Speech and Natural Language: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at Pacific Grove, California, February 19-22, 1991
- Anthology ID:
- H91-1
- Month:
- Year:
- 1991
- Address:
- Venue:
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- URL:
- https://preview.aclanthology.org/build-pipeline-with-new-library/H91-1/
- DOI:
Overview of the Fourth DARPA Speech and Natural Language Workshop
Patti Price
Session 1: Speech and Natural Language Efforts in the U. S. and Abroad
Mark Y. Liberman
Patti Price
Louis Boves
Some Notes About Research and Development at KTH
Rolf Carlson
Speech Understanding and Dialogue over the telephone: an overview of the ESPRIT SUNDIAL project.
Jeremy Peckham
Machine Translation in Europe
S. Warwick-Armstrong
ESPRIT, The European Strategic Programme for Research and Development in Information Technology
Session 2: DARPA Resource Management and ATIS Benchmark Test Poster Session
David S. Pallett
Dragon Systems Resource Management Benchmark Results February 1991
James Baker
Janet Baker
Pard Bamberg
Larry Gillick
Lori Lamel
Robert Roth
Francesco Scattone
Dean Sturtevant
Ousmane Ba
Richard Benedict
New Results with the Lincoln Tied-Mixture HMM CSR System
Douglas B. Paul
Modelling Context Dependency in Acoustic-Phonetic and Lexical Representations
Michael Phillips
James Glass
Victor Zue
BYBLOS Speech Recognition Benchmark Results
F. Kubala
S. Austin
C. Barry
J. Makhoul
P. Placeway
R. Schwartz
Integration of Diverse Recognition Methodologies Through Reevaluation of N-Best Sentence Hypotheses
M. Ostendorf
A. Kannan
S. Austin
O. Kimball
R. Schwartz
J.R. Rohlicek
Development and Preliminary Evaluation of the MIT ATIS System
Stephanie Seneff
James Glass
David Goddeau
David Goodine
Lynette Hirschman
Hong Leung
Michael Phillips
Joseph Polifroni
Victor Zue
Speech Recognition in SRI’s Resource Management and ATIS Systems
Hy Murveit
John Butzberger
Mitch Weintraub
Evaluation of the CMU ATIS System
Wayne Ward
Using Semantics to Correct Parser Output for ATIS Utterances
Sheryl Young
BBN HARC and DELPHI Results on the ATIS Benchmarks - February 1991
S. Austin
D. Ayuso
M. Bates
R. Bobrow
R. Ingria
J. Makhoul
P. Placeway
R. Schwartz
D. Stallard
A Textual processor to handle ATIS queries
Douglas O’Shaughnessy
Stochastic Representation of Conceptual Structure in the ATIS Task
Roberto Pieraccini
Esther Levin
Chin-Hui Lee
Augmented Role Filling Capabilities for Semantic Interpretation of Spoken Language
Lewis Norton
Marcia Linebarger
Deborah Dahl
Nghi Nguyen
The Use of a Commercial Natural Language Interface in the ATIS Task
Evelyne Tzoukermann
Session 3: Machine Translation
Jaime Carbonell
Machine Translation Using Abductive Inference
Jerry R. Hobbs
Megumi Kameyama
A Statistical Approach to Sense Disambiguation in Machine Translation
Peter F. Brown
Stephen A. Della Pietra
Vincent J. Della Pietra
Robert L. Mercer
Identifying Word Correspondences in Parallel Texts
William A. Gale
Kenneth W. Church
Session 4: Speech I
Richard F. Lyon
Field Test Evaluations and Optimization of Speaker Independent Speech Recognition for Telephone Applications
Christian Gagnoulet
Christel Sorin
Collection and Analysis of Data From Real Users: Implications for Speech Recognition/Understanding Systems
Judith Spitz
Autodirective Microphone Systems for Natural Communication With Speech Recognizers
J. L. Flanagan
R. Mammone
G. W. Elko
Signal Representation Attribute Extraction and the Use Distinctive Features for Phonetic Classification
Helen M. Meng
Victor W. Zue
Hong C. Leung
Session 5: Natural Language I
James F. Allen
The Mapping Unit Approach to Subcategorization
Robert Bobrow
Robert Ingria
David Stallard
A Template Matcher for Robust NL Interpretation
Eric Jackson
Douglas Appelt
John Bear
Robert Moore
Ann Podlozny
Fixed and Flexible Phrase Structure: Coordination in Tree Adjoining Grammars
Aravind K. Joshi
Yves Schabes
Efficient Bottom-Up Parsing
Robert Moore
John Dowding
Partial Parsing: A Report on Work in Progress
Ralph Weischedel
Damaris Ayuso
R. Bobrow
Sean Boisen
Robert Ingria
Jeff Palmucci
Session 6: Demonstrations and Videotapes of Speech and Natural Language Technologies
Mari Ostendorf
Analog Implementations of Auditory Models
Richard F. Lyon
Using Spoken Language to Facilitate Military Transportation Planning
Madeleine Bates
Dan Ellard
Pat Peterson
Varda Shaked
Session 7: Natural Language II
Salim Roukos
Statistical Agenda Parsing
Robert J. Bobrow
Some Results on Stochastic Language Modelling
Renato De Mori
Roland Kuhn
Parsing the Voyager Domain Using Pearl
David M. Magerman
Mitchell P. Marcus
Calculating the Probability of a Partial Parse of a Sentence
Fred Kochman
Joseph Kupin
A Trellis-Based Algorithm For Estimating The Parameters Of Hidden Stochastic Context-Free Grammar
Julian Kupiec
Session 8: Speech II
Kai-Fu Lee
Continuous Speech Recognition Using Segmental Neural Nets
S. Austin
J. Makhoul
R. Schwartz
G. Zavaliagkos
A Dynamical System Approach to Continuous Speech Recognition
V. Digalakis
J.R. Rohlicek
M. Ostendorf
Recent Progress in Robust Vocabulary-Independent Speech Recognition
Hsiao-Wuen Hon
Kai-Fu Lee
Context Dependent Modeling of Phones in Continuous Speech Using Decision Trees
L.R. Bahl
P.V. de Souza
P.S. Gopalakrishnan
D. Nahamoo
M.A. Picheny
Session 9: Speech III
Francis Kubala
Bayesian Learning of Gaussian Mixture Densities for Hidden Markov Models
Jean-Luc Gauvain
Chin-Hui Lee
A Study on Speaker-Adaptive Speech Recognition
X.D. Huang
Experience with a Stack Decoder-Based HMM CSR and Back-Off N-Gram Language Models
Douglas B. Paul
Lexical Access With a Statistically-Derived Phonetic Network
Michael D. Riley
Andrej Ljolje
A Dynamic Language Model for Speech Recognition
F. Jelinek
B. Merialdo
S. Roukos
M. Strauss
Session 10: Corpora and Evaluation
Clifford J. Weinstein
Third Message Understanding Evaluation and Conference (MUC-3): Phase 1 Status Report
Beth M. Sundheim
A Procedure for Quantitatively Comparing the Syntactic Coverage of English Grammars
E. Black
S. Abney
D. Flickenger
C. Gdaniec
R. Grishman
P. Harrison
D. Hindle
R. Ingria
F. Jelinek
J. Klavans
M. Liberman
M. Marcus
S. Roukos
B. Santorini
T. Strzalkowski
Evaluating Text Categorization I
David D. Lewis
A Proposal for Incremental Dialogue Evaluation
Madeleine Bates
Damaris Ayuso
Session 11 - Natural Language III
Mitch Marcus
Discourse Structure in the TRAINS Project
James F. Allen
Studies in Part of Speech Labelling
Marie Meteer
Richard Schwartz
Ralph Weischedel
Lexico-Semantic Pattern Matching as a Companion to Parsing in Text Understanding
Paul S. Jacobs
George R. Krupka
Lisa F. Rau
Automatic Acquisition of Subcategorization Frames from Tagged Text
Michael R. Brent
Robert C. Berwick
Fast Text Processing for Information Retrieval
Tomek Strzalkowski
Barbara Vauthey
Session 12: SLS and Prosody
Edward P. Neuburg
Interactive Problem Solving and Dialogue in the ATIS Domain
Stephanie Seneff
Lynette Hirschman
Victor W. Zue
Collection of Spontaneous Speech for the ATIS Domain and Comparative Analyses of Data Collected at MIT and TI
Joseph Polifroni
Stephanie Seneff
Victor W. Zue
Integrating Syntax and Semantics into Spoken Language Understanding
Lynette Hirschman
Stephanie Seneff
David Goodine
Michael Phillips
The Use of Prosody in Syntactic Disambiguation
Patti Price
Mari Ostendorf
Stefanie Shattuck-Hufnagel
Cynthia Fong
Predicting Intonational Boundaries Automatically from Text: The ATIS Domain
Michelle Q. Wang
Julia Hirschberg
Use of Prosody in Syntactic Disambiguation: An Analysis-by-Synthesis Approach
C. W. Wightman
N. M. Veilleux
M. Ostendorf
The Consortium for Lexical Research
A Proposal for Lexical Disambiguation
George A. Miller
Daniel A. Teibel
A Snapshot of Two DARPA Speech and Natural Language Programs
Charles L. Wayne
Adaptive Natural Language Processing
Ralph Weischedel
Research in Continuous Speech Recognition
John Makhoul
Richard Schwartz
Spoken Language Systems
John Makhoul
Evaluating the Use of Prosodic Information in Speech Recognition and Understanding
Mari Ostendorf
Patti Price
Segment-Based Acoustic Models with Multi-level Search Algorithms for Continuous Speech Recognition
Mari Ostendorf
J. Robin Rohlicek
Microphone-Array Systems for Speech Recognition Input
Harvey F. Silverman
Spoken-Language Research at Carnegie Mellon
Raj Reddy
The PLUS Accelerator
Roberto Bisiani
Interactive Multimedia Explanation for Equipment Maintenance and Repair
Kathleen McKeown
Steven Feiner
Progress Report for DARPA SLS Program at Dragon Systems, Inc.
Janet Baker
Larry Gillick
Portable Software Modules for Speech Recognition (Phase I SBIR grant from DARPA)
John Shore
Spoken Language Recognition and Understanding
Victor W. Zue
Lynette Hirschman
Robust Speech Recognition Technology Program Summary
Clifford J. Weinstein
Douglas B. Paul
NIST-DARPA Interagency Agreement: SLS Program
David S. Pallett
Evaluating Text Understanding Systems
Beth M. Sundheim
Active Knowledge Structures in Natural Language Understanding
Yorick Wilks
Robust and Portable Text Processing
Ralph Grishman
A Robust Preprocessor for Speech-Recognition Systems
George Zweig
Corpus Collection for ATIS
Jared Bernstein
Real-Time Speech Recognition System
Hy Murveit
Mitchel Weintraub
SRI’s Real-Time Spoken Language System
Patti Price
Robert C. Moore
TACITUS: The Abductive Commonsense Inference-based Text Understanding System
Jerry R. Hobbs
Linguistic Knowledge Sources for Spoken Language Understanding
Deborah A. Dahl
Language Processing and Commonsense Reasoning
Robert Wilensky
Natural Language Research
Aravind K. Joshi
Mitch Marcus
Mark Steedman
Bonnie Webber
Very Large Annotated Database of American English
Mitch Marcus
Natural Language, Knowledge Representation and Discourse
James F. Allen
Lenhart K. Schubert
The Penman Natural Language Project Systemics-Based Machine Translation
Eduard Hovy