Diego Antognini


pNLP-Mixer: an Efficient all-MLP Architecture for Language
Francesco Fusco | Damian Pascual | Peter Staar | Diego Antognini
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 5: Industry Track)

Large pre-trained language models based on transformer architectureƒhave drastically changed the natural language processing (NLP) landscape. However, deploying those models for on-device applications in constrained devices such as smart watches is completely impractical due to their size and inference cost. As an alternative to transformer-based architectures, recent work on efficient NLP has shown that weight-efficient models can attain competitive performance for simple tasks, such as slot filling and intent classification, with model sizes in the order of the megabyte. This work introduces the pNLP-Mixer architecture, an embedding-free MLP-Mixer model for on-device NLP that achieves high weight-efficiency thanks to a novel projection layer. We evaluate a pNLP-Mixer model of only one megabyte in size on two multi-lingual semantic parsing datasets, MTOP and multiATIS. Our quantized model achieves 99.4% and 97.8% the performance of mBERT on MTOP and multiATIS, while using 170x less parameters. Our model consistently beats the state-of-the-art of tiny models (pQRNN), which is twice as large, by a margin up to 7.8% on MTOP.

Extracting Text Representations for Terms and Phrases in Technical Domains
Francesco Fusco | Diego Antognini
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 5: Industry Track)

Extracting dense representations for terms and phrases is a task of great importance for knowledge discovery platforms targeting highly-technical fields. Dense representations are used as features for downstream components and have multiple applications ranging from ranking results in search to summarization. Common approaches to create dense representations include training domain-specific embeddings with self-supervised setups or using sentence encoder models trained over similarity tasks. In contrast to static embeddings, sentence encoders do not suffer from the out-of-vocabulary (OOV) problem, but impose significant computational costs. In this paper, we propose a fully unsupervised approach to text encoding that consists of training small character-based models with the objective of reconstructing large pre-trained embedding matrices. Models trained with this approach can not only match the quality of sentence encoders in technical domains, but are 5 times smaller and up to 10 times faster, even on high-end GPUs.

Assistive Recipe Editing through Critiquing
Diego Antognini | Shuyang Li | Boi Faltings | Julian McAuley
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

There has recently been growing interest in the automatic generation of cooking recipes that satisfy some form of dietary restrictions, thanks in part to the availability of online recipe data. Prior studies have used pre-trained language models, or relied on small paired recipe data (e.g., a recipe paired with a similar one that satisfies a dietary constraint). However, pre-trained language models generate inconsistent or incoherent recipes, and paired datasets are not available at scale. We address these deficiencies with RecipeCrit, a hierarchical denoising auto-encoder that edits recipes given ingredient-level critiques. The model is trained for recipe completion to learn semantic relationships within recipes. Our work’s main innovation is our unsupervised critiquing module that allows users to edit recipes by interacting with the predicted ingredients; the system iteratively rewrites recipes to satisfy users’ feedback. Experiments onthe Recipe1M recipe dataset show that our model can more effectively edit recipes compared to strong language-modeling baselines, creating recipes that satisfy user constraints and are more correct, serendipitous, coherent, and relevant as measured by human judges.


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Unsupervised Term Extraction for Highly Technical Domains
Francesco Fusco | Peter Staar | Diego Antognini
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Industry Track

Term extraction is an information extraction task at the root of knowledge discovery platforms. Developing term extractors that are able to generalize across very diverse and potentially highly technical domains is challenging, as annotations for domains requiring in-depth expertise are scarce and expensive to obtain. In this paper, we describe the term extraction subsystem of a commercial knowledge discovery platform that targets highly technical fields such as pharma, medical, and material science. To be able to generalize across domains, we introduce a fully unsupervised annotator (UA). It extracts terms by combining novel morphological signals from sub-word tokenization with term-to-topic and intra-term similarity metrics, computed using general-domain pre-trained sentence-encoders. The annotator is used to implement a weakly-supervised setup, where transformer-models are fine-tuned (or pre-trained) over the training data generated by running the UA over large unlabeled corpora. Our experiments demonstrate that our setup can improve the predictive performance while decreasing the inference latency on both CPUs and GPUs. Our annotators provide a very competitive baseline for all the cases where annotations are not available.


Rationalization through Concepts
Diego Antognini | Boi Faltings
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021


HotelRec: a Novel Very Large-Scale Hotel Recommendation Dataset
Diego Antognini | Boi Faltings
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

Today, recommender systems are an inevitable part of everyone’s daily digital routine and are present on most internet platforms. State-of-the-art deep learning-based models require a large number of data to achieve their best performance. Many datasets fulfilling this criterion have been proposed for multiple domains, such as Amazon products, restaurants, or beers. However, works and datasets in the hotel domain are limited: the largest hotel review dataset is below the million samples. Additionally, the hotel domain suffers from a higher data sparsity than traditional recommendation datasets and therefore, traditional collaborative-filtering approaches cannot be applied to such data. In this paper, we propose HotelRec, a very large-scale hotel recommendation dataset, based on TripAdvisor, containing 50 million reviews. To the best of our knowledge, HotelRec is the largest publicly available dataset in the hotel domain (50M versus 0.9M) and additionally, the largest recommendation dataset in a single domain and with textual reviews (50M versus 22M). We release HotelRec for further research: https://github.com/Diego999/HotelRec.

GameWikiSum: a Novel Large Multi-Document Summarization Dataset
Diego Antognini | Boi Faltings
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

Today’s research progress in the field of multi-document summarization is obstructed by the small number of available datasets. Since the acquisition of reference summaries is costly, existing datasets contain only hundreds of samples at most, resulting in heavy reliance on hand-crafted features or necessitating additional, manually annotated data. The lack of large corpora therefore hinders the development of sophisticated models. Additionally, most publicly available multi-document summarization corpora are in the news domain, and no analogous dataset exists in the video game domain. In this paper, we propose GameWikiSum, a new domain-specific dataset for multi-document summarization, which is one hundred times larger than commonly used datasets, and in another domain than news. Input documents consist of long professional video game reviews as well as references of their gameplay sections in Wikipedia pages. We analyze the proposed dataset and show that both abstractive and extractive models can be trained on it. We release GameWikiSum for further research: https://github.com/Diego999/GameWikiSum.


Learning to Create Sentence Semantic Relation Graphs for Multi-Document Summarization
Diego Antognini | Boi Faltings
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on New Frontiers in Summarization

Linking facts across documents is a challenging task, as the language used to express the same information in a sentence can vary significantly, which complicates the task of multi-document summarization. Consequently, existing approaches heavily rely on hand-crafted features, which are domain-dependent and hard to craft, or additional annotated data, which is costly to gather. To overcome these limitations, we present a novel method, which makes use of two types of sentence embeddings: universal embeddings, which are trained on a large unrelated corpus, and domain-specific embeddings, which are learned during training. To this end, we develop SemSentSum, a fully data-driven model able to leverage both types of sentence embeddings by building a sentence semantic relation graph. SemSentSum achieves competitive results on two types of summary, consisting of 665 bytes and 100 words. Unlike other state-of-the-art models, neither hand-crafted features nor additional annotated data are necessary, and the method is easily adaptable for other tasks. To our knowledge, we are the first to use multiple sentence embeddings for the task of multi-document summarization.