Proceedings of the Workshop on Psycho-Computational Models of Human Language Acquisition
William Gregory Sakas (Editor)
- Anthology ID:
- W04-13
- Month:
- August 28th
- Year:
- 2004
- Address:
- Geneva, Switzerland
- Venue:
- WS
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- URL:
- DOI:
Proceedings of the Workshop on Psycho-Computational Models of Human Language Acquisition
William Gregory Sakas
A Quantitative Evaluation of Naturalistic Models of Language Acquisition; the Efficiency of the Triggering Learning Algorithm Compared to a Categorial Grammar Learner
Paula Buttery
On Statistical Parameter Setting
Damir Ćavar
Joshua Herring
Toshikazu Ikuta
Paul Rodrigues
Giancarlo Schrementi
Putting Meaning into Grammar Learning
Nancy Chang
Grammatical Inference and First Language Acquisition
Alexander Clark
A Developmental Model of Syntax Acquisition in the Construction Grammar Framework with Cross-Linguistic Validation in English and Japanese
Peter Ford Dominey
Toshio Inui
On the Acquisition of Phonological Representations
Elan B. Dresher
Statistics Learning and Universal Grammar: Modeling Word Segmentation
Timothy Gambell
Charles Yang
Modelling Syntactic Development in a Cross-Linguistic Context
Fernand Gobet
Daniel Freudenthal
Julian M. Pine
A Computational Model of Emergent Simple Syntax: Supporting the Natural Transition from the One-Word Stage to the Two-Word Stage
Kris Jack
Chris Reed
Annalu Waller
On a Possible Role for Pronouns in the Acquisition of Verbs
Aarre Laakso
Linda Smith
Some Tests of an Unsupervised Model of Language Acquisition
Bo Pedersen
Shimon Edelman
Zach Solan
David Horn
Modelling Atypical Syntax Processing
Michael S. C. Thomas
Martin Redington
Combining Utterance-Boundary and Predictability Approaches to Speech Segmentation
Aris Xanthos