Qianli Ma


Cross-domain Named Entity Recognition via Graph Matching
Junhao Zheng | Haibin Chen | Qianli Ma
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2022

Cross-domain NER is a practical yet challenging problem since the data scarcity in the real-world scenario. A common practice is first to learn a NER model in a rich-resource general domain and then adapt the model to specific domains. Due to the mismatch problem between entity types across domains, the wide knowledge in the general domain can not effectively transfer to the target domain NER model. To this end, we model the label relationship as a probability distribution and construct label graphs in both source and target label spaces. To enhance the contextual representation with label structures, we fuse the label graph into the word embedding output by BERT. By representing label relationships as graphs, we formulate cross-domain NER as a graph matching problem. Furthermore, the proposed method has good applicability with pre-training methods and is potentially capable of other cross-domain prediction tasks. Empirical results on four datasets show that our method outperforms a series of transfer learning, multi-task learning, and few-shot learning methods.

It’s Better to Teach Fishing than Giving a Fish: An Auto-Augmented Structure-aware Generative Model for Metaphor Detection
Huawen Feng | Qianli Ma
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

Metaphor Detection aims to identify the metaphorical meaning of words in the sentence. Most existing work is discriminant models, which use the contextual semantic information extracted by transformers for classifications directly. Due to insufficient training data and corresponding paraphrases, recent methods focus on how to get external resources and utilize them to introduce more knowledge. Currently, contextual modeling and external data are two key issues in the field. In this paper, we propose **A**n **A**uto-**A**ugmented **S**tructure-aware generative model (**AAAS**) for metaphor detection, which transforms the classification task into a keywords-extraction task. Specifically, we propose the task of structure information extraction to allow the model to use the ‘structural language’ to describe the whole sentence. Furthermore, without any other external resources, we design a simple but effective auto-augmented method to expand the limited datasets. Experimental results show that **AAAS** obtains competitive results compared with state-of-the-art methods.

Distilling Causal Effect from Miscellaneous Other-Class for Continual Named Entity Recognition
Junhao Zheng | Zhanxian Liang | Haibin Chen | Qianli Ma
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Continual Learning for Named Entity Recognition (CL-NER) aims to learn a growing number of entity types over time from a stream of data. However, simply learning Other-Class in the same way as new entity types amplifies the catastrophic forgetting and leads to a substantial performance drop. The main cause behind this is that Other-Class samples usually contain old entity types, and the old knowledge in these Other-Class samples is not preserved properly. Thanks to the causal inference, we identify that the forgetting is caused by the missing causal effect from the old data.To this end, we propose a unified causal framework to retrieve the causality from both new entity types and Other-Class.Furthermore, we apply curriculum learning to mitigate the impact of label noise and introduce a self-adaptive weight for balancing the causal effects between new entity types and Other-Class. Experimental results on three benchmark datasets show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art method by a large margin. Moreover, our method can be combined with the existing state-of-the-art methods to improve the performance in CL-NER.

Pair-Based Joint Encoding with Relational Graph Convolutional Networks for Emotion-Cause Pair Extraction
Junlong Liu | Xichen Shang | Qianli Ma
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Emotion-cause pair extraction (ECPE) aims to extract emotion clauses and corresponding cause clauses, which have recently received growing attention. Previous methods sequentially encode features with a specified order. They first encode the emotion and cause features for clause extraction and then combine them for pair extraction. This lead to an imbalance in inter-task feature interaction where features extracted later have no direct contact with the former. To address this issue, we propose a novel **P**air-**B**ased **J**oint **E**ncoding (**PBJE**) network, which generates pairs and clauses features simultaneously in a joint feature encoding manner to model the causal relationship in clauses. PBJE can balance the information flow among emotion clauses, cause clauses and pairs. From a multi-relational perspective, we construct a heterogeneous undirected graph and apply the Relational Graph Convolutional Network (RGCN) to capture the multiplex relationship between clauses and the relationship between pairs and clauses. Experimental results show that PBJE achieves state-of-the-art performance on the Chinese benchmark corpus.


Hierarchy-aware Label Semantics Matching Network for Hierarchical Text Classification
Haibin Chen | Qianli Ma | Zhenxi Lin | Jiangyue Yan
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Hierarchical text classification is an important yet challenging task due to the complex structure of the label hierarchy. Existing methods ignore the semantic relationship between text and labels, so they cannot make full use of the hierarchical information. To this end, we formulate the text-label semantics relationship as a semantic matching problem and thus propose a hierarchy-aware label semantics matching network (HiMatch). First, we project text semantics and label semantics into a joint embedding space. We then introduce a joint embedding loss and a matching learning loss to model the matching relationship between the text semantics and the label semantics. Our model captures the text-label semantics matching relationship among coarse-grained labels and fine-grained labels in a hierarchy-aware manner. The experimental results on various benchmark datasets verify that our model achieves state-of-the-art results.

A Span-based Dynamic Local Attention Model for Sequential Sentence Classification
Xichen Shang | Qianli Ma | Zhenxi Lin | Jiangyue Yan | Zipeng Chen
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Sequential sentence classification aims to classify each sentence in the document based on the context in which sentences appear. Most existing work addresses this problem using a hierarchical sequence labeling network. However, they ignore considering the latent segment structure of the document, in which contiguous sentences often have coherent semantics. In this paper, we proposed a span-based dynamic local attention model that could explicitly capture the structural information by the proposed supervised dynamic local attention. We further introduce an auxiliary task called span-based classification to explore the span-level representations. Extensive experiments show that our model achieves better or competitive performance against state-of-the-art baselines on two benchmark datasets.

CATE: A Contrastive Pre-trained Model for Metaphor Detection with Semi-supervised Learning
Zhenxi Lin | Qianli Ma | Jiangyue Yan | Jieyu Chen
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Metaphors are ubiquitous in natural language, and detecting them requires contextual reasoning about whether a semantic incongruence actually exists. Most existing work addresses this problem using pre-trained contextualized models. Despite their success, these models require a large amount of labeled data and are not linguistically-based. In this paper, we proposed a ContrAstive pre-Trained modEl (CATE) for metaphor detection with semi-supervised learning. Our model first uses a pre-trained model to obtain a contextual representation of target words and employs a contrastive objective to promote an increased distance between target words’ literal and metaphorical senses based on linguistic theories. Furthermore, we propose a simple strategy to collect large-scale candidate instances from the general corpus and generalize the model via self-training. Extensive experiments show that CATE achieves better performance against state-of-the-art baselines on several benchmark datasets.


MODE-LSTM: A Parameter-efficient Recurrent Network with Multi-Scale for Sentence Classification
Qianli Ma | Zhenxi Lin | Jiangyue Yan | Zipeng Chen | Liuhong Yu
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

The central problem of sentence classification is to extract multi-scale n-gram features for understanding the semantic meaning of sentences. Most existing models tackle this problem by stacking CNN and RNN models, which easily leads to feature redundancy and overfitting because of relatively limited datasets. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective model called Multi-scale Orthogonal inDependEnt LSTM (MODE-LSTM), which not only has effective parameters and good generalization ability, but also considers multiscale n-gram features. We disentangle the hidden state of the LSTM into several independently updated small hidden states and apply an orthogonal constraint on their recurrent matrices. We then equip this structure with sliding windows of different sizes for extracting multi-scale n-gram features. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our model achieves better or competitive performance against state-of-the-art baselines on eight benchmark datasets. We also combine our model with BERT to further boost the generalization performance.