Human Language Technologies 2007: The Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics; Proceedings of the Main Conference
Candace Sidner, Tanja Schultz, Matthew Stone, ChengXiang Zhai (Editors)
- Anthology ID:
- N07-1
- Month:
- April
- Year:
- 2007
- Address:
- Rochester, New York
- Venue:
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- Association for Computational Linguistics
- URL:
- DOI:
- PDF:
Human Language Technologies 2007: The Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics; Proceedings of the Main Conference
Candace Sidner
Tanja Schultz
Matthew Stone
ChengXiang Zhai
Exploiting Acoustic and Syntactic Features for Prosody Labeling in a Maximum Entropy Framework
Vivek Kumar Rangarajan Sridhar
Srinivas Bangalore
Shrikanth Narayanan
To Memorize or to Predict: Prominence labeling in Conversational Speech
Ani Nenkova
Jason Brenier
Anubha Kothari
Sasha Calhoun
Laura Whitton
David Beaver
Dan Jurafsky
Avoiding and Resolving Initiative Conflicts in Dialogue
Fan Yang
Peter A. Heeman
What Decisions Have You Made?: Automatic Decision Detection in Meeting Conversations
Pei-Yun Hsueh
Johanna D. Moore
Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation Based on Rate of Accomplishment of Sub-Goals
Kiyotaka Uchimoto
Katsunori Kotani
Yujie Zhang
Hitoshi Isahara
Source-Language Features and Maximum Correlation Training for Machine Translation Evaluation
Ding Liu
Daniel Gildea
Generating Case Markers in Machine Translation
Kristina Toutanova
Hisami Suzuki
Direct Translation Model 2
Abraham Ittycheriah
Salim Roukos
Structured Local Training and Biased Potential Functions for Conditional Random Fields with Application to Coreference Resolution
Yejin Choi
Claire Cardie
Coreference or Not: A Twin Model for Coreference Resolution
Xiaoqiang Luo
First-Order Probabilistic Models for Coreference Resolution
Aron Culotta
Michael Wick
Andrew McCallum
Information Retrieval On Empty Fields
Victor Lavrenko
Xing Yi
James Allan
Improving Diversity in Ranking using Absorbing Random Walks
Xiaojin Zhu
Andrew Goldberg
Jurgen Van Gael
David Andrzejewski
A Random Text Model for the Generation of Statistical Language Invariants
Chris Biemann
A Systematic Exploration of the Feature Space for Relation Extraction
Jing Jiang
ChengXiang Zhai
Unsupervised Resolution of Objects and Relations on the Web
Alexander Yates
Oren Etzioni
The Domain Restriction Hypothesis: Relating Term Similarity and Semantic Consistency
Alfio Massimiliano Gliozzo
Marco Pennacchiotti
Patrick Pantel
Bayesian Inference for PCFGs via Markov Chain Monte Carlo
Mark Johnson
Thomas Griffiths
Sharon Goldwater
Worst-Case Synchronous Grammar Rules
Daniel Gildea
Daniel Štefankovič
High-Performance, Language-Independent Morphological Segmentation
Sajib Dasgupta
Vincent Ng
Probabilistic Generation of Weather Forecast Texts
Anja Belz
Generation by Inverting a Semantic Parser that Uses Statistical Machine Translation
Yuk Wah Wong
Raymond Mooney
Lexicalized Markov Grammars for Sentence Compression
Michel Galley
Kathleen McKeown
Hybrid Models for Semantic Classification of Chinese Unknown Words
Xiaofei Lu
Using Wikipedia for Automatic Word Sense Disambiguation
Rada Mihalcea
Data-Driven Graph Construction for Semi-Supervised Graph-Based Learning in NLP
Andrei Alexandrescu
Katrin Kirchhoff
Is Question Answering Better than Information Retrieval? Towards a Task-Based Evaluation Framework for Question Series
Jimmy Lin
A Case For Shorter Queries, and Helping Users Create Them
Giridhar Kumaran
James Allan
Combining Outputs from Multiple Machine Translation Systems
Antti-Veikko Rosti
Necip Fazil Ayan
Bing Xiang
Spyros Matsoukas
Richard Schwartz
Bonnie Dorr
Joint Determination of Anaphoricity and Coreference Resolution using Integer Programming
Pascal Denis
Jason Baldridge
Automating Creation of Hierarchical Faceted Metadata Structures
Emilia Stoica
Marti Hearst
Megan Richardson
Cross-Instance Tuning of Unsupervised Document Clustering Algorithms
Damianos Karakos
Jason Eisner
Sanjeev Khudanpur
Carey Priebe
Using “Annotator Rationales” to Improve Machine Learning for Text Categorization
Omar Zaidan
Jason Eisner
Christine Piatko
Combining Reinformation Learning with Information-State Update Rules
Peter Heeman
Estimating the Reliability of MDP Policies: a Confidence Interval Approach
Joel Tetreault
Dan Bohus
Diane Litman
An Exploration of Eye Gaze in Spoken Language Processing for Multimodal Conversational Interfaces
Shaolin Qu
Joyce Chai
Extracting Semantic Orientations of Phrases from Dictionary
Hiroya Takamura
Takashi Inui
Manabu Okumura
Multiple Aspect Ranking Using the Good Grief Algorithm
Benjamin Snyder
Regina Barzilay
Extracting Appraisal Expressions
Kenneth Bloom
Navendu Garg
Shlomo Argamon
Whose Idea Was This, and Why Does it Matter? Attributing Scientific Work to Citations
Advaith Siddharthan
Simone Teufel
Combining Probability-Based Rankers for Action-Item Detection
Paul N. Bennett
Jaime G. Carbonell
Multi-Document Relationship Fusion via Constraints on Probabilistic Databases
Gideon Mann
An Integrated Approach to Measuring Semantic Similarity between Words Using Information Available on the Web
Danushka Bollegala
Yutaka Matsuo
Mitsuru Ishizuka
An Information Retrieval Approach to Sense Ranking
Mirella Lapata
Frank Keller
Near-Synonym Choice in an Intelligent Thesaurus
Diana Inkpen
A Log-Linear Block Transliteration Model based on Bi-Stream HMMs
Bing Zhao
Nguyen Bach
Ian Lane
Stephan Vogel
Applying Many-to-Many Alignments and Hidden Markov Models to Letter-to-Phoneme Conversion
Sittichai Jiampojamarn
Grzegorz Kondrak
Tarek Sherif
Analysis of Morph-Based Speech Recognition and the Modeling of Out-of-Vocabulary Words Across Languages
Mathias Creutz
Teemu Hirsimäki
Mikko Kurimo
Antti Puurula
Janne Pylkkönen
Vesa Siivola
Matti Varjokallio
Ebru Arisoy
Murat Saraçlar
Andreas Stolcke
Tree Revision Learning for Dependency Parsing
Giuseppe Attardi
Massimiliano Ciaramita
Incremental Non-Projective Dependency Parsing
Joakim Nivre
Improved Inference for Unlexicalized Parsing
Slav Petrov
Dan Klein
Approximate Factoring for A* Search
Aria Haghighi
John DeNero
Dan Klein
A Cascaded Machine Learning Approach to Interpreting Temporal Expressions
David Ahn
Joris van Rantwijk
Maarten de Rijke
Building and Refining Rhetorical-Semantic Relation Models
Sasha Blair-Goldensohn
Kathleen McKeown
Owen Rambow
A Unified Local and Global Model for Discourse Coherence
Micha Elsner
Joseph Austerweil
Eugene Charniak
Randomized Decoding for Selection-and-Ordering Problems
Pawan Deshpande
Regina Barzilay
David Karger
Multilingual Structural Projection across Interlinear Text
Fei Xia
William Lewis
Combining Lexical and Grammatical Features to Improve Readability Measures for First and Second Language Texts
Michael Heilman
Kevyn Collins-Thompson
Jamie Callan
Maxine Eskenazi
Automatic Assessment of Student Translations for Foreign Language Tutoring
Chao Wang
Stephanie Seneff
Automatic and Human Scoring of Word Definition Responses
Kevyn Collins-Thompson
Jamie Callan
A Comparison of Pivot Methods for Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation
Masao Utiyama
Hitoshi Isahara
Efficient Phrase-Table Representation for Machine Translation with Applications to Online MT and Speech Translation
Richard Zens
Hermann Ney
An Efficient Two-Pass Approach to Synchronous-CFG Driven Statistical MT
Ashish Venugopal
Andreas Zollmann
Stephan Vogel
Statistical Phrase-Based Post-Editing
Michel Simard
Cyril Goutte
Pierre Isabelle
Automatic Answer Typing for How-Questions
Christopher Pinchak
Shane Bergsma
A Probabilistic Framework for Answer Selection in Question Answering
Jeongwoo Ko
Luo Si
Eric Nyberg
Question Answering Using Integrated Information Retrieval and Information Extraction
Barry Schiffman
Kathleen McKeown
Ralph Grishman
James Allan
Toward Multimedia: A String Pattern-Based Passage Ranking Model for Video Question Answering
Yu-Chieh Wu
Jie-Chi Yang
Can Semantic Roles Generalize Across Genres?
Szu-ting Yi
Edward Loper
Martha Palmer
Towards Robust Semantic Role Labeling
Sameer Pradhan
Wayne Ward
James Martin
ISP: Learning Inferential Selectional Preferences
Patrick Pantel
Rahul Bhagat
Bonaventura Coppola
Timothy Chklovski
Eduard Hovy
Computing Semantic Similarity between Skill Statements for Approximate Matching
Feng Pan
Robert Farrell