Robert Knippen


Annotation of Temporal Relations with Tango
Marc Verhagen | Robert Knippen | Inderjeet Mani | James Pustejovsky
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’06)

Temporal annotation is a complex task characterized by low markup speed and low inter-annotator agreements scores. Tango is a graphical annotation tool for temporal relations. It is developed for the TimeML annotation language and allows annotators to build a graph that resembles a timeline. Temporal relations are added by selecting events and drawing labeled arrows between them. Tango is integrated with a temporal closure component and includes features like SmartLink, user prompting and automatic linking of time expressions. Tango has been used to create two corpora with temporal annotation, TimeBank and the AQUAINT Opinion corpus.


Evita: A Robust Event Recognizer For QA Systems
Roser Saurí | Robert Knippen | Marc Verhagen | James Pustejovsky
Proceedings of Human Language Technology Conference and Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Automating Temporal Annotation with TARSQI
Marc Verhagen | Inderjeet Mani | Roser Sauri | Jessica Littman | Robert Knippen | Seok B. Jang | Anna Rumshisky | John Phillips | James Pustejovsky
Proceedings of the ACL Interactive Poster and Demonstration Sessions