Proceedings of Translating and the Computer 38
- Anthology ID:
- Month:
- November 17-18
- Year:
- 2016
- Address:
- London, UK
- Venue:
- TC
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- AsLing
- URL:
- DOI:
Workshop: Lost for words — Maximizing terminological quality and value at an LSP
David J. Calvert
Potential impact of QT21
Eleanor Cornelius
From IATE to IATE 2 or when technologies are agents of change and means to improve users’ satisfaction
Denis Dechandon
Translation quality evaluation of MWE from French into English using an SMT system
Emmanuelle Esperança-Rodier
Johan Didier
InterpretBank: redefining computer-assisted interpreting tools
Claudio Fantinuoli
Why XLIFF and why XLIFF 2?
David Filip
Can you trust a TM? Results of an experiment conducted in November 2015 and August 2016 with students and professional translators
Daniela Ford
How translators can improve multilingual terminology in a link: teaching case study examples
Carmen Gomez-Camarero
Rocio Palomares Perraut
Drawing a route map of making a small domain-specific parallel corpus for translators and beyond
Xiaotian Guo
A case study of German into English by machine translation: to evaluate Moses using Moses for Mere Mortals
Roger Haycock
The annotation system
Ronan Martin
What’s in a name?
Jon D. Riding
Neil J. Boulton
Professional precariat or digital elite? – Workshop on interpreters’ workflows and fees in the digital era
Anja Rütten
How to configure statistical machine translation with linked open data resources
Ankit Srivastava
Felix Sasaki
Peter Bourgonje. Julian Moreno-Schneider
Jan Nehring
Georg Rehm
From CATs to KATs
Félix do Carmo
Luis Trigo
Belinda Maia
Automatic bilingual corpus collection from Wikipedia
Mark Unitt
Simon Tite
Pejman Saeghe
Calculating the percentage reduction in translator effort when using machine translation
Andrzej Zydrón
Qun Liu