Proceedings of the 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation
Ryo Otoguro, Kiyoshi Ishikawa, Hiroshi Umemoto, Kei Yoshimoto, Yasunari Harada (Editors)
- Anthology ID:
- Y10-1
- Month:
- November
- Year:
- 2010
- Address:
- Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
- Venue:
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- Institute of Digital Enhancement of Cognitive Processing, Waseda University
- URL:
- DOI:
Proceedings of the 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation
Ryo Otoguro
Kiyoshi Ishikawa
Hiroshi Umemoto
Kei Yoshimoto
Yasunari Harada
PodCastle: A Spoken Document Retrieval Service Improved by Anonymous User Contributions
Masataka Goto
Jun Ogata
The Future Role of Language Resources for Natural Language Parsing (We Won’t Be Able to Rely on Pierre Vinken Rorever... or Will We Have to?)
Julia Hockenmaier
The Acquisition of Word Order in a Topic-prominent Language: Corpus Findings and Experimental Investigation
Thomas Hun-tak Lee
How and Why Two Strangers Can Co-create a Story: An Application of the ‘Ba’-Theory Based Approach to the Discourse
Sachiko Ide
Situated Language: Case of Japanese
Hideyuki Nakashima
Basic Units of Lexicons and Ontologies: Words, Senses and Concepts
Hee-Rahk Chae
A Morphosyntactic Analysis of the Pronominal System of Philippine Languages
Shirley N. Dita
Statistical Translation Model Based On Source Syntax Structure
Qun Liu
Yang Liu
Haitao Mi
Lexical Semantics-Syntactic Model for Defining and Subcategorizing Attribute Noun Class
Xiaopeng Bai
Hui Wang
Benglish Verbs: A Case of Code-mixing in Bengali
Shishir Bhattacharja
Enhanced Genre Classification through Linguistically Fine-Grained POS Tags
Alex Chengyu Fang
Jing Cao
Identifying Emotional Expressions, Intensities and Sentence Level Emotion Tags Using a Supervised Framework
Dipankar Das
Sivaji Bandyopadhyay
Decision Theory and Discourse Particles: A Case Study from a Large Japanese Sentiment Corpus
Christopher Davis
Finding Appropriate Subset of Votes Per Classifier Using Multiobjective Optimization: Application to Named Entity Recognition
Asif Ekbal
Sriparna Saha
Md. Hasanuzzaman
Experimental Approach to Reference in Discourse: Working Memory Capacity and Language Comprehension in Russian
Olga Fedorova
Ekaterina Delikishkina
Anna Uspenskaya
A Computational Model of Language Generation Applied to Japanese Wh-questions
Jason Ginsburg
Chains in Syntax and Morphology
Thomas Groß
Feature Subset Selection Using Genetic Algorithm for Named Entity Recognition
Md. Hasanuzzaman
Sriparna Saha
Asif Ekbal
Developing Punjabi Morphology, Corpus and Lexicon
Muhammad Humayoun
Aarne Ranta
Effective Use of Linguistic Features for Sentiment Analysis of Korean
Hayeon Jang
Hyopil Shin
Word Order and NP Structure in Korean: A Constraint Based Approach
Jong-Bok Kim
Nam-Guen Lee
Yae-shiek Lee
Evidentials and Epistemic Modal in Korean: Evidence from Their Intractions
Chungmin Lee
Implementation of Korean Syllable Structures in the Typed Feature Structure Formalism
Gyu-hyung Lee
Ye-seul Park
Yong-hun Lee
Focus Types and Subject-Object Asymmetry in Korean Case Ellipsis: A New Look at Focus Effects
Hanjung Lee
Haejeong Choi
eSpatialML: An Event-Driven Spatial Annotation Framework
Kiyong Lee
Jonathan Webster
Alex Chengyu Fang
Domain-Independent Novel Event Discovery and Semi-Automatic Event Annotation
Hao Li
Xiang Li
Heng Ji
Yuval Marton
Developing an Online Indonesian Corpora Repository
Ruli Manurung
Bayu Distiawan
Desmond Darma Putra
Topicalization and Truth Conditions: A Categorial Account
Hiroaki Nakamura
Unsupervised Classification of Biomedical Abstracts Using Lexical Association
Jonathon Read
Jonathan Webster
Alex Chengyu Fang
Licensing Nominals in the Multiple Nominative Constructions in Korean: A Mereological Perspective
Byong-Rae Ryu
Combination of 3 Types of Speech Recognizers for Anaphora Resolution
Kazutaka Shimada
Noriko Tanamachi
Tsutomu Endo
Syntactic and Semantic Discrepancies among the Verbs for ‘kill’ in English, Chinese and Thai
Kingkarn Thepkanjana
Satoshi Uehara
Expanding Chinese Sentiment Dictionaries from Large Scale Unlabeled Corpus
Hongzhi Xu
Kai Zhao
Likun Qiu
Changjian Hu
Representing Events in Japanese Complex Predicates
Yoshie Yamamori
Fault-Tolerant Learning for Term Extraction
Yuhang Yang
Hao Yu
Yao Meng
Yingliang Lu
Yingju Xia
Syntactically Complex Demonstratives and Sortal Inherency
Richard Zuber
On Automated Hyperonym Hierarchy Construction Using an Internet Search Engine
Sergey Afonin
An Ontological Analysis of Japanese and Chinese Kinship Terms
Songiy Baik
Hee-Rahk Chae
GRASP: Grammar- and Syntax-based Pattern-Finder for Collocation and Phrase Learning
Mei-hua Chen
Chung-chi Huang
Shih-ting Huang
Jason S. Chang
Mitigating Problems in Analogy-based EBMT with SMT and vice versa: A Case Study with Named Entity Transliteration
Sandipan Dandapat
Sara Morrissey
Sudip Kumar Naskar
Harold Somers
Why the English Easiest Type Became the Hardest in Russian, or Russian Adults’ Comprehension of before and after sentences
Olga Fedorova
Simpler Is Better: Re-evaluation of Default Word Alignment Models in Statistical MT
Mark Fishel
The TXM Platform: Building Open-Source Textual Analysis Software Compatible with the TEI Encoding Scheme
Serge Heiden
Using Corpus-based Linguistic Approaches in Sense Prediction Study
Jia-Fei Hong
Sue-Jin Ker
Chu-Ren Huang
Kathleen Ahrens
Synthetic Compounds in Mandarin
Shuang Hong
The Specialized Vocabulary of Modern Patent Language: Semantic Associations in Patent Lexis
Darren Hsin-hung Lin
Shelley Ching-yu Hsieh
The KOLON System: Tools for Ontological Natural Language Processing in Korean
Juliano Paiva Junho
Yumi Jo
Hyopil Shin
An Approach toward Register Classification of Book Samples in the Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese
Wakako Kashino
Manabu Okumura
A Computational Treatment of Korean Serial Verb Constructions
Jong-Bok Kim
Jaehyung Yang
Sanghoun Song
A Supervised Machine Learning Approach for Event-Event Relation Identification
Anup Kumar Kolya
Asif Ekbal
Sivaji Bandyopadhyay
Arguments for Parallel Distributed Parsing: Toward the Integration of Lexical and Sublexical (Semantic) Parsings
Kow Kuroda
Scrambling of Wh-phrases in Japanese
Paul Law
A Comparative Study on the Aspectual Classification of Korean and Japanese Verbs in Relation to ‘-ess-’ ‘-essess-’ in Korean and ‘sudeni’in Japanese
Younghee Lee
Byong-Rae Ryu
A Modular Architecture for the Wide-Coverage Translation of Natural Language Texts into Predicate Logic Formulas
Yusuke Miyao
Alastair Butler
Kei Yoshimoto
Jun’ichi Tsujii
Toward a Unified Computational Model of Quantificational Scope Readings
Prakash Mondal
CCG of Japanese Sentence-final Particles
Sumiyo Nishiguchi
A Multi-Dimensional Analysis of Japanese Benefactives: The Case of the Yaru-Construction
Akira Otani
Mark Steedman
Typed Dependency Relations for Syntactic Analysis of Thai Sentences
Siripong Potisuk
Exploiting a Multilingual Web-based Encyclopedia for Bilingual Terminology Extraction
Fatiha Sadat
Language Homogeneity in the Japanese Wikipedia
Karl-André Skevik
Incorporate Credibility into Context for the Best Social Media Answers
Qi Su
Helen Kai-yun Chen
Chu-Ren Huang
A Query Focused Multi Document Automatic Summarization
Pinaki Bhaskar
Sivaji Bandyopadhyay
Through Low-Cost Annotation to Reliable Parsing Evaluation
Marek Grác
Miloš Jakubíček
Vojtěch Kovář
A Look into the Acquisition of English Motion Event Conflation by Native Speakers of Chinese and Japanese
Ryan Spring
Stage/Individual-level Predicates, Topics and Indefinite Subjects
Shuiying Yao
How Well Conditional Random Fields Can be Used in Novel Term Recognition
Xing Zhang
Yan Song
Alex Chengyu Fang
Clitics in Arabic Language: A Statistical Study
Fahad Alotaiby
Salah Foda
Ibrahim Alkharashi
AUTOLEX: An Automatic Lexicon Builder for Minority Languages Using an Open Corpus
Evan Liz Cantoja Buhay
Marie Joy Padilla Evardone
Hansel Baguio Nocon
Davis Muhajereen Dimalen
Rachel Edita Roxas
Improving Information Extraction Using Knowledge Model
Yue Chen
Finding Emotion Holder from Bengali Blog Texts—An Unsupervised Syntactic Approach
Dipankar Das
Sivaji Bandyopadhyay
Terminological Ontology and Cognitive Processes in Translation
Fumiko Kano Glückstad
Detection of Users Suspected of Pretending to Be Other Users in a Community Site by Using Messages Submitted to Non-Target Categories
Naoki Ishikawa
Ryo Nishimura
Yasuhiko Watanabe
Masaki Murata
Yoshihiro Okada
Detecting Nasty Comments from BBS Posts
Tatsuya Ishisaka
Kazuhide Yamamoto
Using Various Features in Machine Learning to Obtain High Levels of Performance for Recognition of Japanese Notational Variants
Masahiro Kojima
Masaki Murata
Jun’ichi Kazama
Kow Kuroda
Atsushi Fujita
Eiji Aramaki
Masaaki Tsuchida
Yasuhiko Watanabe
Kentaro Torisawa
Korean Kes-Relative Clauses as Stages
Sang-Hee Park
Finite State Morphology and Sindhi Noun Inflections
Mutee U Rahman Muslim
Mohammad Iqbal Bhatti
The Acquisition of Imperfective Aspect Marking in Korean as a Second Language by Japanese Learners
Ju-yeon Ryu
Kaoru Horie
Yasuhiro Shirai
Multi-aspects Review Summarization Based on Identification of Important Opinions and their Similarity
Ryosuke Tadano
Kazutaka Shimada
Tsutomu Endo
Generation of Summaries that Appropriately and Adequately Express the Contents of Original Documents Using Word-Association Knowledge
Kazuki Takigawa
Masaki Murata
Masaaki Tsuchida
Stijn De Saeger
Kazuhide Yamamoto
Kentaro Torisawa
Adjectival Modification to Nouns in Mandarin Chinese: Case Studies on “cháng+noun” and “adjective+tú shū gu n”
Shan Wang
Chu-Ren Huang
Compositional Operations of Mandarin Chinese Perception Verb “kàn”: A Generative Lexicon Approach
Shan Wang
Chu-Ren Huang
Workshop on Advanced Corpus Solutions
Janne Bondi Johannessen
Degrees of Orality in Speech-like Corpora: Comparative Annotation of Chat and E-mail Corpora
Eckhard Bick
Parallel Suffix Arrays for Corpus Exploration
Johannes Goller
Fast Syntactic Searching in Very Large Corpora for Many Languages
Miloš Jakubíček
Adam Kilgarriff
Diana McCarthy
Pavel Rychlý
A Multilingual Speech Resource: The Nordic Dialect Corpus
Janne Bondi Johannessen
Joel Priestley
Anders Nøklestad
Dialect Corpora Taken Further: The DynaSAND Corpus and Its Application in Newer Tools
Jan Pieter Kunst
Franca Wesseling
Advanced Corpus Solutions for Humanities Researchers
James Wilson
Anthony Hartley
Serge Sharoff
Paul Stephenson
Entity Coherence in Comparable Learner Corpora: Seeking Pedagogical Insights
Mitsuko Yamura-Takei
Miho Fujiwara
Etsuko Yoshida
The Use of a Cultural Protocol for Quantifying Cultural Variations in Comparing Verb Semantic between Chinese and French
Hintat Cheung
Yann Desalle
Karine Duvignau
Bruno Gaume
Chunhan Chang
Pierre Magistry
Towards the Global SentiWordNet
Amitava Das
Sivaji Bandyopadhyay
Towards an Automatic Measurement of Verbal Lexicon Acquisition: The Case for a Young Children-versus-Adults Classification in French and Mandarin
Yann Desalle
Shu-Kai Hsieh
Bruno Gaume
Hintat Cheung
Graph Representation of Synonymy and Translation Resources for Crosslinguistic Modelisation of Meaning
Benoît Gaillard
Yannick Chudy
Pierre Magistry
Shu-Kai Hsieh
Emmanuel Navarro
Exploring Chinese Verbal Lexicon Developmental Trend with Semantic Space
Ching-Fen Pan
Computational Modeling of Verb Acquisition, from a Monolingual to a Bilingual Study
Laurent Prévot
Chun-Han Chang
Yann Desalle
Cross-sortal Predication and Polysemy
Petr Šimon
Chu-Ren Huang
Verb Use in Chinese Children: Extensibility of Instrument
Te-Hsin Wu
Natural Language Production in Database Semantics
Roland Hausser
Change of Location and Change of State: How Telicity is Attained
Chungmin Lee
Various Evidentials in Korean
Kyung-An Song
A Note on Pseudo-comparatives like “John is rich like X!” and “Like X, John is rich!”
Benjamin Tsou