Sheetal Sonawane


Maven at MEDIQA-CORR 2024: Leveraging RAG and Medical LLM for Error Detection and Correction in Medical Notes
Suramya Jadhav | Abhay Shanbhag | Sumedh Joshi | Atharva Date | Sheetal Sonawane
Proceedings of the 6th Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop

Addressing the critical challenge of identifying and rectifying medical errors in clinical notes, we present a novel approach tailored for the MEDIQA-CORR task @ NAACL-ClinicalNLP 2024, which comprises three subtasks: binary classification, span identification, and natural language generation for error detection and correction. Binary classification involves detecting whether the text contains a medical error; span identification entails identifying the text span associated with any detected error; and natural language generation focuses on providing a free text correction if a medical error exists. Our proposed architecture leverages Named Entity Recognition (NER) for identifying disease-related terms, Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) for contextual understanding from external datasets, and a quantized and fine-tuned Palmyra model for error correction. Our model achieved a global rank of 5 with an aggregate score of 0.73298, calculated as the mean of ROUGE-1-F, BERTScore, and BLEURT scores.

CLTeam1 at SemEval-2024 Task 10: Large Language Model based ensemble for Emotion Detection in Hinglish
Ankit Vaidya | Aditya Gokhale | Arnav Desai | Ishaan Shukla | Sheetal Sonawane
Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2024)

This paper outlines our approach for the ERC subtask of the SemEval 2024 EdiREF Shared Task. In this sub-task, an emotion had to be assigned to an utterance which was the part of a dialogue. The utterance had to be classified into one of the following classes- disgust, contempt, anger, neutral, joy, sadness, fear, surprise. Our proposed system makes use of an ensemble of language specific RoBERTA and BERT models to tackle the problem. A weighted F1-score of 44% was achieved by our system in this task. We conducted comprehensive ablations and suggested directions of future work. Our codebase is available publicly.


PICT-CLRL at WASSA 2023 Empathy, Emotion and Personality Shared Task: Empathy and Distress Detection using Ensembles of Transformer Models
Tanmay Chavan | Kshitij Deshpande | Sheetal Sonawane
Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment, & Social Media Analysis

This paper presents our approach for the WASSA 2023 Empathy, Emotion and Personality Shared Task. Empathy and distress are human feelings that are implicitly expressed in natural discourses. Empathy and distress detection are crucial challenges in Natural Language Processing that can aid our understanding of conversations. The provided dataset consists of several long-text examples in the English language, with each example associated with a numeric score for empathy and distress. We experiment with several BERT-based models as a part of our approach. We also try various ensemble methods. Our final submission has a Pearson’s r score of 0.346, placing us third in the empathy and distress detection subtask.

Mavericks at BLP-2023 Task 1: Ensemble-based Approach Using Language Models for Violence Inciting Text Detection
Saurabh Page | Sudeep Mangalvedhekar | Kshitij Deshpande | Tanmay Chavan | Sheetal Sonawane
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Bangla Language Processing (BLP-2023)

This paper presents our work for the Violence Inciting Text Detection shared task in the First Workshop on Bangla Language Processing. Social media has accelerated the propagation of hate and violence-inciting speech in society. It is essential to develop efficient mechanisms to detect and curb the propagation of such texts. The problem of detecting violence-inciting texts is further exacerbated in low-resource settings due to sparse research and less data. The data provided in the shared task consists of texts in the Bangla language, where each example is classified into one of the three categories defined based on the types of violence-inciting texts. We try and evaluate several BERT-based models, and then use an ensemble of the models as our final submission. Our submission is ranked 10th in the final leaderboard of the shared task with a macro F1 score of 0.737.