Luke Melas-Kyriazi


Intrinsic Gradient Compression for Scalable and Efficient Federated Learning
Luke Melas-Kyriazi | Franklyn Wang
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Federated Learning for Natural Language Processing (FL4NLP 2022)

Federated learning is a rapidly growing area of research, holding the promise of privacy-preserving distributed training on edge devices. The largest barrier to wider adoption of federated learning is the communication cost of model updates, which is accentuated by the fact that many edge devices are bandwidth-constrained. At the same time, within the machine learning theory community, a separate line of research has emerged around optimizing networks within a subspace of the full space of all parameters. The dimension of the smallest subspace for which these methods still yield strong results is called the intrinsic dimension. In this work, we prove a general correspondence between the notions of intrinsic dimension and gradient compressibility, and we show that a family of low-bandwidth federated learning algorithms, which we call intrinsic gradient compression algorithms, naturally emerges from this correspondence. Finally, we conduct large-scale NLP experiments using transformer models with over 100M parameters (GPT-2 and BERT), and show that our method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art in gradient compression.

Prompt-and-Rerank: A Method for Zero-Shot and Few-Shot Arbitrary Textual Style Transfer with Small Language Models
Mirac Suzgun | Luke Melas-Kyriazi | Dan Jurafsky
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

We propose a method for arbitrary textual style transfer (TST)—the task of transforming a text into any given style—utilizing general-purpose pre-trained language models. Our method, Prompt-and-Rerank, is based on a mathematical formulation of the TST task, decomposing it into three constituent components: textual similarity, target style strength, and fluency. Our method uses zero-shot or few-shot prompting to obtain a set of candidate generations in the target style, and then re-ranks them according to the three components. Our method enables small pre-trained language models to perform on par with state-of-the-art large-scale models while using two orders of magnitude less compute and memory. We also investigate the effect of model size and prompt design (e.g., prompt paraphrasing and delimiter-pair choice) on style transfer quality across seven diverse textual style transfer datasets, finding, among other things, that delimiter-pair choice has a large impact on performance, and that models have biases on the direction of style transfer.


Generation-Distillation for Efficient Natural Language Understanding in Low-Data Settings
Luke Melas-Kyriazi | George Han | Celine Liang
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Deep Learning Approaches for Low-Resource NLP (DeepLo 2019)

Over the past year, the emergence of transfer learning with large-scale language models (LM) has led to dramatic performance improvements across a broad range of natural language understanding tasks. However, the size and memory footprint of these large LMs often makes them difficult to deploy in many scenarios (e.g. on mobile phones). Recent research points to knowledge distillation as a potential solution, showing that when training data for a given task is abundant, it is possible to distill a large (teacher) LM into a small task-specific (student) network with minimal loss of performance. However, when such data is scarce, there remains a significant performance gap between large pretrained LMs and smaller task-specific models, even when training via distillation. In this paper, we bridge this gap with a novel training approach, called generation-distillation, that leverages large finetuned LMs in two ways: (1) to generate new (unlabeled) training examples, and (2) to distill their knowledge into a small network using these examples. Across three low-resource text classification datsets, we achieve comparable performance to BERT while using 300 times fewer parameters, and we outperform prior approaches to distillation for text classification while using 3 times fewer parameters.


Training for Diversity in Image Paragraph Captioning
Luke Melas-Kyriazi | Alexander Rush | George Han
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Image paragraph captioning models aim to produce detailed descriptions of a source image. These models use similar techniques as standard image captioning models, but they have encountered issues in text generation, notably a lack of diversity between sentences, that have limited their effectiveness. In this work, we consider applying sequence-level training for this task. We find that standard self-critical training produces poor results, but when combined with an integrated penalty on trigram repetition produces much more diverse paragraphs. This simple training approach improves on the best result on the Visual Genome paragraph captioning dataset from 16.9 to 30.6 CIDEr, with gains on METEOR and BLEU as well, without requiring any architectural changes.