Liwei Wu


Contrastive Learning for Many-to-many Multilingual Neural Machine Translation
Xiao Pan | Mingxuan Wang | Liwei Wu | Lei Li
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Existing multilingual machine translation approaches mainly focus on English-centric directions, while the non-English directions still lag behind. In this work, we aim to build a many-to-many translation system with an emphasis on the quality of non-English language directions. Our intuition is based on the hypothesis that a universal cross-language representation leads to better multilingual translation performance. To this end, we propose mRASP2, a training method to obtain a single unified multilingual translation model. mRASP2 is empowered by two techniques: a) a contrastive learning scheme to close the gap among representations of different languages, and b) data augmentation on both multiple parallel and monolingual data to further align token representations. For English-centric directions, mRASP2 achieves competitive or even better performance than a strong pre-trained model mBART on tens of WMT benchmarks. For non-English directions, mRASP2 achieves an improvement of average 10+ BLEU compared with the multilingual baseline

Learning Language Specific Sub-network for Multilingual Machine Translation
Zehui Lin | Liwei Wu | Mingxuan Wang | Lei Li
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Multilingual neural machine translation aims at learning a single translation model for multiple languages. These jointly trained models often suffer from performance degradationon rich-resource language pairs. We attribute this degeneration to parameter interference. In this paper, we propose LaSS to jointly train a single unified multilingual MT model. LaSS learns Language Specific Sub-network (LaSS) for each language pair to counter parameter interference. Comprehensive experiments on IWSLT and WMT datasets with various Transformer architectures show that LaSS obtains gains on 36 language pairs by up to 1.2 BLEU. Besides, LaSS shows its strong generalization performance at easy adaptation to new language pairs and zero-shot translation. LaSS boosts zero-shot translation with an average of 8.3 BLEU on 30 language pairs. Codes and trained models are available at

Language Tags Matter for Zero-Shot Neural Machine Translation
Liwei Wu | Shanbo Cheng | Mingxuan Wang | Lei Li
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021


The Volctrans Machine Translation System for WMT20
Liwei Wu | Xiao Pan | Zehui Lin | Yaoming Zhu | Mingxuan Wang | Lei Li
Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Machine Translation

This paper describes our submission systems for VolcTrans for WMT20 shared news translation task. We participated in 8 translation directions. Our basic systems are based on Transformer (CITATION), into which we also employed new architectures (bigger or deeper Transformers, dynamic convolution). The final systems include text pre-process, subword(a.k.a. BPE(CITATION)), baseline model training, iterative back-translation, model ensemble, knowledge distillation and multilingual pre-training.