Emmanuel Chemla


It is a Bird Therefore it is a Robin: On BERT’s Internal Consistency Between Hypernym Knowledge and Logical Words
Nicolas Guerin | Emmanuel Chemla
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

The lexical knowledge of NLP systems shouldbe tested (i) for their internal consistency(avoiding groundedness issues) and (ii) bothfor content words and logical words. In thispaper we propose a new method to test the understandingof the hypernymy relationship bymeasuring its antisymmetry according to themodels. Previous studies often rely only on thedirect question (e.g., A robin is a ...), where weargue a correct answer could only rely on collocationalcues, rather than hierarchical cues. We show how to control for this, and how it isimportant. We develop a method to ask similarquestions about logical words that encode anentailment-like relation (e.g., because or therefore).Our results show important weaknessesof BERT-like models on these semantic tasks.

Benchmarking Neural Network Generalization for Grammar Induction
Nur Lan | Emmanuel Chemla | Roni Katzir
Proceedings of the 2023 CLASP Conference on Learning with Small Data (LSD)

How well do neural networks generalize? Even for grammar induction tasks, where the target generalization is fully known, previous works have left the question open, testing very limited ranges beyond the training set and using different success criteria. We provide a measure of neural network generalization based on fully specified formal languages. Given a model and a formal grammar, the method assigns a generalization score representing how well a model generalizes to unseen samples in inverse relation to the amount of data it was trained on. The benchmark includes languages such as anbn, anbncn, anbmcn+m, and Dyck-1 and 2. We evaluate selected architectures using the benchmark and find that networks trained with a Minimum Description Length objective (MDL) generalize better and using less data than networks trained using standard loss functions. The benchmark is available at https://github.com/taucompling/bliss.


Minimum Description Length Recurrent Neural Networks
Nur Lan | Michal Geyer | Emmanuel Chemla | Roni Katzir
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 10

We train neural networks to optimize a Minimum Description Length score, that is, to balance between the complexity of the network and its accuracy at a task. We show that networks optimizing this objective function master tasks involving memory challenges and go beyond context-free languages. These learners master languages such as anbn, anbncn, anb2n, anbmcn +m, and they perform addition. Moreover, they often do so with 100% accuracy. The networks are small, and their inner workings are transparent. We thus provide formal proofs that their perfect accuracy holds not only on a given test set, but for any input sequence. To our knowledge, no other connectionist model has been shown to capture the underlying grammars for these languages in full generality.


On the Spontaneous Emergence of Discrete and Compositional Signals
Nur Geffen Lan | Emmanuel Chemla | Shane Steinert-Threlkeld
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

We propose a general framework to study language emergence through signaling games with neural agents. Using a continuous latent space, we are able to (i) train using backpropagation, (ii) show that discrete messages nonetheless naturally emerge. We explore whether categorical perception effects follow and show that the messages are not compositional.


Learning simulation of nominal/verbal contexts through n-grams (Simulation de l’apprentissage des contextes nominaux/verbaux par n-grammes) [in French]
Perrine Brusini | Pascal Amsili | Emmanuel Chemla | Anne Christophe
Proceedings of TALN 2014 (Volume 2: Short Papers)