Jia Guo


Towards Integration of Discriminability and Robustness for Document-Level Relation Extraction
Jia Guo | Stanley Kok | Lidong Bing
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Document-level relation extraction (DocRE) predicts relations for entity pairs that rely on long-range context-dependent reasoning in a document. As a typical multi-label classification problem, DocRE faces the challenge of effectively distinguishing a small set of positive relations from the majority of negative ones. This challenge becomes even more difficult to overcome when there exists a significant number of annotation errors in the dataset. In this work, we aim to achieve better integration of both the discriminability and robustness for the DocRE problem. Specifically, we first design an effective loss function to endow high discriminability to both probabilistic outputs and internal representations. We innovatively customize entropy minimization and supervised contrastive learning for the challenging multi-label and long-tailed learning problems. To ameliorate the impact of label errors, we equipped our method with a novel negative label sampling strategy to strengthen the model robustness. In addition, we introduce two new data regimes to mimic more realistic scenarios with annotation errors and evaluate our sampling strategy. Experimental results verify the effectiveness of each component and show that our method achieves new state-of-the-art results on the DocRED dataset, its recently cleaned version, Re-DocRED, and the proposed data regimes.


BiQUE: Biquaternionic Embeddings of Knowledge Graphs
Jia Guo | Stanley Kok
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Knowledge graph embeddings (KGEs) compactly encode multi-relational knowledge graphs (KGs). Existing KGE models rely on geometric operations to model relational patterns. Euclidean (circular) rotation is useful for modeling patterns such as symmetry, but cannot represent hierarchical semantics. In contrast, hyperbolic models are effective at modeling hierarchical relations, but do not perform as well on patterns on which circular rotation excels. It is crucial for KGE models to unify multiple geometric transformations so as to fully cover the multifarious relations in KGs. To do so, we propose BiQUE, a novel model that employs biquaternions to integrate multiple geometric transformations, viz., scaling, translation, Euclidean rotation, and hyperbolic rotation. BiQUE makes the best trade-offs among geometric operators during training, picking the best one (or their best combination) for each relation. Experiments on five datasets show BiQUE’s effectiveness.