Guoshun Nan


Towards Robust Temporal Activity Localization Learning with Noisy Labels
Daizong Liu | Xiaoye Qu | Xiang Fang | Jianfeng Dong | Pan Zhou | Guoshun Nan | Keke Tang | Wanlong Fang | Yu Cheng
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

This paper addresses the task of temporal activity localization (TAL). Although recent works have made significant progress in TAL research, almost all of them implicitly assume that the dense frame-level correspondences in each video-query pair are correctly annotated. However, in reality, such an assumption is extremely expensive and even impossible to satisfy due to subjective labeling. To alleviate this issue, in this paper, we explore a new TAL setting termed Noisy Temporal activity localization (NTAL), where a TAL model should be robust to the mixed training data with noisy moment boundaries. Inspired by the memorization effect of neural networks, we propose a novel method called Co-Teaching Regularizer (CTR) for NTAL. Specifically, we first learn a Gaussian Mixture Model to divide the mixed training data into preliminary clean and noisy subsets. Subsequently, we refine the labels of the two subsets by an adaptive prediction function so that their true positive and false positive samples could be identified. To avoid single model being prone to its mistakes learned by the mixed data, we adopt a co-teaching paradigm, which utilizes two models sharing the same framework to teach each other for robust learning. A curriculum strategy is further introduced to gradually learn the moment confidence from easy to hard. Experiments on three datasets demonstrate that our CTR is significantly more robust to the noisy training data compared to the existing methods.


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Efficient and Robust Knowledge Graph Construction
Ningyu Zhang | Tao Gui | Guoshun Nan
Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 12th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing: Tutorial Abstracts

Knowledge graph construction which aims to extract knowledge from the text corpus, has appealed to the NLP community researchers. Previous decades have witnessed the remarkable progress of knowledge graph construction on the basis of neural models; however, those models often cost massive computation or labeled data resources and suffer from unstable inference accounting for biased or adversarial samples. Recently, numerous approaches have been explored to mitigate the efficiency and robustness issues for knowledge graph construction, such as prompt learning and adversarial training. In this tutorial, we aim to bring interested NLP researchers up to speed on the recent and ongoing techniques for efficient and robust knowledge graph construction. Additionally, our goal is to provide a systematic and up-to-date overview of these methods and reveal new research opportunities to the audience.


Uncovering Main Causalities for Long-tailed Information Extraction
Guoshun Nan | Jiaqi Zeng | Rui Qiao | Zhijiang Guo | Wei Lu
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Information Extraction (IE) aims to extract structural information from unstructured texts. In practice, long-tailed distributions caused by the selection bias of a dataset may lead to incorrect correlations, also known as spurious correlations, between entities and labels in the conventional likelihood models. This motivates us to propose counterfactual IE (CFIE), a novel framework that aims to uncover the main causalities behind data in the view of causal inference. Specifically, 1) we first introduce a unified structural causal model (SCM) for various IE tasks, describing the relationships among variables; 2) with our SCM, we then generate counterfactuals based on an explicit language structure to better calculate the direct causal effect during the inference stage; 3) we further propose a novel debiasing approach to yield more robust predictions. Experiments on three IE tasks across five public datasets show the effectiveness of our CFIE model in mitigating the spurious correlation issues.


Reasoning with Latent Structure Refinement for Document-Level Relation Extraction
Guoshun Nan | Zhijiang Guo | Ivan Sekulic | Wei Lu
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Document-level relation extraction requires integrating information within and across multiple sentences of a document and capturing complex interactions between inter-sentence entities. However, effective aggregation of relevant information in the document remains a challenging research question. Existing approaches construct static document-level graphs based on syntactic trees, co-references or heuristics from the unstructured text to model the dependencies. Unlike previous methods that may not be able to capture rich non-local interactions for inference, we propose a novel model that empowers the relational reasoning across sentences by automatically inducing the latent document-level graph. We further develop a refinement strategy, which enables the model to incrementally aggregate relevant information for multi-hop reasoning. Specifically, our model achieves an F1 score of 59.05 on a large-scale document-level dataset (DocRED), significantly improving over the previous results, and also yields new state-of-the-art results on the CDR and GDA dataset. Furthermore, extensive analyses show that the model is able to discover more accurate inter-sentence relations.