Kang-il Lee


Leveraging Ensemble Techniques and Metadata for Subjective Knowledge-grounded Conversational Systems
Seongho Joo | Kang-il Lee | Kyungmin Min | Joongbo Shin | Janghoon Han | Seungpil Won | Kyomin Jung
Proceedings of The Eleventh Dialog System Technology Challenge

The goal of DSTC11 track 5 is to build task-oriented dialogue systems that can effectively utilize external knowledge sources such as FAQs and reviews. This year’s challenge differs from previous ones as it includes subjective knowledge snippets and requires multiple snippets for a single turn. We propose a pipeline system for the challenge focusing on entity tracking, knowledge selection and response generation. Specifically, we devise a novel heuristic to ensemble the outputs from the rule-based method and neural model for entity tracking and knowledge selection. We also leverage metadata information in the knowledge source to handle fine-grained user queries. Our approach achieved the first place in objective evaluation and the third place in human evaluation of DSTC11 track 5.

Weakly Supervised Semantic Parsing with Execution-based Spurious Program Filtering
Kang-il Lee | Segwang Kim | Kyomin Jung
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

The problem of spurious programs is a longstanding challenge when training a semantic parser from weak supervision. To eliminate such programs that have wrong semantics but correct denotation, existing methods focus on exploiting similarities between examples based on domain-specific knowledge. In this paper, we propose a domain-agnostic filtering mechanism based on program execution results. Specifically, for each program obtained through the search process, we first construct a representation that captures the program’s semantics as execution results under various inputs. Then, we run a majority vote on these representations to identify and filter out programs with significantly different semantics from the other programs. In particular, our method is orthogonal to the program search process so that it can easily augment any of the existing weakly supervised semantic parsing frameworks. Empirical evaluations on the Natural Language Visual Reasoning and WikiTableQuestions demonstrate that applying our method to the existing semantic parsers induces significantly improved performances.

Target-Agnostic Gender-Aware Contrastive Learning for Mitigating Bias in Multilingual Machine Translation
Minwoo Lee | Hyukhun Koh | Kang-il Lee | Dongdong Zhang | Minsung Kim | Kyomin Jung
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Gender bias is a significant issue in machine translation, leading to ongoing research efforts in developing bias mitigation techniques. However, most works focus on debiasing bilingual models without much consideration for multilingual systems. In this paper, we specifically target the gender bias issue of multilingual machine translation models for unambiguous cases where there is a single correct translation, and propose a bias mitigation method based on a novel approach. Specifically, we propose Gender-Aware Contrastive Learning, GACL, which encodes contextual gender information into the representations of non-explicit gender words. Our method is target language-agnostic and is applicable to pre-trained multilingual machine translation models via fine-tuning. Through multilingual evaluation, we show that our approach improves gender accuracy by a wide margin without hampering translation performance. We also observe that incorporated gender information transfers and benefits other target languages regarding gender accuracy. Finally, we demonstrate that our method is applicable and beneficial to models of various sizes.