William J. Corvey
Also published as: William Corvey
Foundations of a Multilayer Annotation Framework for Twitter Communications During Crisis Events
William J. Corvey
Sudha Verma
Sarah Vieweg
Martha Palmer
James H. Martin
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12)
In times of mass emergency, vast amounts of data are generated via computer-mediated communication (CMC) that are difficult to manually collect and organize into a coherent picture. Yet valuable information is broadcast, and can provide useful insight into time- and safety-critical situations if captured and analyzed efficiently and effectively. We describe a natural language processing component of the EPIC (Empowering the Public with Information in Crisis) Project infrastructure, designed to extract linguistic and behavioral information from tweet text to aid in the task of information integration. The system incorporates linguistic annotation, in the form of Named Entity Tagging, as well as behavioral annotations to capture tweets contributing to situational awareness and analyze the information type of the tweet content. We show classification results and describe future integration of these classifiers in the larger EPIC infrastructure.
Twitter in Mass Emergency: What NLP Can Contribute
William J. Corvey
Sarah Vieweg
Travis Rood
Martha Palmer
Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Linguistics in a World of Social Media
Building a Corpus of Temporal-Causal Structure
Steven Bethard
William Corvey
Sara Klingenstein
James H. Martin
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08)
While recent corpus annotation efforts cover a wide variety of semantic structures, work on temporal and causal relations is still in its early stages. Annotation efforts have typically considered either temporal relations or causal relations, but not both, and no corpora currently exist that allow the relation between temporals and causals to be examined empirically. We have annotated a corpus of 1000 event pairs for both temporal and causal relations, focusing on a relatively frequent construction in which the events are conjoined by the word and. Temporal relations were annotated using an extension of the BEFORE and AFTER scheme used in the TempEval competition, and causal relations were annotated using a scheme based on connective phrases like and as a result. The annotators achieved 81.2% agreement on temporal relations and 77.8% agreement on causal relations. Analysis of the resulting corpus revealed some interesting findings, for example, that over 30% of CAUSAL relations do not have an underlying BEFORE relation. The corpus was also explored using machine learning methods, and while model performance exceeded all baselines, the results suggested that simple grammatical cues may be insufficient for identifying the more difficult temporal and causal relations.
- James H. Martin 2
- Martha Palmer 2
- Sara Klingenstein 1
- Sarah Vieweg 2
- Steven Bethard 1
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