Beyond Error Categories: A Contextual Approach of Evaluating Emerging Spell and Grammar Checkers
Þórunn Arnardóttir
Svanhvít Lilja Ingólfsdóttir
Haukur Barri Símonarson
Hafsteinn Einarsson
Anton Karl Ingason
Vilhjálmur Þorsteinsson
Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Under-resourced Languages @ LREC-COLING 2024
Automatic spell and grammar checking can be done using various system architectures, and large language models have recently been used to solve the task with promising results. Here we describe a new method of creating test data to measure the performance of spell and grammar checkers, including large language models. Three types of test data represent different approaches to evaluation, from basic error detection to error correction with natural language explanations of the corrections made and error severity scores, which is the main novelty of this approach. These additions are especially useful when evaluating large language models. We present a spell and grammar checking test set for Icelandic in which the described approach is applied. The data consists of whole texts instead of discrete sentences, which facilitates evaluating context awareness of models. The resulting test set can be used to compare different spell and grammar checkers and is published under permissive licenses.
Evaluating a Universal Dependencies Conversion Pipeline for Icelandic
Þórunn Arnardóttir
Hinrik Hafsteinsson
Atli Jasonarson
Anton Ingason
Steinþór Steingrímsson
Proceedings of the 24th Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics (NoDaLiDa)
We describe the evaluation and development of a rule-based treebank conversion tool, UDConverter, which converts treebanks from the constituency-based PPCHE annotation scheme to the dependency-based Universal Dependencies (UD) scheme. The tool has already been used in the production of three UD treebanks, although no formal evaluation of the tool has been carried out as of yet. By manually correcting new output files from the converter and comparing them to the raw output, we measured the labeled attachment score (LAS) and unlabeled attachment score (UAS) of the converted texts. We obtain an LAS of 82.87 and a UAS of 87.91. In comparison to other tools, UDConverter currently provides the best results in automatic UD treebank creation for Icelandic.
Error Corpora for Different Informant Groups:Annotating and Analyzing Texts from L2 Speakers, People with Dyslexia and Children
Þórunn Arnardóttir
Isidora Glisic
Annika Simonsen
Lilja Stefánsdóttir
Anton Ingason
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON)
Error corpora are useful for many tasks, in particular for developing spell and grammar checking software and teaching material and tools. We present and compare three specialized Icelandic error corpora; the Icelandic L2 Error Corpus, the Icelandic Dyslexia Error Corpus, and the Icelandic Child Language Error Corpus. Each corpus contains texts written by speakers of a particular group; L2 speakers of Icelandic, people with dyslexia, and children aged 10 to 15. The corpora shed light on errors made by these groups and their frequencies, and all errors are manually labeled according to an annotation scheme. The corpora vary in size, consisting of errors ranging from 7,817 to 24,948, and are published under a CC BY 4.0 license. In this paper, we describe the corpora and their annotation scheme, and draw comparisons between their errors and their frequencies.
Developing a Spell and Grammar Checker for Icelandic using an Error Corpus
Hulda Óladóttir
Þórunn Arnardóttir
Anton Ingason
Vilhjálmur Þorsteinsson
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
A lack of datasets for spelling and grammatical error correction in Icelandic, along with language-specific issues, has caused a dearth of spell and grammar checking systems for the language. We present the first open-source spell and grammar checking tool for Icelandic, using an error corpus at all stages. This error corpus was in part created to aid in the development of the tool. The system is built with a rule-based tool stack comprising a tokenizer, a morphological tagger, and a parser. For token-level error annotation, tokenization rules, word lists, and a trigram model are used in error detection and correction. For sentence-level error annotation, we use specific error grammar rules in the parser as well as regex-like patterns to search syntax trees. The error corpus gives valuable insight into the errors typically made when Icelandic text is written, and guided each development phase in a test-driven manner. We assess the system’s performance with both automatic and human evaluation, using the test set in the error corpus as a reference in the automatic evaluation. The data in the error corpus development set proved useful in various ways for error detection and correction.
A Universal Dependencies Conversion Pipeline for a Penn-format Constituency Treebank
Þórunn Arnardóttir
Hinrik Hafsteinsson
Einar Freyr Sigurðsson
Kristín Bjarnadóttir
Anton Karl Ingason
Hildur Jónsdóttir
Steinþór Steingrímsson
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Universal Dependencies (UDW 2020)
The topic of this paper is a rule-based pipeline for converting constituency treebanks based on the Penn Treebank format to Universal Dependencies (UD). We describe an Icelandic constituency treebank, its annotation scheme and the UD scheme. The conversion is discussed, the methods used to deliver a fully automated UD corpus and complications involved. To show its applicability to corpora in different languages, we extend the pipeline and convert a Faroese constituency treebank to a UD corpus. The result is an open-source conversion tool, published under an Apache 2.0 license, applicable to a Penn-style treebank for conversion to a UD corpus, along with the two new UD corpora.