Alessio Palmero Aprosio

Also published as: Alessio Palmero Aprosio


KIND: an Italian Multi-Domain Dataset for Named Entity Recognition
Teresa Paccosi | Alessio Palmero Aprosio
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

In this paper we present KIND, an Italian dataset for Named-entity recognition. It contains more than one million tokens with annotation covering three classes: person, location, and organization. The dataset (around 600K tokens) mostly contains manual gold annotations in three different domains (news, literature, and political discourses) and a semi-automatically annotated part. The multi-domain feature is the main strength of the present work, offering a resource which covers different styles and language uses, as well as the largest Italian NER dataset with manual gold annotations. It represents an important resource for the training of NER systems in Italian. Texts and annotations are freely downloadable from the Github repository.

BERToldo, the Historical BERT for Italian
Alessio Palmero Aprosio | Stefano Menini | Sara Tonelli
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Language Technologies for Historical and Ancient Languages

Recent works in historical language processing have shown that transformer-based models can be successfully created using historical corpora, and that using them for analysing and classifying data from the past can be beneficial compared to standard transformer models. This has led to the creation of BERT-like models for different languages trained with digital repositories from the past. In this work we introduce the Italian version of historical BERT, which we call BERToldo. We evaluate the model on the task of PoS-tagging Dante Alighieri’s works, considering not only the tagger performance but also the model size and the time needed to train it. We also address the problem of duplicated data, which is rather common for languages with a limited availability of historical corpora. We show that deduplication reduces training time without affecting performance. The model and its smaller versions are all made available to the research community.


Erase and Rewind: Manual Correction of NLP Output through a Web Interface
Valentino Frasnelli | Lorenzo Bocchi | Alessio Palmero Aprosio
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations

In this paper, we present Tintful, an NLP annotation software that can be used both to manually annotate texts and to fix mistakes in NLP pipelines, such as Stanford CoreNLP. Using a paradigm similar to wiki-like systems, a user who notices some wrong annotation can easily fix it and submit the resulting (and right) entry back to the tool developers. Moreover, Tintful can be used to easily annotate data from scratch. The input documents do not need to be in a particular format: starting from the plain text, the sentences are first annotated with CoreNLP, then the user can edit the annotations and submit everything back through a user-friendly interface.

EasyTurk: A User-Friendly Interface for High-Quality Linguistic Annotation with Amazon Mechanical Turk
Lorenzo Bocchi | Valentino Frasnelli | Alessio Palmero Aprosio
Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations

Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT) has recently become one of the most popular crowd-sourcing platforms, allowing researchers from all over the world to create linguistic datasets quickly and at a relatively low cost. Amazon provides both a web interface and an API for AMT, but they are not very user-friendly and miss some features that can be useful for NLP researchers. In this paper, we present EasyTurk, a free tool that improves the potential of Amazon Mechanical Turk by adding to it some new features. The tool is free and released under an open source license.

Agreeing to Disagree: Annotating Offensive Language Datasets with Annotators’ Disagreement
Elisa Leonardelli | Stefano Menini | Alessio Palmero Aprosio | Marco Guerini | Sara Tonelli
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Since state-of-the-art approaches to offensive language detection rely on supervised learning, it is crucial to quickly adapt them to the continuously evolving scenario of social media. While several approaches have been proposed to tackle the problem from an algorithmic perspective, so to reduce the need for annotated data, less attention has been paid to the quality of these data. Following a trend that has emerged recently, we focus on the level of agreement among annotators while selecting data to create offensive language datasets, a task involving a high level of subjectivity. Our study comprises the creation of three novel datasets of English tweets covering different topics and having five crowd-sourced judgments each. We also present an extensive set of experiments showing that selecting training and test data according to different levels of annotators’ agreement has a strong effect on classifiers performance and robustness. Our findings are further validated in cross-domain experiments and studied using a popular benchmark dataset. We show that such hard cases, where low agreement is present, are not necessarily due to poor-quality annotation and we advocate for a higher presence of ambiguous cases in future datasets, in order to train more robust systems and better account for the different points of view expressed online.


FBK-DH at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Using Multi-channel BERT for Multilingual Offensive Language Detection
Camilla Casula | Alessio Palmero Aprosio | Stefano Menini | Sara Tonelli
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

In this paper we present our submission to sub-task A at SemEval 2020 Task 12: Multilingual Offensive Language Identification in Social Media (OffensEval2). For Danish, Turkish, Arabic and Greek, we develop an architecture based on transfer learning and relying on a two-channel BERT model, in which the English BERT and the multilingual one are combined after creating a machine-translated parallel corpus for each language in the task. For English, instead, we adopt a more standard, single-channel approach. We find that, in a multilingual scenario, with some languages having small training data, using parallel BERT models with machine translated data can give systems more stability, especially when dealing with noisy data. The fact that machine translation on social media data may not be perfect does not hurt the overall classification performance.

Adding Gesture, Posture and Facial Displays to the PoliModal Corpus of Political Interviews
Daniela Trotta | Alessio Palmero Aprosio | Sara Tonelli | Annibale Elia
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

This paper introduces a multimodal corpus in the political domain, which on top of transcribed face-to-face interviews presents the annotation of facial displays, hand gestures and body posture. While the fully annotated corpus consists of 3 interviews for a total of 90 minutes, it is extracted from a larger available corpus of 56 face-to-face interviews (14 hours) that has been manually annotated with information about metadata (i.e. tools used for the transcription, link to the interview etc.), pauses (used to mark a pause either between or within utterances), vocal expressions (marking non-lexical expressions such as burp and semi-lexical expressions such as primary interjections), deletions (false starts, repetitions and truncated words) and overlaps. In this work, we describe the additional level of annotation relating to nonverbal elements used by three Italian politicians belonging to three different political parties and who at the time of the talk-show were all candidates for the presidency of the Council of Minister. We also present the results of some analyses aimed at identifying existing relations between the proxemics phenomena and the linguistic structures in which they occur in order to capture recurring patterns and differences in the communication strategy.


Neural Text Simplification in Low-Resource Conditions Using Weak Supervision
Alessio Palmero Aprosio | Sara Tonelli | Marco Turchi | Matteo Negri | Mattia A. Di Gangi
Proceedings of the Workshop on Methods for Optimizing and Evaluating Neural Language Generation

Neural text simplification has gained increasing attention in the NLP community thanks to recent advancements in deep sequence-to-sequence learning. Most recent efforts with such a data-demanding paradigm have dealt with the English language, for which sizeable training datasets are currently available to deploy competitive models. Similar improvements on less resource-rich languages are conditioned either to intensive manual work to create training data, or to the design of effective automatic generation techniques to bypass the data acquisition bottleneck. Inspired by the machine translation field, in which synthetic parallel pairs generated from monolingual data yield significant improvements to neural models, in this paper we exploit large amounts of heterogeneous data to automatically select simple sentences, which are then used to create synthetic simplification pairs. We also evaluate other solutions, such as oversampling and the use of external word embeddings to be fed to the neural simplification system. Our approach is evaluated on Italian and Spanish, for which few thousand gold sentence pairs are available. The results show that these techniques yield performance improvements over a baseline sequence-to-sequence configuration.


MUSST: A Multilingual Syntactic Simplification Tool
Carolina Scarton | Alessio Palmero Aprosio | Sara Tonelli | Tamara Martín Wanton | Lucia Specia
Proceedings of the IJCNLP 2017, System Demonstrations

We describe MUSST, a multilingual syntactic simplification tool. The tool supports sentence simplifications for English, Italian and Spanish, and can be easily extended to other languages. Our implementation includes a set of general-purpose simplification rules, as well as a sentence selection module (to select sentences to be simplified) and a confidence model (to select only promising simplifications). The tool was implemented in the context of the European project SIMPATICO on text simplification for Public Administration (PA) texts. Our evaluation on sentences in the PA domain shows that we obtain correct simplifications for 76% of the simplified cases in English, 71% of the cases in Spanish. For Italian, the results are lower (38%) but the tool is still under development.


PreMOn: a Lemon Extension for Exposing Predicate Models as Linked Data
Francesco Corcoglioniti | Marco Rospocher | Alessio Palmero Aprosio | Sara Tonelli
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'16)

We introduce PreMOn (predicate model for ontologies), a linguistic resource for exposing predicate models (PropBank, NomBank, VerbNet, and FrameNet) and mappings between them (e.g, SemLink) as Linked Open Data. It consists of two components: (i) the PreMOn Ontology, an extension of the lemon model by the W3C Ontology-Lexica Community Group, that enables to homogeneously represent data from the various predicate models; and, (ii) the PreMOn Dataset, a collection of RDF datasets integrating various versions of the aforementioned predicate models and mapping resources. PreMOn is freely available and accessible online in different ways, including through a dedicated SPARQL endpoint.


Recognizing Biographical Sections in Wikipedia
Alessio Palmero Aprosio | Sara Tonelli
Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing