectively when scaling up to 64 NVIDIA P100 GPUs. With efficient attention, sequence can handle sequence with over 114K tokens, which is over 27× longer than existing efficient attention works holding the whole sequence on a single device.

CATS: A Pragmatic Chinese Answer-to-Sequence Dataset with Large Scale and High Quality
Liang Li | Ruiying Geng | Chengyang Fang | Bing Li | Can Ma | Rongyu Cao | Binhua Li | Fei Huang | Yongbin Li
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

There are three problems existing in the popular data-to-text datasets. First, the large-scale datasets either contain noise or lack real application scenarios. Second, the datasets close to real applications are relatively small in size. Last, current datasets bias in the English language while leaving other languages underexplored.To alleviate these limitations, in this paper, we present CATS, a pragmatic Chinese answer-to-sequence dataset with large scale and high quality. The dataset aims to generate textual descriptions for the answer in the practical TableQA system. Further, to bridge the structural gap between the input SQL and table and establish better semantic alignments, we propose a Unified Graph Transformation approach to establish a joint encoding space for the two hybrid knowledge resources and convert this task to a graph-to-text problem. The experiment results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method. Further analysis on CATS attests to both the high quality and challenges of the dataset

History Semantic Graph Enhanced Conversational KBQA with Temporal Information Modeling
Hao Sun | Yang Li | Liwei Deng | Bowen Li | Binyuan Hui | Binhua Li | Yunshi Lan | Yan Zhang | Yongbin Li
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Context information modeling is an important task in conversational KBQA. However, existing methods usually assume the independence of utterances and model them in isolation. In this paper, we propose a History Semantic Graph Enhanced KBQA model (HSGE) that is able to effectively model long-range semantic dependencies in conversation history while maintaining low computational cost. The framework incorporates a context-aware encoder, which employs a dynamic memory decay mechanism and models context at different levels of granularity. We evaluate HSGE on a widely used benchmark dataset for complex sequential question answering. Experimental results demonstrate that it outperforms existing baselines averaged on all question types.

Long-Tailed Question Answering in an Open World
Yi Dai | Hao Lang | Yinhe Zheng | Fei Huang | Yongbin Li
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Real-world data often have an open long-tailed distribution, and building a unified QA model supporting various tasks is vital for practical QA applications. However, it is non-trivial to extend previous QA approaches since they either require access to seen tasks of adequate samples or do not explicitly model samples from unseen tasks. In this paper, we define Open Long-Tailed QA (OLTQA) as learning from long-tailed distributed data and optimizing performance over seen and unseen QA tasks. We propose an OLTQA model that encourages knowledge sharing between head, tail and unseen tasks, and explicitly mines knowledge from a large pre-trained language model (LM).Specifically, we organize our model through a pool of fine-grained components and dynamically combine these components for an input to facilitate knowledge sharing.A retrieve-then-rerank frame is further introduced to select in-context examples, which guild the LM to generate text that express knowledge for QA tasks. Moreover, a two-stage training approach is introduced to pre-train the framework by knowledge distillation (KD) from the LM and then jointly train the frame and a QA model through an adaptive mutual KD method. On a large-scale OLTQA dataset we curate from 43 existing QA datasets, our model consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art.

Speech-Text Pre-training for Spoken Dialog Understanding with Explicit Cross-Modal Alignment
Tianshu Yu | Haoyu Gao | Ting-En Lin | Min Yang | Yuchuan Wu | Wentao Ma | Chao Wang | Fei Huang | Yongbin Li
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Recently, speech-text pre-training methods have shown remarkable success in many speech and natural language processing tasks. However, most previous pre-trained models are usually tailored for one or two specific tasks, but fail to conquer a wide range of speech-text tasks. In addition, existing speech-text pre-training methods fail to explore the contextual information within a dialogue to enrich utterance representations. In this paper, we propose Speech-text Pre-training for spoken dialog understanding with ExpliCiT cRoss-Modal Alignment (SPECTRA), which is the first-ever speech-text dialog pre-training model. Concretely, to consider the temporality of speech modality, we design a novel temporal position prediction task to capture the speech-text alignment. This pre-training task aims to predict the start and end time of each textual word in the corresponding speech waveform. In addition, to learn the characteristics of spoken dialogs, we generalize a response selection task from textual dialog pre-training to speech-text dialog pre-training scenarios. Experimental results on four different downstream speech-text tasks demonstrate the superiority of SPECTRA in learning speech-text alignment and multi-turn dialog context.

PaCE: Unified Multi-modal Dialogue Pre-training with Progressive and Compositional Experts
Yunshui Li | Binyuan Hui | ZhiChao Yin | Min Yang | Fei Huang | Yongbin Li
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Perceiving multi-modal information and fulfilling dialogues with humans is a long-term goal of artificial intelligence. Pre-training is commonly regarded as an effective approach for multi-modal dialogue. However, due to the limited availability of multi-modal dialogue data, there is still scarce research on multi-modal dialogue pre-training. Yet another intriguing challenge emerges from the encompassing nature of multi-modal dialogue, which involves various modalities and tasks. Moreover, new forms of tasks may arise at unpredictable points in the future. Hence, it is essential for designed multi-modal dialogue models to possess sufficient flexibility to adapt to such scenarios. This paper proposes PaCE, a unified, structured, compositional multi-modal dialogue pre-training framework. It utilizes a combination of several fundamental experts to accommodate multiple dialogue-related tasks and can be pre-trained using limited dialogue and extensive non-dialogue multi-modal data. Furthermore, we propose a progressive training method where old experts from the past can assist new experts, facilitating the expansion of their capabilities. Experimental results demonstrate that PaCE achieves state-of-the-art results on eight multi-modal dialog benchmarks.


Estimating Soft Labels for Out-of-Domain Intent Detection
Hao Lang | Yinhe Zheng | Jian Sun | Fei Huang | Luo Si | Yongbin Li
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Out-of-Domain (OOD) intent detection is important for practical dialog systems. To alleviate the issue of lacking OOD training samples, some works propose synthesizing pseudo OOD samples and directly assigning one-hot OOD labels to these pseudo samples. However, these one-hot labels introduce noises to the training process because some “hard” pseudo OOD samples may coincide with In-Domain (IND) intents. In this paper, we propose an adaptive soft pseudo labeling (ASoul) method that can estimate soft labels for pseudo OOD samples when training OOD detectors. Semantic connections between pseudo OOD samples and IND intents are captured using an embedding graph. A co-training framework is further introduced to produce resulting soft labels following the smoothness assumption, i.e., close samples are likely to have similar labels. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets show that ASoul consistently improves the OOD detection performance and outperforms various competitive baselines.

CGoDial: A Large-Scale Benchmark for Chinese Goal-oriented Dialog Evaluation
Yinpei Dai | Wanwei He | Bowen Li | Yuchuan Wu | Zheng Cao | Zhongqi An | Jian Sun | Yongbin Li
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Practical dialog systems need to deal with various knowledge sources, noisy user expressions, and the shortage of annotated data. To better solve the above problems, we propose CGoDial, a new challenging and comprehensive Chinese benchmark for multi-domain Goal-oriented Dialog evaluation. It contains 96,763 dialog sessions, and 574,949 dialog turns totally, covering three datasets with different knowledge sources: 1) a slot-based dialog (SBD) dataset with table-formed knowledge, 2) a flow-based dialog (FBD) dataset with tree-formed knowledge, and a retrieval-based dialog (RBD) dataset with candidate-formed knowledge. To bridge the gap between academic benchmarks and spoken dialog scenarios, we either collect data from real conversations or add spoken features to existing datasets via crowd-sourcing. The proposed experimental settings include the combinations of training with either the entire training set or a few-shot training set, and testing with either the standard test set or a hard test subset, which can assess model capabilities in terms of general prediction, fast adaptability and reliable robustness.

Dial2vec: Self-Guided Contrastive Learning of Unsupervised Dialogue Embeddings
Che Liu | Rui Wang | Junfeng Jiang | Yongbin Li | Fei Huang
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

In this paper, we introduce the task of learning unsupervised dialogue embeddings.Trivial approaches such as combining pre-trained word or sentence embeddings and encoding through pre-trained language models (PLMs) have been shown to be feasible for this task.However, these approaches typically ignore the conversational interactions between interlocutors, resulting in poor performance.To address this issue, we proposed a self-guided contrastive learning approach named dial2vec.Dial2vec considers a dialogue as an information exchange process.It captures the interaction patterns between interlocutors and leverages them to guide the learning of the embeddings corresponding to each interlocutor.Then the dialogue embedding is obtained by an aggregation of the embeddings from all interlocutors.To verify our approach, we establish a comprehensive benchmark consisting of six widely-used dialogue datasets.We consider three evaluation tasks: domain categorization, semantic relatedness, and dialogue retrieval.Dial2vec achieves on average 8.7, 9.0, and 13.8 points absolute improvements in terms of purity, Spearman’s correlation, and mean average precision (MAP) over the strongest baseline on the three tasks respectively.Further analysis shows that dial2vec obtains informative and discriminative embeddings for both interlocutors under the guidance of the conversational interactions and achieves the best performance when aggregating them through the interlocutor-level pooling strategy.All codes and data are publicly available at https://github.com/AlibabaResearch/DAMO-ConvAI/tree/main/dial2vec.

UniMSE: Towards Unified Multimodal Sentiment Analysis and Emotion Recognition
Guimin Hu | Ting-En Lin | Yi Zhao | Guangming Lu | Yuchuan Wu | Yongbin Li
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Multimodal sentiment analysis (MSA) and emotion recognition in conversation (ERC) are key research topics for computers to understand human behaviors. From a psychological perspective, emotions are the expression of affect or feelings during a short period, while sentiments are formed and held for a longer period. However, most existing works study sentiment and emotion separately and do not fully exploit the complementary knowledge behind the two. In this paper, we propose a multimodal sentiment knowledge-sharing framework (UniMSE) that unifies MSA and ERC tasks from features, labels, and models. We perform modality fusion at the syntactic and semantic levels and introduce contrastive learning between modalities and samples to better capture the difference and consistency between sentiments and emotions. Experiments on four public benchmark datasets, MOSI, MOSEI, MELD, and IEMOCAP, demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method and achieve consistent improvements compared with state-of-the-art methods.

SPACE-2: Tree-Structured Semi-Supervised Contrastive Pre-training for Task-Oriented Dialog Understanding
Wanwei He | Yinpei Dai | Binyuan Hui | Min Yang | Zheng Cao | Jianbo Dong | Fei Huang | Luo Si | Yongbin Li
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Pre-training methods with contrastive learning objectives have shown remarkable success in dialog understanding tasks. However, current contrastive learning solely considers the self-augmented dialog samples as positive samples and treats all other dialog samples as negative ones, which enforces dissimilar representations even for dialogs that are semantically related. In this paper, we propose SPACE-2, a tree-structured pre-trained conversation model, which learns dialog representations from limited labeled dialogs and large-scale unlabeled dialog corpora via semi-supervised contrastive pre-training. Concretely, we first define a general semantic tree structure (STS) to unify the inconsistent annotation schema across different dialog datasets, so that the rich structural information stored in all labeled data can be exploited. Then we propose a novel multi-view score function to increase the relevance of all possible dialogs that share similar STSs and only push away other completely different dialogs during supervised contrastive pre-training. To fully exploit unlabeled dialogs, a basic self-supervised contrastive loss is also added to refine the learned representations. Experiments show that our method can achieve new state-of-the-art results on the DialoGLUE benchmark consisting of seven datasets and four popular dialog understanding tasks.

SUN: Exploring Intrinsic Uncertainties in Text-to-SQL Parsers
Bowen Qin | Lihan Wang | Binyuan Hui | Bowen Li | Xiangpeng Wei | Binhua Li | Fei Huang | Luo Si | Min Yang | Yongbin Li
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

This paper aims to improve the performance of text-to-SQL parsing by exploring the intrinsic uncertainties in the neural network based approaches (called SUN). From the data uncertainty perspective, it is indisputable that a single SQL can be learned from multiple semantically-equivalent questions. Different from previous methods that are limited to one-to-one mapping, we propose a data uncertainty constraint to explore the underlying complementary semantic information among multiple semantically-equivalent questions (many-to-one) and learn the robust feature representations with reduced spurious associations. In this way, we can reduce the sensitivity of the learned representations and improve the robustness of the parser. From the model uncertainty perspective, there is often structural information (dependence) among the weights of neural networks. To improve the generalizability and stability of neural text-to-SQL parsers, we propose a model uncertainty constraint to refine the query representations by enforcing the output representations of different perturbed encoding networks to be consistent with each other. Extensive experiments on five benchmark datasets demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms strong competitors and achieves new state-of-the-art results.

Graph-to-Text Generation with Dynamic Structure Pruning
Liang Li | Ruiying Geng | Bowen Li | Can Ma | Yinliang Yue | Binhua Li | Yongbin Li
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Most graph-to-text works are built on the encoder-decoder framework with cross-attention mechanism. Recent studies have shown that explicitly modeling the input graph structure can significantly improve the performance. However, the vanilla structural encoder cannot capture all specialized information in a single forward pass for all decoding steps, resulting in inaccurate semantic representations. Meanwhile, the input graph is flatted as an unordered sequence in the cross attention, ignoring the original graph structure. As a result, the obtained input graph context vector in the decoder may be flawed. To address these issues, we propose a Structure-Aware Cross-Attention (SACA) mechanism to re-encode the input graph representation conditioning on the newly generated context at each decoding step in a structure aware manner. We further adapt SACA and introduce its variant Dynamic Graph Pruning (DGP) mechanism to dynamically drop irrelevant nodes in the decoding process. We achieve new state-of-the-art results on two graph-to-text datasets, LDC2020T02 and ENT-DESC, with only minor increase on computational cost.

A Slot Is Not Built in One Utterance: Spoken Language Dialogs with Sub-Slots
Sai Zhang | Yuwei Hu | Yuchuan Wu | Jiaman Wu | Yongbin Li | Jian Sun | Caixia Yuan | Xiaojie Wang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2022

A slot value might be provided segment by segment over multiple-turn interactions in a dialog, especially for some important information such as phone numbers and names. It is a common phenomenon in daily life, but little attention has been paid to it in previous work. To fill the gap, this paper defines a new task named Sub-Slot based Task-Oriented Dialog (SSTOD) and builds a Chinese dialog dataset SSD for boosting research on SSTOD. The dataset includes a total of 40K dialogs and 500K utterances from four different domains: Chinese names, phone numbers, ID numbers and license plate numbers. The data is well annotated with sub-slot values, slot values, dialog states and actions. We find some new linguistic phenomena and interactive manners in SSTOD which raise critical challenges of building dialog agents for the task. We test three state-of-the-art dialog models on SSTOD and find they cannot handle the task well on any of the four domains. We also investigate an improved model by involving slot knowledge in a plug-in manner. More work should be done to meet the new challenges raised from SSTOD which widely exists in real-life applications. The dataset and code are publicly available via https://github.com/shunjiu/SSTOD.

S2SQL: Injecting Syntax to Question-Schema Interaction Graph Encoder for Text-to-SQL Parsers
Binyuan Hui | Ruiying Geng | Lihan Wang | Bowen Qin | Yanyang Li | Bowen Li | Jian Sun | Yongbin Li
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2022

The task of converting a natural language question into an executable SQL query, known as text-to-SQL, is an important branch of semantic parsing. The state-of-the-art graph-based encoder has been successfully used in this task but does not model the question syntax well. In this paper, we propose S2SQL, injecting Syntax to question-Schema graph encoder for Text-to-SQL parsers, which effectively leverages the syntactic dependency information of questions in text-to-SQL to improve the performance. We also employ the decoupling constraint to induce diverse relational edge embedding, which further improves the network’s performance. Experiments on the Spider and robustness setting Spider-Syn demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms all existing methods when pre-training models are used, resulting in a performance ranks first on the Spider leaderboard.

STAR: SQL Guided Pre-Training for Context-dependent Text-to-SQL Parsing
Zefeng Cai | Xiangyu Li | Binyuan Hui | Min Yang | Bowen Li | Binhua Li | Zheng Cao | Weijie Li | Fei Huang | Luo Si | Yongbin Li
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

In this paper, we propose a novel SQL guided pre-training framework STAR for context-dependent text-to-SQL parsing, which leverages contextual information to enrich natural language (NL) utterance and table schema representations for text-to-SQL conversations. Concretely, we propose two novel pre-training objectives which respectively explore the context-dependent interactions of NL utterances and SQL queries within each text-to-SQL conversation: (i) schema state tracking (SST) objective that tracks and explores the schema states of context-dependent SQL queries in the form of schema-states by predicting and updating the value of each schema slot during interaction; (ii) utterance dependency tracking (UDT) objective that employs weighted contrastive learning to pull together two semantically similar NL utterances and push away the representations of semantically dissimilar NL utterances within each conversation. In addition, we construct a high-quality large-scale context-dependent text-to-SQL conversation corpus to pre-train STAR. Extensive experiments show that STAR achieves new state-of-the-art performance on two downstream benchmarks (SParC and CoSQL), significantly outperforming previous pre-training methods and ranking first on the leaderboard. We believe the release of the constructed corpus, codebase and pre-trained STAR checkpoints would push forward the research in this area.

Towards Generalized Open Information Extraction
Bowen Yu | Zhenyu Zhang | Jingyang Li | Haiyang Yu | Tingwen Liu | Jian Sun | Yongbin Li | Bin Wang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

Open Information Extraction (OpenIE) facilitates the open-domain discovery of textual facts. However, the prevailing solutions evaluate OpenIE models on in-domain test sets aside from the training corpus, which certainly violates the initial task principle of domain-independence. In this paper, we propose to advance OpenIE towards a more realistic scenario: generalizing over unseen target domains with different data distributions from the source training domains, termed Generalized OpenIE. For this purpose, we first introduce GLOBE, a large-scale human-annotated multi-domain OpenIE benchmark, to examine the robustness of recent OpenIE models to domain shifts, and the relative performance degradation of up to 70% implies the challenges of generalized OpenIE. Then, we propose DragonIE, which explores a minimalist expression of textual fact: directed acyclic graph, to improve the OpenIE generalization ability. Extensive experiments demonstrate that DragonIE beats the previous methods in both in-domain and out-of-domain settings by as much as 6.0% in F1 score absolutely, but there is still ample room for improvement.

Doc2Bot: Accessing Heterogeneous Documents via Conversational Bots
Haomin Fu | Yeqin Zhang | Haiyang Yu | Jian Sun | Fei Huang | Luo Si | Yongbin Li | Cam Tu Nguyen
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

This paper introduces Doc2Bot, a novel dataset for building machines that help users seek information via conversations. This is of particular interest for companies and organizations that own a large number of manuals or instruction books. Despite its potential, the nature of our task poses several challenges: (1) documents contain various structures that hinder the ability of machines to comprehend, and (2) user information needs are often underspecified. Compared to prior datasets that either focus on a single structural type or overlook the role of questioning to uncover user needs, the Doc2Bot dataset is developed to target such challenges systematically. Our dataset contains over 100,000 turns based on Chinese documents from five domains, larger than any prior document-grounded dialog dataset for information seeking. We propose three tasks in Doc2Bot: (1) dialog state tracking to track user intentions, (2) dialog policy learning to plan system actions and contents, and (3) response generation which generates responses based on the outputs of the dialog policy. Baseline methods based on the latest deep learning models are presented, indicating that our proposed tasks are challenging and worthy of further research.

Towards Generalizable and Robust Text-to-SQL Parsing
Chang Gao | Bowen Li | Wenxuan Zhang | Wai Lam | Binhua Li | Fei Huang | Luo Si | Yongbin Li
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

Text-to-SQL parsing tackles the problem of mapping natural language questions to executable SQL queries. In practice, text-to-SQL parsers often encounter various challenging scenarios, requiring them to be generalizable and robust. While most existing work addresses a particular generalization or robustness challenge, we aim to study it in a more comprehensive manner. In specific, we believe that text-to-SQL parsers should be (1) generalizable at three levels of generalization, namely i.i.d., zero-shot, and compositional, and (2) robust against input perturbations. To enhance these capabilities of the parser, we propose a novel TKK framework consisting of Task decomposition, Knowledge acquisition, and Knowledge composition to learn text-to-SQL parsing in stages. By dividing the learning process into multiple stages, our framework improves the parser’s ability to acquire general SQL knowledge instead of capturing spurious patterns, making it more generalizable and robust. Experimental results under various generalization and robustness settings show that our framework is effective in all scenarios and achieves state-of-the-art performance on the Spider, SParC, and CoSQL datasets.

Semi-Supervised Lifelong Language Learning
Yingxiu Zhao | Yinhe Zheng | Bowen Yu | Zhiliang Tian | Dongkyu Lee | Jian Sun | Yongbin Li | Nevin L. Zhang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

Lifelong learning aims to accumulate knowledge and alleviate catastrophic forgetting when learning tasks sequentially. However, existing lifelong language learning methods only focus on the supervised learning setting. Unlabeled data, which can be easily accessed in real-world scenarios, are underexplored. In this paper, we explore a novel setting, semi-supervised lifelong language learning (SSLL), where a model learns sequentially arriving language tasks with both labeled and unlabeled data. We propose an unlabeled data enhanced lifelong learner to explore SSLL. Specially, we dedicate task-specific modules to alleviate catastrophic forgetting and design two modules to exploit unlabeled data: (1) a virtual supervision enhanced task solver is constructed on a teacher-student framework to mine the underlying knowledge from unlabeled data; and (2) a backward augmented learner is built to encourage knowledge transfer from newly arrived unlabeled data to previous tasks. Experimental results on various language tasks demonstrate our model’s effectiveness and superiority over competitive baselines under the new setting SSLL.


Preview, Attend and Review: Schema-Aware Curriculum Learning for Multi-Domain Dialogue State Tracking
Yinpei Dai | Hangyu Li | Yongbin Li | Jian Sun | Fei Huang | Luo Si | Xiaodan Zhu
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Existing dialog state tracking (DST) models are trained with dialog data in a random order, neglecting rich structural information in a dataset. In this paper, we propose to use curriculum learning (CL) to better leverage both the curriculum structure and schema structure for task-oriented dialogs. Specifically, we propose a model-agnostic framework called Schema-aware Curriculum Learning for Dialog State Tracking (SaCLog), which consists of a preview module that pre-trains a DST model with schema information, a curriculum module that optimizes the model with CL, and a review module that augments mispredicted data to reinforce the CL training. We show that our proposed approach improves DST performance over both a transformer-based and RNN-based DST model (TripPy and TRADE) and achieves new state-of-the-art results on WOZ2.0 and MultiWOZ2.1.


Learning Low-Resource End-To-End Goal-Oriented Dialog for Fast and Reliable System Deployment
Yinpei Dai | Hangyu Li | Chengguang Tang | Yongbin Li | Jian Sun | Xiaodan Zhu
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Existing end-to-end dialog systems perform less effectively when data is scarce. To obtain an acceptable success in real-life online services with only a handful of training examples, both fast adaptability and reliable performance are highly desirable for dialog systems. In this paper, we propose the Meta-Dialog System (MDS), which combines the advantages of both meta-learning approaches and human-machine collaboration. We evaluate our methods on a new extended-bAbI dataset and a transformed MultiWOZ dataset for low-resource goal-oriented dialog learning. Experimental results show that MDS significantly outperforms non-meta-learning baselines and can achieve more than 90% per-turn accuracies with only 10 dialogs on the extended-bAbI dataset.

Dynamic Memory Induction Networks for Few-Shot Text Classification
Ruiying Geng | Binhua Li | Yongbin Li | Jian Sun | Xiaodan Zhu
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

This paper proposes Dynamic Memory Induction Networks (DMIN) for few-short text classification. The model develops a dynamic routing mechanism over static memory, enabling it to better adapt to unseen classes, a critical capability for few-short classification. The model also expands the induction process with supervised learning weights and query information to enhance the generalization ability of meta-learning. The proposed model brings forward the state-of-the-art performance significantly by 2 4% improvement on the miniRCV1 and ODIC datasets. Detailed analysis is further performed to show how the proposed network achieves the new performance.


Induction Networks for Few-Shot Text Classification
Ruiying Geng | Binhua Li | Yongbin Li | Xiaodan Zhu | Ping Jian | Jian Sun
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

Text classification tends to struggle when data is deficient or when it needs to adapt to unseen classes. In such challenging scenarios, recent studies have used meta-learning to simulate the few-shot task, in which new queries are compared to a small support set at the sample-wise level. However, this sample-wise comparison may be severely disturbed by the various expressions in the same class. Therefore, we should be able to learn a general representation of each class in the support set and then compare it to new queries. In this paper, we propose a novel Induction Network to learn such a generalized class-wise representation, by innovatively leveraging the dynamic routing algorithm in meta-learning. In this way, we find the model is able to induce and generalize better. We evaluate the proposed model on a well-studied sentiment classification dataset (English) and a real-world dialogue intent classification dataset (Chinese). Experiment results show that on both datasets, the proposed model significantly outperforms the existing state-of-the-art approaches, proving the effectiveness of class-wise generalization in few-shot text classification.


Lyb3b at SemEval-2018 Task 11: Machine Comprehension Task using Deep Learning Models
Yongbin Li | Xiaobing Zhou
Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

Machine Comprehension of text is a typical Natural Language Processing task which remains an elusive challenge. This paper is to solve the task 11 of SemEval-2018, Machine Comprehension using Commonsense Knowledge task. We use deep learning model to solve the problem. We build distributed word embedding of text, question and answering respectively instead of manually extracting features by linguistic tools. Meanwhile, we use a series of frameworks such as CNN model, LSTM model, LSTM with attention model and biLSTM with attention model for processing word vector. Experiments demonstrate the superior performance of biLSTM with attention framework compared to other models. We also delete high frequency words and combine word vector and data augmentation methods, achieved a certain effect. The approach we proposed rank 6th in official results, with accuracy rate of 0.7437 in test dataset.

Lyb3b at SemEval-2018 Task 12: Ensemble-based Deep Learning Models for Argument Reasoning Comprehension Task
Yongbin Li | Xiaobing Zhou
Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

Reasoning is a crucial part of natural language argumentation. In order to comprehend an argument, we have to reconstruct and analyze its reasoning. In this task, given a natural language argument with a reason and a claim, the goal is to choose the correct implicit reasoning from two options, in order to form a reasonable structure of (Reason, Warrant, Claim). Our approach is to build distributed word embedding of reason, warrant and claim respectively, meanwhile, we use a series of frameworks such as CNN model, LSTM model, GRU with attention model and biLSTM with attention model for processing word vector. Finally, ensemble mechanism is used to integrate the results of each framework to improve the final accuracy. Experiments demonstrate superior performance of ensemble mechanism compared to each separate framework. We are the 11th in official results, the final model can reach a 0.568 accuracy rate on the test dataset.


YNUDLG at IJCNLP-2017 Task 5: A CNN-LSTM Model with Attention for Multi-choice Question Answering in Examinations
Min Wang | Qingxun Liu | Peng Ding | Yongbin Li | Xiaobing Zhou
Proceedings of the IJCNLP 2017, Shared Tasks

In this paper, we perform convolutional neural networks (CNN) to learn the joint representations of question-answer pairs first, then use the joint representations as the inputs of the long short-term memory (LSTM) with attention to learn the answer sequence of a question for labeling the matching quality of each answer. We also incorporating external knowledge by training Word2Vec on Flashcards data, thus we get more compact embedding. Experimental results show that our method achieves better or comparable performance compared with the baseline system. The proposed approach achieves the accuracy of 0.39, 0.42 in English valid set, test set, respectively.