Amr Keleg


Automatically Discarding Straplines to Improve Data Quality for Abstractive News Summarization
Amr Keleg | Matthias Lindemann | Danyang Liu | Wanqiu Long | Bonnie L. Webber
Proceedings of NLP Power! The First Workshop on Efficient Benchmarking in NLP

Recent improvements in automatic news summarization fundamentally rely on large corpora of news articles and their summaries. These corpora are often constructed by scraping news websites, which results in including not only summaries but also other kinds of texts. Apart from more generic noise, we identify straplines as a form of text scraped from news websites that commonly turn out not to be summaries. The presence of these non-summaries threatens the validity of scraped corpora as benchmarks for news summarization. We have annotated extracts from two news sources that form part of the Newsroom corpus (Grusky et al., 2018), labeling those which were straplines, those which were summaries, and those which were both. We present a rule-based strapline detection method that achieves good performance on a manually annotated test set. Automatic evaluation indicates that removing straplines and noise from the training data of a news summarizer results in higher quality summaries, with improvements as high as 7 points ROUGE score.

SMASH at Qur’an QA 2022: Creating Better Faithful Data Splits for Low-resourced Question Answering Scenarios
Amr Keleg | Walid Magdy
Proceedinsg of the 5th Workshop on Open-Source Arabic Corpora and Processing Tools with Shared Tasks on Qur'an QA and Fine-Grained Hate Speech Detection

The Qur’an QA 2022 shared task aims at assessing the possibility of building systems that can extract answers to religious questions given relevant passages from the Holy Qur’an. This paper describes SMASH’s system that was used to participate in this shared task. Our experiments reveal a data leakage issue among the different splits of the dataset. This leakage problem hinders the reliability of using the models’ performance on the development dataset as a proxy for the ability of the models to generalize to new unseen samples. After creating better faithful splits from the original dataset, the basic strategy of fine-tuning a language model pretrained on classical Arabic text yielded the best performance on the new evaluation split. The results achieved by the model suggests that the small scale dataset is not enough to fine-tune large transformer-based language models in a way that generalizes well. Conversely, we believe that further attention could be paid to the type of questions that are being used to train the models given the sensitivity of the data.


An Unsupervised Method for Weighting Finite-state Morphological Analyzers
Amr Keleg | Francis Tyers | Nick Howell | Tommi Pirinen
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

Morphological analysis is one of the tasks that have been studied for years. Different techniques have been used to develop models for performing morphological analysis. Models based on finite state transducers have proved to be more suitable for languages with low available resources. In this paper, we have developed a method for weighting a morphological analyzer built using finite state transducers in order to disambiguate its results. The method is based on a word2vec model that is trained in a completely unsupervised way using raw untagged corpora and is able to capture the semantic meaning of the words. Most of the methods used for disambiguating the results of a morphological analyzer relied on having tagged corpora that need to manually built. Additionally, the method developed uses information about the token irrespective of its context unlike most of the other techniques that heavily rely on the word’s context to disambiguate its set of candidate analyses.

ASU_OPTO at OSACT4 - Offensive Language Detection for Arabic text
Amr Keleg | Samhaa R. El-Beltagy | Mahmoud Khalil
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Open-Source Arabic Corpora and Processing Tools, with a Shared Task on Offensive Language Detection

In the past years, toxic comments and offensive speech are polluting the internet and manual inspection of these comments is becoming a tiresome task to manage. Having a machine learning based model that is able to filter offensive Arabic content is of high need nowadays. In this paper, we describe the model that was submitted to the Shared Task on Offensive Language Detection that is organized by (The 4th Workshop on Open-Source Arabic Corpora and Processing Tools). Our model makes use transformer based model (BERT) to detect offensive content. We came in the fourth place in subtask A (detecting Offensive Speech) and in the third place in subtask B (detecting Hate Speech).