Min Chen


Explore More Guidance: A Task-aware Instruction Network for Sign Language Translation Enhanced with Data Augmentation
Yong Cao | Wei Li | Xianzhi Li | Min Chen | Guangyong Chen | Long Hu | Zhengdao Li | Kai Hwang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2022

Sign language recognition and translation first uses a recognition module to generate glosses from sign language videos and then employs a translation module to translate glosses into spoken sentences. Most existing works focus on the recognition step, while paying less attention to sign language translation. In this work, we propose a task-aware instruction network, namely TIN-SLT, for sign language translation, by introducing the isntruction module and the learning-based feature fuse strategy into a Transformer network. In this way, the pre-trained model’s language ability can be well explored and utilized to further boost the translation performance. Moreover, by exploring the representation space of sign language glosses and target spoken language, we propose a multi-level data augmentation scheme to adjust the data distribution of the training set. We conduct extensive experiments on two challenging benchmark datasets, PHOENIX-2014-T and ASLG-PC12, on which our method outperforms former best solutions by 1.65 and 1.42 in terms of BLEU-4. Our code and trained networks will be available upon the publication of this work.


基于阅读理解框架的中文事件论元抽取(Chinese Event Argument Extraction using Reading Comprehension Framework)
Min Chen (陈敏) | Fan Wu (吴凡) | Zhongqing Wang (王中卿) | Peifeng Li (李培峰) | Qiaoming Zhu (朱巧明)
Proceedings of the 19th Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics
