Kristopher Kyle


An Argument Structure Construction Treebank
Kristopher Kyle | Hakyung Sung
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Construction Grammars and NLP (CxGs+NLP, GURT/SyntaxFest 2023)

In this paper we introduce a freely available treebank that includes argument structure construction (ASC) annotation. We then use the treebank to train probabilistic annotation models that rely on verb lemmas and/ or syntactic frames. We also use the treebank data to train a highly accurate transformer-based annotation model (F1 = 91.8%). Future directions for the development of the treebank and annotation models are discussed.


A Dependency Treebank of Spoken Second Language English
Kristopher Kyle | Masaki Eguchi | Aaron Miller | Theodore Sither
Proceedings of the 17th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA 2022)

In this paper, we introduce a dependency treebank of spoken second language (L2) English that is annotated with part of speech (Penn POS) tags and syntactic dependencies (Universal Dependencies). We then evaluate the degree to which the use of this treebank as training data affects POS and UD annotation accuracy for L1 web texts, L2 written texts, and L2 spoken texts as compared to models trained on L1 texts only.


Native Language Identification: A Key N-gram Category Approach
Kristopher Kyle | Scott Crossley | Jianmin Dai | Danielle McNamara
Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications