Daria Liakhovets


Zero-shot Event Causality Identification with Question Answering
Daria Liakhovets | Sven Schlarb
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria (CLIB 2022)

Extraction of event causality and especially implicit causality from text data is a challenging task. Causality is often treated as a specific relation type and can be considered as a part of relation extraction or relation classification task. Many causality identification-related tasks are designed to select the most plausible alternative of a set of possible causes and consider multiple-choice classification settings. Since there are powerful Question Answering (QA) systems pretrained on large text corpora, we investigated a zero-shot QA-based approach for event causality extraction using a Wikipedia-based dataset containing event descriptions (articles) and annotated causes. We aimed to evaluate to what extent reading comprehension ability of the QA-pipeline can be used for event-related causality extraction from plain text without any additional training. Some evaluation challenges and limitations of the data were discussed. We compared the performance of a two-step pipeline consisting of passage retrieval and extractive QA with QA-only pipeline on event-associated articles and mixed ones. Our systems achieved average cosine semantic similarity scores of 44 – 45% in different settings.


AIT_FHSTP at GermEval 2021: Automatic Fact Claiming Detection with Multilingual Transformer Models
Jaqueline Böck | Daria Liakhovets | Mina Schütz | Armin Kirchknopf | Djordje Slijepčević | Matthias Zeppelzauer | Alexander Schindler
Proceedings of the GermEval 2021 Shared Task on the Identification of Toxic, Engaging, and Fact-Claiming Comments

Spreading ones opinion on the internet is becoming more and more important. A problem is that in many discussions people often argue with supposed facts. This year’s GermEval 2021 focuses on this topic by incorporating a shared task on the identification of fact-claiming comments. This paper presents the contribution of the AIT FHSTP team at the GermEval 2021 benchmark for task 3: “identifying fact-claiming comments in social media texts”. Our methodological approaches are based on transformers and incorporate 3 different models: multilingual BERT, GottBERT and XML-RoBERTa. To solve the fact claiming task, we fine-tuned these transformers with external data and the data provided by the GermEval task organizers. Our multilingual BERT model achieved a precision-score of 72.71%, a recall of 72.96% and an F1-Score of 72.84% on the GermEval test set. Our fine-tuned XML-RoBERTa model achieved a precision-score of 68.45%, a recall of 70.11% and a F1-Score of 69.27%. Our best model is GottBERT (i.e., a BERT transformer pre-trained on German texts) fine-tuned on the GermEval 2021 data. This transformer achieved a precision of 74.13%, a recall of 75.11% and an F1-Score of 74.62% on the test set.