Bobo Li


Reasoning Implicit Sentiment with Chain-of-Thought Prompting
Hao Fei | Bobo Li | Qian Liu | Lidong Bing | Fei Li | Tat-Seng Chua
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

While sentiment analysis systems try to determine the sentiment polarities of given targets based on the key opinion expressions in input texts, in implicit sentiment analysis (ISA) the opinion cues come in an implicit and obscure manner. Thus detecting implicit sentiment requires the common-sense and multi-hop reasoning ability to infer the latent intent of opinion. Inspired by the recent chain-of-thought (CoT) idea, in this work we introduce a Three-hop Reasoning (THOR) CoT framework to mimic the human-like reasoning process for ISA. We design a three-step prompting principle for THOR to step-by-step induce the implicit aspect, opinion, and finally the sentiment polarity. Our THOR+Flan-T5 (11B) pushes the state-of-the-art (SoTA) by over 6% F1 on supervised setup. More strikingly, THOR+GPT3 (175B) boosts the SoTA by over 50% F1 on zero-shot setting.

DiaASQ: A Benchmark of Conversational Aspect-based Sentiment Quadruple Analysis
Bobo Li | Hao Fei | Fei Li | Yuhan Wu | Jinsong Zhang | Shengqiong Wu | Jingye Li | Yijiang Liu | Lizi Liao | Tat-Seng Chua | Donghong Ji
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

The rapid development of aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) within recent decades shows great potential for real-world society. The current ABSA works, however, are mostly limited to the scenario of a single text piece, leaving the study in dialogue contexts unexplored. To bridge the gap between fine-grained sentiment analysis and conversational opinion mining, in this work, we introduce a novel task of conversational aspect-based sentiment quadruple analysis, namely DiaASQ, aiming to detect the quadruple of target-aspect-opinion-sentiment in a dialogue. We manually construct a large-scale high-quality DiaASQ dataset in both Chinese and English languages. We deliberately develop a neural model to benchmark the task, which advances in effectively performing end-to-end quadruple prediction, and manages to incorporate rich dialogue-specific and discourse feature representations for better cross-utterance quadruple extraction. We hope the new benchmark will spur more advancements in the sentiment analysis community.


OneEE: A One-Stage Framework for Fast Overlapping and Nested Event Extraction
Hu Cao | Jingye Li | Fangfang Su | Fei Li | Hao Fei | Shengqiong Wu | Bobo Li | Liang Zhao | Donghong Ji
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Event extraction (EE) is an essential task of information extraction, which aims to extract structured event information from unstructured text. Most prior work focuses on extracting flat events while neglecting overlapped or nested ones. A few models for overlapped and nested EE includes several successive stages to extract event triggers and arguments,which suffer from error propagation. Therefore, we design a simple yet effective tagging scheme and model to formulate EE as word-word relation recognition, called OneEE. The relations between trigger or argument words are simultaneously recognized in one stage with parallel grid tagging, thus yielding a very fast event extraction speed. The model is equipped with an adaptive event fusion module to generate event-aware representations and a distance-aware predictor to integrate relative distance information for word-word relation recognition, which are empirically demonstrated to be effective mechanisms. Experiments on 3 overlapped and nested EE benchmarks, namely FewFC, Genia11, and Genia13, show that OneEE achieves the state-of-the-art (SOTA) results. Moreover, the inference speed of OneEE is faster than those of baselines in the same condition, and can be further substantially improved since it supports parallel inference.