Xiangheng He


Modeling Syntactic-Semantic Dependency Correlations in Semantic Role Labeling Using Mixture Models
Junjie Chen | Xiangheng He | Yusuke Miyao
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

In this paper, we propose a mixture model-based end-to-end method to model the syntactic-semantic dependency correlation in Semantic Role Labeling (SRL). Semantic dependencies in SRL are modeled as a distribution over semantic dependency labels conditioned on a predicate and an argument word.The semantic label distribution varies depending on Shortest Syntactic Dependency Path (SSDP) hop patterns.We target the variation of semantic label distributions using a mixture model, separately estimating semantic label distributions for different hop patterns and probabilistically clustering hop patterns with similar semantic label distributions.Experiments show that the proposed method successfully learns a cluster assignment reflecting the variation of semantic label distributions.Modeling the variation improves performance in predicting short distance semantic dependencies, in addition to the improvement on long distance semantic dependencies that previous syntax-aware methods have achieved.The proposed method achieves a small but statistically significant improvement over baseline methods in English, German, and Spanish and obtains competitive performance with state-of-the-art methods in English.