Shuichiro Shimizu


VISA: An Ambiguous Subtitles Dataset for Visual Scene-aware Machine Translation
Yihang Li | Shuichiro Shimizu | Weiqi Gu | Chenhui Chu | Sadao Kurohashi
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

Existing multimodal machine translation (MMT) datasets consist of images and video captions or general subtitles which rarely contain linguistic ambiguity, making visual information not so effective to generate appropriate translations. We introduce VISA, a new dataset that consists of 40k Japanese-English parallel sentence pairs and corresponding video clips with the following key features: (1) the parallel sentences are subtitles from movies and TV episodes; (2) the source subtitles are ambiguous, which means they have multiple possible translations with different meanings; (3) we divide the dataset into Polysemy and Omission according to the cause of ambiguity. We show that VISA is challenging for the latest MMT system, and we hope that the dataset can facilitate MMT research.

Filtering of Noisy Web-Crawled Parallel Corpus: the Japanese-Bulgarian Language Pair
Iglika Nikolova-Stoupak | Shuichiro Shimizu | Chenhui Chu | Sadao Kurohashi
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria (CLIB 2022)

One of the main challenges within the rapidly developing field of neural machine translation is its application to low-resource languages. Recent attempts to provide large parallel corpora in rare language pairs include the generation of web-crawled corpora, which may be vast but are, unfortunately, excessively noisy. The corpus utilised to train machine translation models in the study is CCMatrix, provided by OPUS. Firstly, the corpus is cleaned based on a number of heuristic rules. Then, parts of it are selected in three discrete ways: at random, based on the “margin distance” metric that is native to the CCMatrix dataset, and based on scores derived through the application of a state-of-the-art classifier model (Acarcicek et al., 2020) utilised in a thematic WMT shared task. The performance of the issuing models is evaluated and compared. The classifier-based model does not reach high performance as compared with its margin-based counterpart, opening a discussion of ways for further improvement. Still, BLEU scores surpass those of Acarcicek et al.’s (2020) paper by over 15 points.