Moontae Lee


You don’t need a personality test to know these models are unreliable: Assessing the Reliability of Large Language Models on Psychometric Instruments
Bangzhao Shu | Lechen Zhang | Minje Choi | Lavinia Dunagan | Lajanugen Logeswaran | Moontae Lee | Dallas Card | David Jurgens
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)

The versatility of Large Language Models (LLMs) on natural language understanding tasks has made them popular for research in social sciences. To properly understand the properties and innate personas of LLMs, researchers have performed studies that involve using prompts in the form of questions that ask LLMs about particular opinions. In this study, we take a cautionary step back and examine whether the current format of prompting LLMs elicits responses in a consistent and robust manner. We first construct a dataset that contains 693 questions encompassing 39 different instruments of persona measurement on 115 persona axes. Additionally, we design a set of prompts containing minor variations and examine LLMs’ capabilities to generate answers, as well as prompt variations to examine their consistency with respect to content-level variations such as switching the order of response options or negating the statement. Our experiments on 17 different LLMs reveal that even simple perturbations significantly downgrade a model’s question-answering ability, and that most LLMs have low negation consistency. Our results suggest that the currently widespread practice of prompting is insufficient to accurately and reliably capture model perceptions, and we therefore discuss potential alternatives to improve these issues.

Understanding the Capabilities and Limitations of Large Language Models for Cultural Commonsense
Siqi Shen | Lajanugen Logeswaran | Moontae Lee | Honglak Lee | Soujanya Poria | Rada Mihalcea
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated substantial commonsense understanding through numerous benchmark evaluations. However, their understanding of cultural commonsense remains largely unexamined. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive examination of the capabilities and limitations of several state-of-the-art LLMs in the context of cultural commonsense tasks. Using several general and cultural commonsense benchmarks, we find that (1) LLMs have a significant discrepancy in performance when tested on culture-specific commonsense knowledge for different cultures; (2) LLMs’ general commonsense capability is affected by cultural context; and (3) The language used to query the LLMs can impact their performance on cultural-related tasks.Our study points to the inherent bias in the cultural understanding of LLMs and provides insights that can help develop culturally-aware language models.

Code Models are Zero-shot Precondition Reasoners
Lajanugen Logeswaran | Sungryull Sohn | Yiwei Lyu | Anthony Liu | Dong-Ki Kim | Dongsub Shim | Moontae Lee | Honglak Lee
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)

One of the fundamental skills required for an agent acting in an environment to complete tasks is the ability to understand what actions are plausible at any given point. This work explores a novel use of code representations to reason about action preconditions for sequential decision making tasks. Code representations offer the flexibility to model procedural activities and associated constraints as well as the ability to execute and verify constraint satisfaction. Leveraging code representations, we extract action preconditions from demonstration trajectories in a zero-shot manner using pre-trained code models. Given these extracted preconditions, we propose a precondition-aware action sampling strategy that ensures actions predicted by a policy are consistent with preconditions. We demonstrate that the proposed approach enhances the performance of few-shot policy learning approaches across task-oriented dialog and embodied textworld benchmarks.

LG AI Research & KAIST at EHRSQL 2024: Self-Training Large Language Models with Pseudo-Labeled Unanswerable Questions for a Reliable Text-to-SQL System on EHRs
Yongrae Jo | Seongyun Lee | Minju Seo | Sung Ju Hwang | Moontae Lee
Proceedings of the 6th Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop

Text-to-SQL models are pivotal for making Electronic Health Records (EHRs) accessible to healthcare professionals without SQL knowledge. With the advancements in large language models, these systems have become more adept at translating complex questions into SQL queries. Nonetheless, the critical need for reliability in healthcare necessitates these models to accurately identify unanswerable questions or uncertain predictions, preventing misinformation. To address this problem, we present a self-training strategy using pseudo-labeled unanswerable questions to enhance the reliability of text-to-SQL models for EHRs. This approach includes a two-stage training process followed by a filtering method based on the token entropy and query execution. Our methodology’s effectiveness is validated by our top performance in the EHRSQL 2024 shared task, showcasing the potential to improve healthcare decision-making through more reliable text-to-SQL systems.


Unsupervised Task Graph Generation from Instructional Video Transcripts
Lajanugen Logeswaran | Sungryull Sohn | Yunseok Jang | Moontae Lee | Honglak Lee
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

This work explores the problem of generating task graphs of real-world activities. Different from prior formulations, we consider a setting where text transcripts of instructional videos performing a real-world activity (e.g., making coffee) are provided and the goal is to identify the key steps relevant to the task as well as the dependency relationship between these key steps. We propose a novel task graph generation approach that combines the reasoning capabilities of instruction-tuned language models along with clustering and ranking components to generate accurate task graphs in a completely unsupervised manner. We show that the proposed approach generates more accurate task graphs compared to a supervised learning approach on tasks from the ProceL and CrossTask datasets.

When to Read Documents or QA History: On Unified and Selective Open-domain QA
Kyungjae Lee | Sang-eun Han | Seung-won Hwang | Moontae Lee
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

This paper studies the problem of open-domain question answering, with the aim of answering a diverse range of questions leveraging knowledge resources. Two types of sources, QA-pair and document corpora, have been actively leveraged with the following complementary strength. The former is highly precise when the paraphrase of given question q was seen and answered during training, often posed as a retrieval problem, while the latter generalizes better for unseen questions. A natural follow-up is thus leveraging both models, while a naive pipelining or integration approaches have failed to bring additional gains over either model alone. Our distinction is interpreting the problem as calibration, which estimates the confidence of predicted answers as an indicator to decide when to use a document or QA-pair corpus. The effectiveness of our method was validated on widely adopted benchmarks such as Natural Questions and TriviaQA.

GRACE: Discriminator-Guided Chain-of-Thought Reasoning
Muhammad Khalifa | Lajanugen Logeswaran | Moontae Lee | Honglak Lee | Lu Wang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

In the context of multi-step reasoning, e.g., with chain-of-thought, language models (LMs) can easily assign a high likelihood to incorrect steps. As a result, decoding strategies that optimize for solution likelihood often yield incorrect solutions. To address this issue, we propose Guiding chain-of-thought ReAsoning with a CorrectnEss Discriminator (GRACE), a stepwise decoding approach that steers the decoding process towards producing correct reasoning steps. GRACE employs a discriminator trained with a contrastive loss over correct and incorrect steps, which is used during decoding to score next-step candidates based on their correctness. Importantly, GRACE only requires sampling from the LM, without the need for LM training or fine-tuning. Using models from FLAN-T5 and LLaMA families, we evaluate GRACE over four math and two symbolic reasoning tasks, where it exhibits substantial performance gains compared to greedy decoding, verifiers, and self-consistency in most settings. When further combined with self-consistency, GRACE outperforms all the baselines by sizeable margins. Human and LLM evaluations over GSM8K show that GRACE not only improves the final answer accuracy but also the correctness of the intermediate reasoning.

Merging Generated and Retrieved Knowledge for Open-Domain QA
Yunxiang Zhang | Muhammad Khalifa | Lajanugen Logeswaran | Moontae Lee | Honglak Lee | Lu Wang
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Open-domain question answering (QA) systems are often built with retrieval modules. However, retrieving passages from a given source is known to suffer from insufficient knowledge coverage. Alternatively, prompting large language models (LLMs) to generate contextual passages based on their parametric knowledge has been shown to improve QA performance. Yet, LLMs tend to “hallucinate” content that conflicts with the retrieved knowledge. Based on the intuition that answers supported by both sources are more likely to be correct, we propose COMBO, a Compatibility-Oriented knowledge Merging for Better Open-domain QA framework, to effectively leverage the two sources of information. Concretely, we match LLM-generated passages with retrieved counterparts into compatible pairs, based on discriminators trained with silver compatibility labels. Then a Fusion-in-Decoder-based reader model handles passage pairs to arrive at the final answer. Experiments show that COMBO outperforms competitive baselines on three out of four tested open-domain QA benchmarks. Further analysis reveals that our proposed framework demonstrates greater efficacy in scenarios with a higher degree of knowledge conflicts.

From Heuristic to Analytic: Cognitively Motivated Strategies for Coherent Physical Commonsense Reasoning
Zheyuan Zhang | Shane Storks | Fengyuan Hu | Sungryull Sohn | Moontae Lee | Honglak Lee | Joyce Chai
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Pre-trained language models (PLMs) have shown impressive performance in various language tasks. However, they are prone to spurious correlations, and often generate illusory information. In real-world applications, PLMs should justify decisions with formalized, coherent reasoning chains, but this challenge remains under-explored. Cognitive psychology theorizes that humans are capable of utilizing fast and intuitive *heuristic* thinking to make decisions based on past experience, then rationalizing the decisions through slower and deliberative *analytic* reasoning. We incorporate these interlinked dual processes in fine-tuning and in-context learning with PLMs, applying them to two language understanding tasks that require coherent physical commonsense reasoning. We show that our proposed Heuristic-Analytic Reasoning (HAR) strategies drastically improve the coherence of rationalizations for model decisions, yielding state-of-the-art results on Tiered Reasoning for Intuitive Physics (TRIP). We also find that this improved coherence is a direct result of more faithful attention to relevant language context in each step of reasoning. Our findings suggest that human-like reasoning strategies can effectively improve the coherence and reliability of PLM reasoning.

On Sample-Efficient Code Generation
Hojae Han | Yu Jin Kim | Byoungjip Kim | Youngwon Lee | Kyungjae Lee | Kyungmin Lee | Moontae Lee | Kyunghoon Bae | Seung-won Hwang
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Industry Track

Large language models often struggle to predict runtime behavior in code generation tasks, leading to a reliance on rejection sampling (best-of-n) to generate multiple code snippets then select the best. Our distinction is reducing sampling costs, without compromising generation quality. We introduce EFFICODE, a novel framework that prioritizes sampling on test problems that models can solve. We show how EFFICODE estimates solvability to optimize computational costs during multiple sampling. Based on empirical evidence, EFFICODE consistently demonstrates reduced sampling budgets while maintaining comparable code generation performance, especially when problems are challenging. In addition, utilizing EFFICODE to rank sampled code snippets also shows its effectiveness in answer code selection for reducing temporal costs, by not requiring any execution or test case generation.

Knowledge Unlearning for Mitigating Privacy Risks in Language Models
Joel Jang | Dongkeun Yoon | Sohee Yang | Sungmin Cha | Moontae Lee | Lajanugen Logeswaran | Minjoon Seo
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Pretrained Language Models (LMs) memorize a vast amount of knowledge during initial pretraining, including information that may violate the privacy of personal lives and identities. Previous work addressing privacy issues for LMs has mostly focused on data preprocessing and differential privacy methods, both requiring re-training the underlying LM. We propose knowledge unlearning as an alternative method to reduce privacy risks for LMs post hoc. We show that simply performing gradient ascent on target token sequences is effective at forgetting them with little to no degradation of general language modeling performances for larger-sized LMs. We also find that sequential unlearning is better than trying to unlearn all the data at once and that unlearning is highly dependent on which kind of data (domain) is forgotten. By showing comparisons with previous methods known to mitigate privacy risks for LMs, we show that our approach can give a stronger empirical privacy guarantee in scenarios where the data vulnerable to extraction attacks are known a priori while being much more efficient and robust.

Few-shot Reranking for Multi-hop QA via Language Model Prompting
Muhammad Khalifa | Lajanugen Logeswaran | Moontae Lee | Honglak Lee | Lu Wang
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

We study few-shot reranking for multi-hop QA (MQA) with open-domain questions. To alleviate the need for a large number of labeled question-document pairs for retriever training, we propose PromptRank, which relies on language model prompting for multi-hop path reranking. PromptRank first constructs an instruction-based prompt that includes a candidate document path and then computes the relevance score between a given question and the path based on the conditional likelihood of the question given the path prompt according to a language model. PromptRank yields strong retrieval performance on HotpotQA with only 128 training examples compared to state-of-the-art methods trained on thousands of examples — 73.6 recall@10 by PromptRank vs. 77.8 by PathRetriever and 77.5 by multi-hop dense retrieval.


Few-shot Subgoal Planning with Language Models
Lajanugen Logeswaran | Yao Fu | Moontae Lee | Honglak Lee
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Pre-trained language models have shown successful progress in many text understanding benchmarks. This work explores the capability of these models to predict actionable plans in real-world environments. Given a text instruction, we show that language priors encoded in pre-trained models allow us to infer fine-grained subgoal sequences. In contrast to recent methods which make strong assumptions about subgoal supervision, our experiments show that language models can infer detailed subgoal sequences from few training sequences without any fine-tuning. We further propose a simple strategy to re-rank language model predictions based on interaction and feedback from the environment. Combined with pre-trained navigation and visual reasoning components, our approach demonstrates competitive performance on subgoal prediction and task completion in the ALFRED benchmark compared to prior methods that assume more subgoal supervision.


Practical Correlated Topic Modeling and Analysis via the Rectified Anchor Word Algorithm
Moontae Lee | Sungjun Cho | David Bindel | David Mimno
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

Despite great scalability on large data and their ability to understand correlations between topics, spectral topic models have not been widely used due to the absence of reliability in real data and lack of practical implementations. This paper aims to solidify the foundations of spectral topic inference and provide a practical implementation for anchor-based topic modeling. Beginning with vocabulary curation, we scrutinize every single inference step with other viable options. We also evaluate our matrix-based approach against popular alternatives including a tensor-based spectral method as well as probabilistic algorithms. Our quantitative and qualitative experiments demonstrate the power of Rectified Anchor Word algorithm in various real datasets, providing a complete guide to practical correlated topic modeling.


Low-dimensional Embeddings for Interpretable Anchor-based Topic Inference
David Mimno | Moontae Lee
Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)