A. Gelbukh


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Language Identification at the Word Level in Code-Mixed Texts Using Character Sequence and Word Embedding
O. E. Ojo | A. Gelbukh | H. Calvo | A. Feldman | O. O. Adebanji | J. Armenta-Segura
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON): Shared Task on Word Level Language Identification in Code-mixed Kannada-English Texts

People often switch languages in conversations or written communication in order to communicate thoughts on social media platforms. The languages in texts of this type, also known as code-mixed texts, can be mixed at the sentence, word, or even sub-word level. In this paper, we address the problem of identifying language at the word level in code-mixed texts using a sequence of characters and word embedding. We feed machine learning and deep neural networks with a range of character-based and word-based text features as input. The data for this experiment was created by combining YouTube video comments from code-mixed Kannada and English (Kn-En) texts. The texts were pre-processed, split into words, and categorized as ‘Kannada’, ‘English’, ‘Mixed-Language’, ‘Name’, ‘Location’, and ‘Other’. The proposed techniques were able to learn from these features and were able to effectively identify the language of the words in the dataset. The proposed CK-Keras model with pre-trained Word2Vec embedding was our best-performing system, as it outperformed other methods when evaluated by the F1 scores.