Ming-Hong Bai


V到」結構的合分詞及語意區分(Word segmentation and sense representation for V-dao structure in Chinese)[In Chinese]
Shu-Ling Huang | Shi-Min Li | Ming-Hong Bai | Jian-Cheng Wu | Ying-Ni Wang | Qing-Long Lin
Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing (ROCLING 2016)

基於詞語分布均勻度的核心詞彙選擇之研究(A Study on Dispersion Measures for Core Vocabulary Compilation )[In Chinese]
Ming-Hong Bai | Jian-Cheng Wu | Ying-Ni Chien | Shu-Ling Huang | Ching-Lung Lin
Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing (ROCLING 2016)

中文近義詞的偵測與判別(Detection and Discrimination of Chinese Near-synonyms)[In Chinese]
Shih-Min Li | Ming-Hong Bai | Jian-Cheng Wu | Shu-Ling Huang | Ching-Lung Lin
Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing (ROCLING 2016)

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基於詞語分布均勻度的核心詞彙選擇 (A Study on Dispersion Measures for Core Vocabulary Compilation) [In Chinese]
Ming-Hong Bai | Jian-Cheng Wu | Ying-Ni Chien | Shu-Ling Huang | Ching-Lung Lin
International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing, Volume 21, Number 2, December 2016


Translating Chinese Unknown Words by Automatically Acquired Templates
Ming-Hong Bai | Yu-Ming Hsieh | Keh-Jiann Chen | Jason S. Chang
Proceedings of the Sixth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing

Introduction to CKIP Chinese Spelling Check System for SIGHAN Bakeoff 2013 Evaluation
Yu-Ming Hsieh | Ming-Hong Bai | Keh-Jiann Chen
Proceedings of the Seventh SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing


DOMCAT: A Bilingual Concordancer for Domain-Specific Computer Assisted Translation
Ming-Hong Bai | Yu-Ming Hsieh | Keh-Jiann Chen | Jason S. Chang
Proceedings of the ACL 2012 System Demonstrations

Improving PCFG Chinese Parsing with Context-Dependent Probability Re-estimation
Yu-Ming Hsieh | Ming-Hong Bai | Jason S. Chang | Keh-Jiann Chen
Proceedings of the Second CIPS-SIGHAN Joint Conference on Chinese Language Processing


Acquiring Translation Equivalences of Multiword Expressions by Normalized Correlation Frequencies
Ming-Hong Bai | Jia-Ming You | Keh-Jiann Chen | Jason S. Chang
Proceedings of the 2009 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing


Improving Word Alignment by Adjusting Chinese Word Segmentation
Ming-Hong Bai | Keh-Jiann Chen | Jason S. Chang
Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing: Volume-I


Sense Extraction and Disambiguation for Chinese Words from Bilingual Terminology Bank
Ming-Hong Bai | Keh-Jiann Chen | Jason S. Chang
International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing, Volume 11, Number 3, September 2006: Special Issue on Selected Papers from ROCLING XVII


Chinese Sketch Engine and the Extraction of Grammatical Collocations
Chu-Ren Huang | Adam Kilgarriff | Yiching Wu | Chih-Ming Chiu | Simon Smith | Pavel Rychly | Ming-Hong Bai | Keh-Jiann Chen
Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing

利用雙語學術名詞庫抽取中英字詞互譯及詞義解歧 (Sense Extraction and Disambiguation for Chinese Words from Bilingual Terminology Bank) [In Chinese]
Ming-Hong Bai | Keh-Jiann Chen | Jason S. Chang
Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing


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以語境判定中文未知詞詞類的方法 (Guessing Parts-Of-Speech For Chinese Unknown Words Using Context Information) [In Chinese]
Ming-Hong Bai | Chao-Jan Chen | Keh-Jiann Chen
Proceedings of Research on Computational Linguistics Conference XI

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Unknown Word Detection for Chinese by a Corpus-based Learning Method
Keh-Jiann Chen | Ming-Hong Bai
International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing, Volume 3, Number 1, February 1998: Special Issue on the 10th Research on Computational Linguistics International Conference


Unknown Word Detection for Chinese by a Corpus-based Learning Method
Keh-Jiann Chen | Ming-Hong Bai
Proceedings of the 10th Research on Computational Linguistics International Conference