Weiqing Wang


Generating Faithful Text From a Knowledge Graph with Noisy Reference Text
Tahsina Hashem | Weiqing Wang | Derry Tanti Wijaya | Mohammed Eunus Ali | Yuan-Fang Li
Proceedings of the 16th International Natural Language Generation Conference

Knowledge Graph (KG)-to-Text generation aims at generating fluent natural-language text that accurately represents the information of a given knowledge graph. While significant progress has been made in this task by exploiting the power of pre-trained language models (PLMs) with appropriate graph structure-aware modules, existing models still fall short of generating faithful text, especially when the ground-truth natural-language text contains additional information that is not present in the graph. In this paper, we develop a KG-to-text generation model that can generate faithful natural-language text from a given graph, in the presence of noisy reference text. Our framework incorporates two core ideas: Firstly, we utilize contrastive learning to enhance the model’s ability to differentiate between faithful and hallucinated information in the text, thereby encouraging the decoder to generate text that aligns with the input graph. Secondly, we empower the decoder to control the level of hallucination in the generated text by employing a controllable text generation technique. We evaluate our model’s performance through the standard quantitative metrics as well as a ChatGPT-based quantitative and qualitative analysis. Our evaluation demonstrates the superior performance of our model over state-of-the-art KG-to-text models on faithfulness.

On Robustness of Prompt-based Semantic Parsing with Large Pre-trained Language Model: An Empirical Study on Codex
Terry Yue Zhuo | Zhuang Li | Yujin Huang | Fatemeh Shiri | Weiqing Wang | Gholamreza Haffari | Yuan-Fang Li
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Semantic parsing is a technique aimed at constructing a structured representation of the meaning of a natural-language question. Recent advances in language models trained on code have shown superior performance in generating these representations compared to language models trained solely on natural language text. The existing fine-tuned neural semantic parsers are vulnerable to adversarial attacks on natural-language inputs. While it has been established that the robustness of smaller semantic parsers can be enhanced through adversarial training, this approach is not feasible for large language models in real-world scenarios, as it requires both substantial computational resources and expensive human annotation on in-domain semantic parsing data. This paper presents the first empirical study on the adversarial robustness of a prompt-based semantic parser based on CODEX, a stateof-the-art (SOTA) language model trained on code. Our results demonstrate that the large language model of code is vulnerable to carefully crafted adversarial examples. To overcome this challenge, we propose methods for enhancing robustness without requiring substantial amounts of labelled data or intensive computational resources.