Chiyu Zhang


Distilling Text Style Transfer With Self-Explanation From LLMs
Chiyu Zhang | Honglong Cai | Yuezhang Li | Yuexin Wu | Le Hou | Muhammad Abdul-Mageed
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 4: Student Research Workshop)

Text Style Transfer (TST) seeks to alter the style of text while retaining its core content. Given the constraints of limited parallel datasets for TST, we propose CoTeX, a framework that leverages large language models (LLMs) alongside chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting to facilitate TST. CoTeX distills the complex rewriting and reasoning capabilities of LLMs into more streamlined models capable of working with both non-parallel and parallel data. Through experimentation across four TST datasets, CoTeX is shown to surpass traditional supervised fine-tuning and knowledge distillation methods, particularly in low-resource settings. We conduct a comprehensive evaluation, comparing CoTeX against current unsupervised, supervised, in-context learning (ICL) techniques, and instruction-tuned LLMs. Furthermore, CoTeX distinguishes itself by offering transparent explanations for its style transfer process.

LaMini-LM: A Diverse Herd of Distilled Models from Large-Scale Instructions
Minghao Wu | Abdul Waheed | Chiyu Zhang | Muhammad Abdul-Mageed | Alham Fikri Aji
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Large language models (LLMs) with instruction fine-tuning demonstrate superior generative capabilities. However, these models are resource-intensive. To alleviate this issue, we explore distilling knowledge from instruction-tuned LLMs into much smaller ones. While other similar works have been done, they are often conducted on a limited set of (usually still large) models and are not accompanied by proper evaluations. To this end, we carefully develop a large set of 2.58M instructions based on both existing and newly-generated instructions. In addition to being sizable, we design our instructions to cover a broad set of topics to ensure diversity. Extensive analysis of our instruction dataset confirms its diversity, and we generate responses for these instructions using gpt-3.5-turbo. Leveraging these instructions, we fine-tune a diverse herd of models, collectively referred to as LaMini-LM, which includes models from both the encoder-decoder and decoder-only families, with varying sizes. We evaluate the performance of our models using automatic metrics on 15 different natural language processing (NLP) benchmarks, as well as through human assessment. We also assess the model for hallucination and toxicity, and for the former, we introduce a new benchmark dataset for hallucination-inducing QA. The results demonstrate that our proposed LaMini-LM models are comparable to strong baselines while being much smaller in size.


Contrastive Learning of Sociopragmatic Meaning in Social Media
Chiyu Zhang | Muhammad Abdul-Mageed | Ganesh Jawahar
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Recent progress in representation and contrastive learning in NLP has not widely considered the class of sociopragmatic meaning (i.e., meaning in interaction within different language communities). To bridge this gap, we propose a novel framework for learning task-agnostic representations transferable to a wide range of sociopragmatic tasks (e.g., emotion, hate speech, humor, sarcasm). Our framework outperforms other contrastive learning frameworks for both in-domain and out-of-domain data, across both the general and few-shot settings. For example, compared to two popular pre-trained language models, our model obtains an improvement of 11.66 average F1 on 16 datasets when fine-tuned on only 20 training samples per dataset. We also show that our framework improves uniformity and preserves the semantic structure of representations. Our code is available at:

The Skipped Beat: A Study of Sociopragmatic Understanding in LLMs for 64 Languages
Chiyu Zhang | Khai Doan | Qisheng Liao | Muhammad Abdul-Mageed
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Instruction tuned large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, demonstrate remarkable performance in a wide range of tasks. Despite numerous recent studies that examine the performance of instruction-tuned LLMs on various NLP benchmarks, there remains a lack of comprehensive investigation into their ability to understand cross-lingual sociopragmatic meaning (SM), i.e., meaning embedded within social and interactive contexts. This deficiency arises partly from SM not being adequately represented in any of the existing benchmarks. To address this gap, we present SPARROW, an extensive multilingual benchmark specifically designed for SM understanding. SPARROW comprises 169 datasets covering 13 task types across six primary categories (e.g., anti-social language detection, emotion recognition). SPARROW datasets encompass 64 different languages originating from 12 language families representing 16 writing scripts. We evaluate the performance of various multilingual pretrained language models (e.g., mT5) and instruction-tuned LLMs (e.g., BLOOMZ, ChatGPT) on SPARROW through fine-tuning, zero-shot, and/or few-shot learning. Our comprehensive analysis reveals that existing open-source instruction tuned LLMs still struggle to understand SM across various languages, performing close to a random baseline in some cases. We also find that although ChatGPT outperforms many LLMs, it still falls behind task-specific finetuned models with a gap of 12.19 SPARROW score. Our benchmark is available at:

NADI 2023: The Fourth Nuanced Arabic Dialect Identification Shared Task
Muhammad Abdul-Mageed | AbdelRahim Elmadany | Chiyu Zhang | El Moatez Billah Nagoudi | Houda Bouamor | Nizar Habash
Proceedings of ArabicNLP 2023

We describe the findings of the fourth Nuanced Arabic Dialect Identification Shared Task (NADI 2023). The objective of NADI is to help advance state-of-the-art Arabic NLP by creating opportunities for teams of researchers to collaboratively compete under standardized conditions. It does so with a focus on Arabic dialects, offering novel datasets and defining subtasks that allow for meaningful comparisons between different approaches. NADI 2023 targeted both dialect identification (Subtask1) and dialect-to-MSA machine translation (Subtask 2 and Subtask 3). A total of 58 unique teams registered for the shared task, of whom 18 teams have participated (with 76 valid submissions during test phase). Among these, 16 teams participated in Subtask 1, 5 participated in Subtask 2, and 3 participated in Subtask 3. The winning teams achieved 87.27 F1 on Subtask 1, 14.76 Bleu in Subtask 2, and 21.10 Bleu in Subtask 3, respectively. Results show that all three subtasks remain challenging, thereby motivating future work in this area. We describe the methods employed by the participating teams and briefly offer an outlook for NADI.


Improving Social Meaning Detection with Pragmatic Masking and Surrogate Fine-Tuning
Chiyu Zhang | Muhammad Abdul-Mageed
Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment & Social Media Analysis

Masked language models (MLMs) are pre-trained with a denoising objective that is in a mismatch with the objective of downstream fine-tuning. We propose pragmatic masking and surrogate fine-tuning as two complementing strategies that exploit social cues to drive pre-trained representations toward a broad set of concepts useful for a wide class of social meaning tasks. We test our models on 15 different Twitter datasets for social meaning detection. Our methods achieve 2.34% F1 over a competitive baseline, while outperforming domain-specific language models pre-trained on large datasets. Our methods also excel in few-shot learning: with only 5% of training data (severely few-shot), our methods enable an impressive 68.54% average F1. The methods are also language agnostic, as we show in a zero-shot setting involving six datasets from three different languages.

NADI 2022: The Third Nuanced Arabic Dialect Identification Shared Task
Muhammad Abdul-Mageed | Chiyu Zhang | AbdelRahim Elmadany | Houda Bouamor | Nizar Habash
Proceedings of the Seventh Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop (WANLP)

We describe the findings of the third Nuanced Arabic Dialect Identification Shared Task (NADI 2022). NADI aims at advancing state-of-the-art Arabic NLP, including Arabic dialects. It does so by affording diverse datasets and modeling opportunities in a standardized context where meaningful comparisons between models and approaches are possible. NADI 2022 targeted both dialect identification (Subtask 1) and dialectal sentiment analysis (Subtask 2) at the country level. A total of 41 unique teams registered for the shared task, of whom 21 teams have participated (with 105 valid submissions). Among these, 19 teams participated in Subtask 1, and 10 participated in Subtask 2. The winning team achieved F1=27.06 on Subtask 1 and F1=75.16 on Subtask 2, reflecting that both subtasks remain challenging and motivating future work in this area. We describe the methods employed by the participating teams and offer an outlook for NADI.


NADI 2021: The Second Nuanced Arabic Dialect Identification Shared Task
Muhammad Abdul-Mageed | Chiyu Zhang | AbdelRahim Elmadany | Houda Bouamor | Nizar Habash
Proceedings of the Sixth Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop

We present the findings and results of theSecond Nuanced Arabic Dialect IdentificationShared Task (NADI 2021). This Shared Taskincludes four subtasks: country-level ModernStandard Arabic (MSA) identification (Subtask1.1), country-level dialect identification (Subtask1.2), province-level MSA identification (Subtask2.1), and province-level sub-dialect identifica-tion (Subtask 2.2). The shared task dataset cov-ers a total of 100 provinces from 21 Arab coun-tries, collected from the Twitter domain. A totalof 53 teams from 23 countries registered to par-ticipate in the tasks, thus reflecting the interestof the community in this area. We received 16submissions for Subtask 1.1 from five teams, 27submissions for Subtask 1.2 from eight teams,12 submissions for Subtask 2.1 from four teams,and 13 Submissions for subtask 2.2 from fourteams.


NADI 2020: The First Nuanced Arabic Dialect Identification Shared Task
Muhammad Abdul-Mageed | Chiyu Zhang | Houda Bouamor | Nizar Habash
Proceedings of the Fifth Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop

We present the results and findings of the First Nuanced Arabic Dialect Identification Shared Task (NADI). This Shared Task includes two subtasks: country-level dialect identification (Subtask 1) and province-level sub-dialect identification (Subtask 2). The data for the shared task covers a total of 100 provinces from 21 Arab countries and is collected from the Twitter domain. As such, NADI is the first shared task to target naturally-occurring fine-grained dialectal text at the sub-country level. A total of 61 teams from 25 countries registered to participate in the tasks, thus reflecting the interest of the community in this area. We received 47 submissions for Subtask 1 from 18 teams and 9 submissions for Subtask 2 from 9 teams.

AraNet: A Deep Learning Toolkit for Arabic Social Media
Muhammad Abdul-Mageed | Chiyu Zhang | Azadeh Hashemi | El Moatez Billah Nagoudi
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Open-Source Arabic Corpora and Processing Tools, with a Shared Task on Offensive Language Detection

We describe AraNet, a collection of deep learning Arabic social media processing tools. Namely, we exploit an extensive host of both publicly available and novel social media datasets to train bidirectional encoders from transformers (BERT) focused at social meaning extraction. AraNet models predict age, dialect, gender, emotion, irony, and sentiment. AraNet either delivers state-of-the-art performance on a number of these tasks and performs competitively on others. AraNet is exclusively based on a deep learning framework, giving it the advantage of being feature-engineering free. To the best of our knowledge, AraNet is the first to performs predictions across such a wide range of tasks for Arabic NLP. As such, AraNet has the potential to meet critical needs. We publicly release AraNet to accelerate research, and to facilitate model-based comparisons across the different tasks

Leveraging Affective Bidirectional Transformers for Offensive Language Detection
AbdelRahim Elmadany | Chiyu Zhang | Muhammad Abdul-Mageed | Azadeh Hashemi
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Open-Source Arabic Corpora and Processing Tools, with a Shared Task on Offensive Language Detection

Social media are pervasive in our life, making it necessary to ensure safe online experiences by detecting and removing offensive and hate speech. In this work, we report our submission to the Offensive Language and hate-speech Detection shared task organized with the 4th Workshop on Open-Source Arabic Corpora and Processing Tools Arabic (OSACT4). We focus on developing purely deep learning systems, without a need for feature engineering. For that purpose, we develop an effective method for automatic data augmentation and show the utility of training both offensive and hate speech models off (i.e., by fine-tuning) previously trained affective models (i.e., sentiment and emotion). Our best models are significantly better than a vanilla BERT model, with 89.60% acc (82.31% macro F1) for hate speech and 95.20% acc (70.51% macro F1) on official TEST data.

Toward Micro-Dialect Identification in Diaglossic and Code-Switched Environments
Muhammad Abdul-Mageed | Chiyu Zhang | AbdelRahim Elmadany | Lyle Ungar
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

Although prediction of dialects is an important language processing task, with a wide range of applications, existing work is largely limited to coarse-grained varieties. Inspired by geolocation research, we propose the novel task of Micro-Dialect Identification (MDI) and introduce MARBERT, a new language model with striking abilities to predict a fine-grained variety (as small as that of a city) given a single, short message. For modeling, we offer a range of novel spatially and linguistically-motivated multi-task learning models. To showcase the utility of our models, we introduce a new, large-scale dataset of Arabic micro-varieties (low-resource) suited to our tasks. MARBERT predicts micro-dialects with 9.9% F1, 76 better than a majority class baseline. Our new language model also establishes new state-of-the-art on several external tasks.


UBC-NLP at SemEval-2019 Task 6: Ensemble Learning of Offensive Content With Enhanced Training Data
Arun Rajendran | Chiyu Zhang | Muhammad Abdul-Mageed
Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

We examine learning offensive content on Twitter with limited, imbalanced data. For the purpose, we investigate the utility of using various data enhancement methods with a host of classical ensemble classifiers. Among the 75 participating teams in SemEval-2019 sub-task B, our system ranks 6th (with 0.706 macro F1-score). For sub-task C, among the 65 participating teams, our system ranks 9th (with 0.587 macro F1-score).

UBC-NLP at SemEval-2019 Task 4: Hyperpartisan News Detection With Attention-Based Bi-LSTMs
Chiyu Zhang | Arun Rajendran | Muhammad Abdul-Mageed
Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

We present our deep learning models submitted to the SemEval-2019 Task 4 competition focused at Hyperpartisan News Detection. We acquire best results with a Bi-LSTM network equipped with a self-attention mechanism. Among 33 participating teams, our submitted system ranks top 7 (65.3% accuracy) on the ‘labels-by-publisher’ sub-task and top 24 out of 44 teams (68.3% accuracy) on the ‘labels-by-article’ sub-task (65.3% accuracy). We also report a model that scores higher than the 8th ranking system (78.5% accuracy) on the ‘labels-by-article’ sub-task.

No Army, No Navy: BERT Semi-Supervised Learning of Arabic Dialects
Chiyu Zhang | Muhammad Abdul-Mageed
Proceedings of the Fourth Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop

We present our deep leaning system submitted to MADAR shared task 2 focused on twitter user dialect identification. We develop tweet-level identification models based on GRUs and BERT in supervised and semi-supervised set-tings. We then introduce a simple, yet effective, method of porting tweet-level labels at the level of users. Our system ranks top 1 in the competition, with 71.70% macro F1 score and 77.40% accuracy.