Thierry Legou


The Speed-Vel Project: a Corpus of Acoustic and Aerodynamic Data to Measure Droplets Emission During Speech Interaction
Francesca Carbone | Gilles Bouchet | Alain Ghio | Thierry Legou | Carine André | Muriel Lalain | Sabrina Kadri | Caterina Petrone | Federica Procino | Antoine Giovanni
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

Conversations (normal speech) or professional interactions (e.g., projected speech in the classroom) have been identified as situations with increased risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2 due to the high production of droplets in the exhaled air. However, it is still unclear to what extent speech properties influence droplets emission during everyday life conversations. Here, we report the experimental protocol of three experiments aiming at measuring the velocity and the direction of the airflow, the number and size of droplets spread during speech interactions in French. We consider different phonetic conditions, potentially leading to a modulation of speech droplets production, such as voice intensity (normal vs. loud voice), articulation manner of phonemes (type of consonants and vowels) and prosody (i.e., the melody of the speech). Findings from these experiments will allow future simulation studies to predict the transport, dispersion and evaporation of droplets emitted under different speech conditions.

The Badalona Corpus - An Audio, Video and Neuro-Physiological Conversational Dataset
Philippe Blache | Salomé Antoine | Dorina De Jong | Lena-Marie Huttner | Emilia Kerr | Thierry Legou | Eliot Maës | Clément François
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

We present in this paper the first natural conversation corpus recorded with all modalities and neuro-physiological signals. 5 dyads (10 participants) have been recorded three times, during three sessions (30mns each) with 4 days interval. During each session, audio and video are captured as well as the neural signal (EEG with Emotiv-EPOC) and the electro-physiological one (with Empatica-E4). This resource original in several respects. Technically, it is the first one gathering all these types of data in a natural conversation situation. Moreover, the recording of the same dyads at different periods opens the door to new longitudinal investigations such as the evolution of interlocutors’ alignment during the time. The paper situates this new type of resources with in the literature, presents the experimental setup and describes different annotations enriching the corpus.


Effort produit et ressenti selon le voisement en français (Produced and perceived effort according to the voicing in French)
Camille Robieux | Thierry Legou | Yohann Meynadier | Meunier Christine
Actes de la conférence conjointe JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2016. volume 1 : JEP

Les muscles laryngés et articulatoires sont impliqués dans la réalisation des traits qui distinguent les phonèmes. Cette étude porte sur l’auto-perception par les locuteurs et la répartition de l’effort vocal et articulatoire en fonction du trait de voisement en parole modale comparée à la parole chuchotée en français. Pour les 12 obstruantes du français, l’effort est ressenti plus important pour les voisées que les non voisées correspondantes, excepté dans le cas des fricatives labiodentales. Les analyses de la production des occlusives bilabiales montrent que l’effort laryngé est supérieur pour les consonnes voisées et l’effort articulatoire supérieur pour les non voisées, mais l’inverse pour les fricatives. Ces résultats indiquent que l’effort ressenti lors de sa propre production repose sur une perception prédominante de l’effort laryngé sur l’effort articulatoire en voix modale comme en voix chuchotée ; mais qu’il est cependant modulé selon le lieu et le mode d’articulation des consonnes.

The TYPALOC Corpus: A Collection of Various Dysarthric Speech Recordings in Read and Spontaneous Styles
Christine Meunier | Cecile Fougeron | Corinne Fredouille | Brigitte Bigi | Lise Crevier-Buchman | Elisabeth Delais-Roussarie | Laurianne Georgeton | Alain Ghio | Imed Laaridh | Thierry Legou | Claire Pillot-Loiseau | Gilles Pouchoulin
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'16)

This paper presents the TYPALOC corpus of French Dysarthric and Healthy speech and the rationale underlying its constitution. The objective is to compare phonetic variation in the speech of dysarthric vs. healthy speakers in different speech conditions (read and unprepared speech). More precisely, we aim to compare the extent, types and location of phonetic variation within these different populations and speech conditions. The TYPALOC corpus is constituted of a selection of 28 dysarthric patients (three different pathologies) and of 12 healthy control speakers recorded while reading the same text and in a more natural continuous speech condition. Each audio signal has been segmented into Inter-Pausal Units. Then, the corpus has been manually transcribed and automatically aligned. The alignment has been corrected by an expert phonetician. Moreover, the corpus benefits from an automatic syllabification and an Automatic Detection of Acoustic Phone-Based Anomalies. Finally, in order to interpret phonetic variations due to pathologies, a perceptual evaluation of each patient has been conducted. Quantitative data are provided at the end of the paper.


The DesPho-APaDy Project: Developing an Acoustic-phonetic Characterization of Dysarthric Speech in French
Cécile Fougeron | Lise Crevier-Buchman | Corinne Fredouille | Alain Ghio | Christine Meunier | Claude Chevrie-Muller | Jean-Francois Bonastre | Antonia Colazo Simon | Céline Delooze | Danielle Duez | Cédric Gendrot | Thierry Legou | Nathalie Levèque | Claire Pillot-Loiseau | Serge Pinto | Gilles Pouchoulin | Danièle Robert | Jacqueline Vaissiere | François Viallet | Coralie Vincent
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10)

This paper presents the rationale, objectives and advances of an on-going project (the DesPho-APaDy project funded by the French National Agency of Research) which aims to provide a systematic and quantified description of French dysarthric speech, over a large population of patients and three dysarthria types (related to the parkinson's disease, the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis disease, and a pure cerebellar alteration). The two French corpora of dysarthric patients, from which the speech data have been selected for analysis purposes, are firstly described. Secondly, this paper discusses and outlines the requirement of a structured and organized computerized platform in order to store, organize and make accessible (for selected and protected usage) dysarthric speech corpora and associated patients’ clinical information (mostly disseminated in different locations: labs, hospitals, …). The design of both a computer database and a multi-field query interface is proposed for the clinical context. Finally, advances of the project related to the selection of the population used for the dysarthria analysis, the preprocessing of the speech files, their orthographic transcription and their automatic alignment are also presented.