Enhancing Gender Representation in Neural Machine Translation: A Comparative Analysis of Annotating Strategies for English-Spanish and English-Polish Language Pairs

Celia Soler Uguet, Fred Bane, Mahmoud Aymo, João Pedro Fernandes Torres, Anna Zaretskaya, Tània Blanch Miró

Machine translation systems have been shown to demonstrate gender bias (Savoldi et al., 2021; Stafanovičs et al., 2020; Stanovsky et al., 2020), and contribute to this bias with systematically unfair translations. In this presentation, we explore a method of enforcing gender in NMT. We generalize the method proposed by Vincent et al. (2022) to create training data not requiring a first-person speaker. Drawing from other works that use special tokens to pass additional information to NMT systems (e.g. Ailem et al., 2021), we annotate the training data with special tokens to mark the gender of a given noun in the text, which enables the NMT system to produce the correct gender during translation. These tokens are also used to mark the gender in a source sentence at inference time. However, in production scenarios, gender is often unknown at inference time, so we propose two methods of leveraging language models to obtain these labels. Our experiment is set up in a fine-tuning scenario, adapting an existing translation model with gender-annotated data. We focus on the English to Spanish and Polish language pairs. Without guidance, NMT systems often ignore signals that indicate the correct gender for translation. To this end, we consider two methods of annotating the source English sentence for gender, such as the noun developer in the following sentence: The developer argued with the designer because she did not like the design. a) We use a coreference resolution model based on SpanBERT (Joshi et al., 2020) to connect any gender-indicating pronouns to their head nouns. b) We use the GPT-3.5 model prompted to identify the gender of each person in the sentence based on the context within the sentence. For test data, we use a collection of sentences from Stanovsky et al. including two professions and one pronoun that can refer only to one of them. We use the above two methods to annotate the source sentence we want to translate, produce the translations with our fine-tuned model and compare the accuracy of the gender translation in both cases. The correctness of the gender was evaluated by professional linguists. Overall, we observed a significant improvement in gender translations compared to the baseline (a 7% improvement for Spanish and a 50% improvement for Polish), with SpanBERT outperforming GPT on this task. The Polish MT model still struggles to produce the correct gender (even the translations produced with the ‘gold truth’ gender markings are only correct in 56% of the cases). We discuss limitations to this method. Our research is intended as a reference for fellow MT practitioners, as it offers a comparative analysis of two practical implementations that show the potential to enhance the accuracy of gender in translation, thereby elevating the overall quality of translation and mitigating gender bias.
Anthology ID:
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XIX, Vol. 2: Users Track
Macau SAR, China
Masaru Yamada, Felix do Carmo
Asia-Pacific Association for Machine Translation
Cite (ACL):
Celia Soler Uguet, Fred Bane, Mahmoud Aymo, João Pedro Fernandes Torres, Anna Zaretskaya, and Tània Blanch Miró. 2023. Enhancing Gender Representation in Neural Machine Translation: A Comparative Analysis of Annotating Strategies for English-Spanish and English-Polish Language Pairs. In Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XIX, Vol. 2: Users Track, pages 171–172, Macau SAR, China. Asia-Pacific Association for Machine Translation.
Cite (Informal):
Enhancing Gender Representation in Neural Machine Translation: A Comparative Analysis of Annotating Strategies for English-Spanish and English-Polish Language Pairs (Soler Uguet et al., MTSummit 2023)
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