Mark Mandel
Semi-Automated Named Entity Annotation
Kuzman Ganchev
Fernando Pereira
Mark Mandel
Steven Carroll
Peter White
Proceedings of the Linguistic Annotation Workshop
Parallel Entity and Treebank Annotation
Ann Bies
Seth Kulick
Mark Mandel
Proceedings of the Workshop on Frontiers in Corpus Annotations II: Pie in the Sky
Integrated Annotation for Biomedical Information Extraction
Seth Kulick
Ann Bies
Mark Liberman
Mark Mandel
Ryan McDonald
Martha Palmer
Andrew Schein
Lyle Ungar
Scott Winters
Pete White
HLT-NAACL 2004 Workshop: Linking Biological Literature, Ontologies and Databases
Language Identification via Large Vocabulary Speaker Independent Continuous Speech Recognition
Steve Lowe
Anne Demedts
Larry Gillick
Mark Mandel
Barbara Peskin
Human Language Technology: Proceedings of a Workshop held at Plainsboro, New Jersey, March 8-11, 1994
LINGSTAT: An Interactive, Machine-Aided Translation System
Jonathan Yamron
James Baker
Paul Bamberg
Haakon Chevalier
Taiko Dietzel
John Elder
Frank Kampmann
Mark Mandel
Linda Manganaro
Todd Margolis
Elizabeth Steele
Human Language Technology: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at Plainsboro, New Jersey, March 21-24, 1993
- Andrew Schein 1
- Ann Bies 2
- Anne Demedts 1
- Barbara Peskin 1
- Elizabeth Steele 1
- show all...
- Fernando Pereira 1
- Frank Kampmann 1
- Haakon Chevalier 1
- James Baker 1
- John Elder 1
- Jonathan Yamron 1
- Kuzman Ganchev 1
- Larry Gillick 1
- Linda Manganaro 1
- Lyle Ungar 1
- Mark Liberman 1
- Martha Palmer 1
- Paul Bamberg 1
- Peter White 2
- Ryan McDonald 1
- Scott Winters 1
- Seth Kulick 2
- Steve Lowe 1
- Steven Carroll 1
- Taiko Dietzel 1
- Todd Margolis 1