Oskar Kohonen
A Comparative Study of Minimally Supervised Morphological Segmentation
Teemu Ruokolainen
Oskar Kohonen
Kairit Sirts
Stig-Arne Grönroos
Mikko Kurimo
Sami Virpioja
Computational Linguistics, Volume 42, Issue 1 - March 2016
Creating Custom Taggers by Integrating Web Page Annotation and Machine Learning
Srikrishna Raamadhurai
Oskar Kohonen
Teemu Ruokolainen
Proceedings of COLING 2014, the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations
Painless Semi-Supervised Morphological Segmentation using Conditional Random Fields
Teemu Ruokolainen
Oskar Kohonen
Sami Virpioja
Mikko Kurimo
Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, volume 2: Short Papers
Supervised Morphological Segmentation in a Low-Resource Learning Setting using Conditional Random Fields
Teemu Ruokolainen
Oskar Kohonen
Sami Virpioja
Mikko Kurimo
Proceedings of the Seventeenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning
Using Topic Models in Content-Based News Recommender Systems
Tapio Luostarinen
Oskar Kohonen
Proceedings of the 19th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 2013)
Empirical Comparison of Evaluation Methods for Unsupervised Learning of Morphology
Sami Virpioja
Ville T. Turunen
Sebastian Spiegler
Oskar Kohonen
Mikko Kurimo
Traitement Automatique des Langues, Volume 52, Numéro 2 : Vers la morphologie et au-delà [Toward Morphology and beyond]
Evaluating the effect of word frequencies in a probabilistic generative model of morphology
Sami Virpioja
Oskar Kohonen
Krista Lagus
Proceedings of the 18th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 2011)
Semi-Supervised Learning of Concatenative Morphology
Oskar Kohonen
Sami Virpioja
Krista Lagus
Proceedings of the 11th Meeting of the ACL Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology
- Kairit Sirts 1
- Krista Lagus 2
- Mikko Kurimo 4
- Sami Virpioja 6
- Sebastian Spiegler 1
- show all...