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This paper describes the systems of the CUNY-PKU team in SemEval 2019 Task 1: Cross-lingual Semantic Parsing with UCCA. We introduce a novel model by applying a cascaded MLP and BiLSTM model. Then, we ensemble multiple system-outputs by reparsing. In particular, we introduce a new decoding algorithm for building the UCCA representation. Our system won the first place in one track (French-20K-Open), second places in four tracks (English-Wiki-Open, English-20K-Open, German-20K-Open, and German-20K-Closed), and third place in one track (English-20K-Closed), among all seven tracks.
We present experiments for cross-domain semantic dependency analysis with a neural Maximum Subgraph parser. Our parser targets 1-endpoint-crossing, pagenumber-2 graphs which are a good fit to semantic dependency graphs, and utilizes an efficient dynamic programming algorithm for decoding. For disambiguation, the parser associates words with BiLSTM vectors and utilizes these vectors to assign scores to candidate dependencies. We conduct experiments on the data sets from SemEval 2015 as well as Chinese CCGBank. Our parser achieves very competitive results for both English and Chinese. To improve the parsing performance on cross-domain texts, we propose a data-oriented method to explore the linguistic generality encoded in English Resource Grammar, which is a precisionoriented, hand-crafted HPSG grammar, in an implicit way. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our data-oriented method across a wide range of conditions.
We propose a new Maximum Subgraph algorithm for first-order parsing to 1-endpoint-crossing, pagenumber-2 graphs. Our algorithm has two characteristics: (1) it separates the construction for noncrossing edges and crossing edges; (2) in a single construction step, whether to create a new arc is deterministic. These two characteristics make our algorithm relatively easy to be extended to incorporiate crossing-sensitive second-order features. We then introduce a new algorithm for quasi-second-order parsing. Experiments demonstrate that second-order features are helpful for Maximum Subgraph parsing.
We study the Maximum Subgraph problem in deep dependency parsing. We consider two restrictions to deep dependency graphs: (a) 1-endpoint-crossing and (b) pagenumber-2. Our main contribution is an exact algorithm that obtains maximum subgraphs satisfying both restrictions simultaneously in time O(n5). Moreover, ignoring one linguistically-rare structure descreases the complexity to O(n4). We also extend our quartic-time algorithm into a practical parser with a discriminative disambiguation model and evaluate its performance on four linguistic data sets used in semantic dependency parsing.