Jongyoon Song


Model Intrinsic Features of Fine-tuning based Text Summarization Models for Factual Consistency
Jongyoon Song | Nohil Park | Bongkyu Hwang | Jaewoong Yun | Seongho Joe | Youngjune Gwon | Sungroh Yoon
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

In this study, we analyze the model intrinsic features of a summarization model by varying the fine-tuning objectives and datasets. We fine-tune BART models combining three fine-tuning objectives (negative log-likelihood, unlikelihood, and contrastive loss) and two datasets (CNN/DailyMail and XSum) and provide shuffled or aligned documents to observe changes in the model predictions and intrinsic features. We find that (i) the inductive bias for factual consistency during the fine-tuning procedure depends on both the objectives and datasets, and (ii) summarization models with relatively low factual consistency are more likely to model summaries that are not conditional to the documents. We demonstrate that splitting data based on the unconditional and conditional summary modeling difficulty affects the factual consistency and intrinsic features of the summarization models. Our experimental results highlight the importance of studying the inductive bias during fine-tuning for factual consistency.


Rare Tokens Degenerate All Tokens: Improving Neural Text Generation via Adaptive Gradient Gating for Rare Token Embeddings
Sangwon Yu | Jongyoon Song | Heeseung Kim | Seongmin Lee | Woo-Jong Ryu | Sungroh Yoon
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Recent studies have determined that the learned token embeddings of large-scale neural language models are degenerated to be anisotropic with a narrow-cone shape. This phenomenon, called the representation degeneration problem, facilitates an increase in the overall similarity between token embeddings that negatively affect the performance of the models. Although the existing methods that address the degeneration problem based on observations of the phenomenon triggered by the problem improves the performance of the text generation, the training dynamics of token embeddings behind the degeneration problem are still not explored. In this study, we analyze the training dynamics of the token embeddings focusing on rare token embedding. We demonstrate that the specific part of the gradient for rare token embeddings is the key cause of the degeneration problem for all tokens during training stage. Based on the analysis, we propose a novel method called, adaptive gradient gating(AGG). AGG addresses the degeneration problem by gating the specific part of the gradient for rare token embeddings. Experimental results from language modeling, word similarity, and machine translation tasks quantitatively and qualitatively verify the effectiveness of AGG.


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AligNART: Non-autoregressive Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Estimate Alignment and Translate
Jongyoon Song | Sungwon Kim | Sungroh Yoon
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Non-autoregressive neural machine translation (NART) models suffer from the multi-modality problem which causes translation inconsistency such as token repetition. Most recent approaches have attempted to solve this problem by implicitly modeling dependencies between outputs. In this paper, we introduce AligNART, which leverages full alignment information to explicitly reduce the modality of the target distribution. AligNART divides the machine translation task into (i) alignment estimation and (ii) translation with aligned decoder inputs, guiding the decoder to focus on simplified one-to-one translation. To alleviate the alignment estimation problem, we further propose a novel alignment decomposition method. Our experiments show that AligNART outperforms previous non-iterative NART models that focus on explicit modality reduction on WMT14 En↔De and WMT16 Ro→En. Furthermore, AligNART achieves BLEU scores comparable to those of the state-of-the-art connectionist temporal classification based models on WMT14 En↔De. We also observe that AligNART effectively addresses the token repetition problem even without sequence-level knowledge distillation.