Munshi Asadullah


Spoken Conversational Search for General Knowledge
Lina M. Rojas Barahona | Pascal Bellec | Benoit Besset | Martinho Dossantos | Johannes Heinecke | Munshi Asadullah | Olivier Leblouch | Jeanyves. Lancien | Geraldine Damnati | Emmanuel Mory | Frederic Herledan
Proceedings of the 20th Annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue

We present a spoken conversational question answering proof of concept that is able to answer questions about general knowledge from Wikidata. The dialogue agent does not only orchestrate various agents but also solve coreferences and ellipsis.


Multi-Model and Crosslingual Dependency Analysis
Johannes Heinecke | Munshi Asadullah
Proceedings of the CoNLL 2017 Shared Task: Multilingual Parsing from Raw Text to Universal Dependencies

This paper describes the system of the Team Orange-Deskiñ, used for the CoNLL 2017 UD Shared Task in Multilingual Dependency Parsing. We based our approach on an existing open source tool (BistParser), which we modified in order to produce the required output. Additionally we added a kind of pseudo-projectivisation. This was needed since some of the task’s languages have a high percentage of non-projective dependency trees. In most cases we also employed word embeddings. For the 4 surprise languages, the data provided seemed too little to train on. Thus we decided to use the training data of typologically close languages instead. Our system achieved a macro-averaged LAS of 68.61% (10th in the overall ranking) which improved to 69.38% after bug fixes.


Bidirectionnal converter between syntactic annotations : from French Treebank Dependencies to PASSAGE annotations, and back
Munshi Asadullah | Patrick Paroubek | Anne Vilnat
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14)

We present here part of a bidirectional converter between the French Tree-bank Dependency (FTB - DEP) annotations into the PASSAGE format. FTB - DEP is the representation used by several freely available parsers and the PASSAGE annotation was used to hand-annotate a relatively large sized corpus, used as gold-standard in the PASSAGE evaluation campaigns. Our converter will give the means to evaluate these parsers on the PASSAGE corpus. We shall illustrate the mapping of important syntactic phenomena using the corpus made of the examples of the FTB - DEP annotation guidelines, which we have hand-annotated with PASSAGE annotations and used to compute quantitative performance measures on the FTB - DEP guidelines.n this paper we will briefly introduce the two annotation formats. Then, we detail the two converters, and the rules which have been written. The last part will detail the results we obtained on the phenomenon we mostly study, the passive forms. We evaluate the converters by a double conversion, from PASSAGE to CoN LL and back to PASSAGE. We will detailed in this paper the linguistic phenomenon we detail here, the passive form.


Converting dependencies for syntactic analysis of French into PASSAGE functional relations (Convertir des analyses syntaxiques en dépendances vers les relations fonctionnelles PASSAGE) [in French]
Patrick Paroubek | Munshi Asadullah | Anne Vilnat
Proceedings of TALN 2013 (Volume 2: Short Papers)


Error Detection for Post-editing Rule-based Machine Translation
Justina Valotkaite | Munshi Asadullah
Workshop on Post-Editing Technology and Practice

The increasing role of post-editing as a way of improving machine translation output and a faster alternative to translating from scratch has lately attracted researchers’ attention and various attempts have been proposed to facilitate the task. We experiment with a method to provide support for the post-editing task through error detection. A deep linguistic error analysis was done of a sample of English sentences translated from Portuguese by two Rule-based Machine Translation systems. We designed a set of rules to deal with various systematic translation errors and implemented a subset of these rules covering the errors of tense and number. The evaluation of these rules showed a satisfactory performance. In addition, we performed an experiment with human translators which confirmed that highlighting translation errors during the post-editing can help the translators perform the post-editing task up to 12 seconds per error faster and improve their efficiency by minimizing the number of missed errors.