Claudia Borg


Face2Text revisited: Improved data set and baseline results
Marc Tanti | Shaun Abdilla | Adrian Muscat | Claudia Borg | Reuben A. Farrugia | Albert Gatt
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on People in Vision, Language, and the Mind

Current image description generation models do not transfer well to the task of describing human faces. To encourage the development of more human-focused descriptions, we developed a new data set of facial descriptions based on the CelebA image data set. We describe the properties of this data set, and present results from a face description generator trained on it, which explores the feasibility of using transfer learning from VGGFace/ResNet CNNs. Comparisons are drawn through both automated metrics and human evaluation by 76 English-speaking participants. The descriptions generated by the VGGFace-LSTM + Attention model are closest to the ground truth according to human evaluation whilst the ResNet-LSTM + Attention model obtained the highest CIDEr and CIDEr-D results (1.252 and 0.686 respectively). Together, the new data set and these experimental results provide data and baselines for future work in this area.

National Language Technology Platform (NLTP): overall view
Artūrs Vasiļevskis | Jānis Ziediņš | Marko Tadić | Željka Motika | Mark Fishel | Hrafn Loftsson | Jón Gu | Claudia Borg | Keith Cortis | Judie Attard | Donatienne Spiteri
Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation

The work in progress on the CEF Action National Language Technology Platform (NLTP) is presented. The Action aims at combining the most advanced Language Technology (LT) tools and solutions in a new state-of-the-art, Artificial Intelli- gence (AI) driven, National Language Technology Platform (NLTP).

Pre-training Data Quality and Quantity for a Low-Resource Language: New Corpus and BERT Models for Maltese
Kurt Micallef | Albert Gatt | Marc Tanti | Lonneke van der Plas | Claudia Borg
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Deep Learning for Low-Resource Natural Language Processing

Multilingual language models such as mBERT have seen impressive cross-lingual transfer to a variety of languages, but many languages remain excluded from these models. In this paper, we analyse the effect of pre-training with monolingual data for a low-resource language that is not included in mBERT – Maltese – with a range of pre-training set ups. We conduct evaluations with the newly pre-trained models on three morphosyntactic tasks – dependency parsing, part-of-speech tagging, and named-entity recognition – and one semantic classification task – sentiment analysis. We also present a newly created corpus for Maltese, and determine the effect that the pre-training data size and domain have on the downstream performance. Our results show that using a mixture of pre-training domains is often superior to using Wikipedia text only. We also find that a fraction of this corpus is enough to make significant leaps in performance over Wikipedia-trained models. We pre-train and compare two models on the new corpus: a monolingual BERT model trained from scratch (BERTu), and a further pretrained multilingual BERT (mBERTu). The models achieve state-of-the-art performance on these tasks, despite the new corpus being considerably smaller than typically used corpora for high-resourced languages. On average, BERTu outperforms or performs competitively with mBERTu, and the largest gains are observed for higher-level tasks.

National Language Technology Platform for Public Administration
Marko Tadić | Daša Farkaš | Matea Filko | Artūrs Vasiļevskis | Andrejs Vasiļjevs | Jānis Ziediņš | Željka Motika | Mark Fishel | Hrafn Loftsson | Jón Guðnason | Claudia Borg | Keith Cortis | Judie Attard | Donatienne Spiteri
Proceedings of the Workshop Towards Digital Language Equality within the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

This article presents the work in progress on the collaborative project of several European countries to develop National Language Technology Platform (NLTP). The project aims at combining the most advanced Language Technology tools and solutions in a new, state-of-the-art, Artificial Intelligence driven, National Language Technology Platform for five EU/EEA official and lower-resourced languages.


On the Language-specificity of Multilingual BERT and the Impact of Fine-tuning
Marc Tanti | Lonneke van der Plas | Claudia Borg | Albert Gatt
Proceedings of the Fourth BlackboxNLP Workshop on Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP

Recent work has shown evidence that the knowledge acquired by multilingual BERT (mBERT) has two components: a language-specific and a language-neutral one. This paper analyses the relationship between them, in the context of fine-tuning on two tasks – POS tagging and natural language inference – which require the model to bring to bear different degrees of language-specific knowledge. Visualisations reveal that mBERT loses the ability to cluster representations by language after fine-tuning, a result that is supported by evidence from language identification experiments. However, further experiments on ‘unlearning’ language-specific representations using gradient reversal and iterative adversarial learning are shown not to add further improvement to the language-independent component over and above the effect of fine-tuning. The results presented here suggest that the process of fine-tuning causes a reorganisation of the model’s limited representational capacity, enhancing language-independent representations at the expense of language-specific ones.


Creating Expert Knowledge by Relying on Language Learners: a Generic Approach for Mass-Producing Language Resources by Combining Implicit Crowdsourcing and Language Learning
Lionel Nicolas | Verena Lyding | Claudia Borg | Corina Forascu | Karën Fort | Katerina Zdravkova | Iztok Kosem | Jaka Čibej | Špela Arhar Holdt | Alice Millour | Alexander König | Christos Rodosthenous | Federico Sangati | Umair ul Hassan | Anisia Katinskaia | Anabela Barreiro | Lavinia Aparaschivei | Yaakov HaCohen-Kerner
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

We introduce in this paper a generic approach to combine implicit crowdsourcing and language learning in order to mass-produce language resources (LRs) for any language for which a crowd of language learners can be involved. We present the approach by explaining its core paradigm that consists in pairing specific types of LRs with specific exercises, by detailing both its strengths and challenges, and by discussing how much these challenges have been addressed at present. Accordingly, we also report on on-going proof-of-concept efforts aiming at developing the first prototypical implementation of the approach in order to correct and extend an LR called ConceptNet based on the input crowdsourced from language learners. We then present an international network called the European Network for Combining Language Learning with Crowdsourcing Techniques (enetCollect) that provides the context to accelerate the implementation of this generic approach. Finally, we exemplify how it can be used in several language learning scenarios to produce a multitude of NLP resources and how it can therefore alleviate the long-standing NLP issue of the lack of LRs.

MASRI-HEADSET: A Maltese Corpus for Speech Recognition
Carlos Daniel Hernandez Mena | Albert Gatt | Andrea DeMarco | Claudia Borg | Lonneke van der Plas | Amanda Muscat | Ian Padovani
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

Maltese, the national language of Malta, is spoken by approximately 500,000 people. Speech processing for Maltese is still in its early stages of development. In this paper, we present the first spoken Maltese corpus designed purposely for Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). The MASRI-HEADSET corpus was developed by the MASRI project at the University of Malta. It consists of 8 hours of speech paired with text, recorded by using short text snippets in a laboratory environment. The speakers were recruited from different geographical locations all over the Maltese islands, and were roughly evenly distributed by gender. This paper also presents some initial results achieved in baseline experiments for Maltese ASR using Sphinx and Kaldi. The MASRI HEADSET Corpus is publicly available for research/academic purposes.


CUNIMalta system at SIGMORPHON 2019 Shared Task on Morphological Analysis and Lemmatization in context: Operation-based word formation
Ronald Cardenas | Claudia Borg | Daniel Zeman
Proceedings of the 16th Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology

This paper presents the submission by the Charles University-University of Malta team to the SIGMORPHON 2019 Shared Task on Morphological Analysis and Lemmatization in context. We present a lemmatization model based on previous work on neural transducers (Makarov and Clematide, 2018b; Aharoni and Goldberg, 2016). The key difference is that our model transforms the whole word form in every step, instead of consuming it character by character. We propose a merging strategy inspired by Byte-Pair-Encoding that reduces the space of valid operations by merging frequent adjacent operations. The resulting operations not only encode the actions to be performed but the relative position in the word token and how characters need to be transformed. Our morphological tagger is a vanilla biLSTM tagger that operates over operation representations, encoding operations and words in a hierarchical manner. Even though relative performance according to metrics is below the baseline, experiments show that our models capture important associations between interpretable operation labels and fine-grained morpho-syntax labels.


Face2Text: Collecting an Annotated Image Description Corpus for the Generation of Rich Face Descriptions
Albert Gatt | Marc Tanti | Adrian Muscat | Patrizia Paggio | Reuben A Farrugia | Claudia Borg | Kenneth P Camilleri | Michael Rosner | Lonneke van der Plas
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018)


Morphological Analysis for the Maltese Language: The challenges of a hybrid system
Claudia Borg | Albert Gatt
Proceedings of the Third Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop

Maltese is a morphologically rich language with a hybrid morphological system which features both concatenative and non-concatenative processes. This paper analyses the impact of this hybridity on the performance of machine learning techniques for morphological labelling and clustering. In particular, we analyse a dataset of morphologically related word clusters to evaluate the difference in results for concatenative and non-concatenative clusters. We also describe research carried out in morphological labelling, with a particular focus on the verb category. Two evaluations were carried out, one using an unseen dataset, and another one using a gold standard dataset which was manually labelled. The gold standard dataset was split into concatenative and non-concatenative to analyse the difference in results between the two morphological systems.


Crowd-sourcing evaluation of automatically acquired, morphologically related word groupings
Claudia Borg | Albert Gatt
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14)

The automatic discovery and clustering of morphologically related words is an important problem with several practical applications. This paper describes the evaluation of word clusters carried out through crowd-sourcing techniques for the Maltese language. The hybrid (Semitic-Romance) nature of Maltese morphology, together with the fact that no large-scale lexical resources are available for Maltese, make this an interesting and challenging problem.


Automatic Grammar Rule Extraction and Ranking for Definitions
Claudia Borg | Mike Rosner | Gordon J. Pace
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10)

Plain text corpora contain much information which can only be accessed through human annotation and semantic analysis, which is typically very time consuming to perform. Analysis of such texts at a syntactic or grammatical structure level can however extract some of this information in an automated manner, even if identifying effective rules can be extremely difficult. One such type of implicit information present in texts is that of definitional phrases and sentences. In this paper, we investigate the use of evolutionary algorithms to learn classifiers to discriminate between definitional and non-definitional sentences in non-technical texts, and show how effective grammar-based definition discriminators can be automatically learnt with minor human intervention.


Evolutionary Algorithms for Definition Extraction
Claudia Borg | Mike Rosner | Gordon Pace
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Definition Extraction