Yuxi Xie


Automatic Model Selection with Large Language Models for Reasoning
James Zhao | Yuxi Xie | Kenji Kawaguchi | Junxian He | Michael Xie
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Chain-of-Thought (CoT) and Program-Aided Language Models (PAL) represent two distinct reasoning methods, each with its own strengths. CoT employs natural language, offering flexibility and interpretability, while PAL utilizes programming language, yielding more structured and rigorous logic. We introduce a model selection method to combine the best of both worlds by employing a large language model (LLM) to dynamically select between them. Our theoretical analysis underscores the feasibility of this method, which is further corroborated by empirical results. Our proposed method demonstrates significant performance improvements across eight reasoning datasets with Codex, ChatGPT, and GPT-4. Additionally, our method is complementary to self-consistency; when integrated, it can further enhance performance while significantly reducing computation costs. Moreover, we achieve new state-of-the-art results on GSM8K and SVAMP, with respective accuracies of 96.8% and 93.7%.

ECHo: A Visio-Linguistic Dataset for Event Causality Inference via Human-Centric Reasoning
Yuxi Xie | Guanzhen Li | Min-Yen Kan
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

We introduce ECHo (Event Causality Inference via Human-Centric Reasoning), a diagnostic dataset of event causality inference grounded in visio-linguistic social scenarios. ECHo employs real-world human-centric deductive information building on a television crime drama. ECHo requires the Theory-of-Mind (ToM) ability to understand and reason about social interactions based on multimodal information. Using ECHo, we propose a unified Chain-of-Thought (CoT) framework to assess the reasoning capability of current AI systems. Our ToM-enhanced CoT pipeline accommodates various large foundation models in both zero-shot and few-shot visio-linguistic reasoning. We use this framework to scrutinize recent large foundation models such as InstructGPT and MiniGPT-4 on three diagnostic human-centric tasks. Further analysis demonstrates ECHo as a challenging dataset to expose imperfections and inconsistencies in reasoning. Our data and code are publicly available at [https://github.com/YuxiXie/ECHo](https://github.com/YuxiXie/ECHo).


Exploring Question-Specific Rewards for Generating Deep Questions
Yuxi Xie | Liangming Pan | Dongzhe Wang | Min-Yen Kan | Yansong Feng
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Recent question generation (QG) approaches often utilize the sequence-to-sequence framework (Seq2Seq) to optimize the log likelihood of ground-truth questions using teacher forcing. However, this training objective is inconsistent with actual question quality, which is often reflected by certain global properties such as whether the question can be answered by the document. As such, we directly optimize for QG-specific objectives via reinforcement learning to improve question quality. We design three different rewards that target to improve the fluency, relevance, and answerability of generated questions. We conduct both automatic and human evaluations in addition to thorough analysis to explore the effect of each QG-specific reward. We find that optimizing on question-specific rewards generally leads to better performance in automatic evaluation metrics. However, only the rewards that correlate well with human judgement (e.g., relevance) lead to real improvement in question quality. Optimizing for the others, especially answerability, introduces incorrect bias to the model, resulting in poorer question quality. The code is publicly available at https://github.com/YuxiXie/RL-for-Question-Generation.

Semantic Graphs for Generating Deep Questions
Liangming Pan | Yuxi Xie | Yansong Feng | Tat-Seng Chua | Min-Yen Kan
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

This paper proposes the problem of Deep Question Generation (DQG), which aims to generate complex questions that require reasoning over multiple pieces of information about the input passage. In order to capture the global structure of the document and facilitate reasoning, we propose a novel framework that first constructs a semantic-level graph for the input document and then encodes the semantic graph by introducing an attention-based GGNN (Att-GGNN). Afterward, we fuse the document-level and graph-level representations to perform joint training of content selection and question decoding. On the HotpotQA deep-question centric dataset, our model greatly improves performance over questions requiring reasoning over multiple facts, leading to state-of-the-art performance. The code is publicly available at https://github.com/WING-NUS/SG-Deep-Question-Generation.